
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: What are the spotlight organizations for activities abroad

Let's Go Africa


Let’s Go Africa is a small scale, personal and innovative mediation agency with a unique placement programme for everyone that wants to experience a meaningful internship, minor or volunteer work in Africa. Noor and Roel van Hout have extensive work and life experience in Africa since 2006 and focus on long term development that is empowered by the people in the communities. We link people from around the world to local projects and organisations in Africa in order to foster international exchange, to enhance development and to make an impact on all parties involved.

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At Snowminds the entire team shares the same passion: Snow

  • Everyone on the team has done winter seasons, ranging from one winter season to more than nine.
  • Snowminds guides its ski and snowboard instructors from the trip to the ski pass, from the hotel to your contract.
  • At Snowminds everyone follows basic and further training to ultimately be as well prepared as possible to experience the different ski cultures in the world and to allow the Snowboard guests to enjoy the same passion.
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Werkzaamheden & Ervaringen Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

  • Heb jij ervaring in de hospitality-sector en wil jij wat extra ervaring opdoen en ook nog een mooie periode op Curaçao beleven? Dan zijn er verschillende mogelijkheden via deze organisatie.
  • Functies die kunn...


JoHo kan jouw hulp goed gebruiken! Je competenties verbeteren, je cv versterken en een bijdrage leveren aan een mooiere wereld. Bijvoorbeeld als studiemanager van jouw studiefase, als administratief medewerkers internationale zaken of als schrijver van college-aantekeningen of samenvattingen   ...


Wonen op een tropisch eiland en tegelijk werkervaring opdoen? Dit eiland ligt midden in de Indische Oceaan en staat bekend om zijn prachtige stranden en multiculturele bevolking. Kortom, een interessante en zeker geen alledaagse bestemming om stage te lopen. Ben je HBO of WO student? Dan kun je...



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JoHo is a development organization that aims to empower people and organizations to develop and work better together, thereby contributing to a tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, support is provided for personal development and international cooperation.

Wereldstage & Wereldstap

Al sinds 2000 regelt Wereldstage meeloopstages, projectstages en afstudeeropdrachten voor studenten op Curaçao. In de loop van de jaren zijn daar verschillende andere programma's en diensten bijgekomen zoals tussenjaarprogramma's, vrijwilligerswerkbemiddeling, werkbemiddeling en de begeleidin...


Since 2000, Wereldstage has been arranging internships, project placements and graduation assignments for students in Curaçao. Over the years, various other programs and services have been added, such as gap year programs, volunteer job placement, job placement and the guidance of professiona...

Het Andere Reizen

Het Andere Reizen is een organisatie die duurzaam en verantwoord reizen promoot. Naast de reisprogramma's worden ook diverse sociale en duurzame stages en vrijwlligersprojecten aangeboden.



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JoHo is a development organization that aims to empower people and organizations to develop and work better together, thereby contributing to a tolerant and sustainable world. Through physical and online platforms, support is provided for personal development and international cooperation.



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Spotlight content related to What are the spotlight organizations for activities abroad

Let’s Go Africa is a small scale, personal and innovative mediation agency with a unique placement programme for everyone that wants to experience a meaningful internship, minor or volunteer work in Africa. Noor and Roel van Hout have extensive work and life experience in Africa since 2006 and...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to What are the spotlight organizations for activities abroad
Spotlight organizations

At Snowminds the entire team shares the same passion: Snow

  • Everyone on the team has done winter seasons, ranging from one winter season to more than nine.
  • Snowminds guides its ski and snowboard instructors from the trip to the ski pass, from the hotel to your contract.
  • At ...


Let’s Go Africa is a small scale, personal and innovative mediation agency with a unique placement programme for everyone that wants to experience a meaningful internship, minor or volunteer work in Africa. Noor and Roel van Hout have extensive work and life experience in Africa since 2006 and...

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