Best travel time for weather, climate and activities abroad, and the worst time to go!


Best travel time and travel period for weather, climate and your activities abroad

Choosing the best travel time to go abroad

Choosing the best travel time to go abroad

Travel time and travel period

  • How do you choose when to travel?
  • How long is the best time to travel?
  • What should you consider when choosing a travel period?
  • When is the best time to go somewhere?
  • What should you pay attention to when it comes to special activities or regions?
  • What is the best and worst travel time and travel period in Africa?
  • What is the best and worst travel time and travel period in South America?
  • What is the best and worst travel time and travel period in Asia?
  • What should you consider when planning a wildlife vacation or wildlife spotting?
  • What is the best flight time?
  • When does the least amount of rain fall?
  • What is the best travel temperature and sea temperature?

Travel period and insurance

  • How can you be covered during natural disasters or evacuations?
  • How long can you stay insured if you stay abroad longer?
  • How do you solve problems abroad?
Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?

Planning your trip for travel abroad: where and when to go?

When to plan a travel trip?

  • When you are planning a trip it is important to know what is the best time to visit a specific country. It can be pretty disappointing to find out that it is actually rainy season, while you planned to spend a few weeks on a sunny tropical beach. When it is winter north of the equator, it is summer on the other side. The summer is not automatically the best time to visit certain areas. In short, when to go can be quite a complicated matter. When you are going to your dream destination make sure to check the weather and other conditions during the time of your visit!

What are tips concerning the travel time?

  • Often the rainy season in a tropical country is not as harmful as it seems (Indonesia, Thailand). Most of the time the weather is fine, unless you are very unlucky. Look for a destination where the weather differs per region, so that you can always escape from the rain.
  • Watch out for places that are known for extreme weather circumstances. Natural phenomenons such as hurricanes and cyclones are usually not a lot of fun.
  • If you are going scuba diving, make sure that during the time your visit the sea is not to rough, so that the visibility is clear.
  • In some areas it is important to be aware of common diseases, such as malaria and dengue, which are being spread during specific weather or seasons.
  • Going to Africa to see some wildlife? Make sure you plan your trip when the wildlife parks are open. You do not want to find out that the park is closed when you already in Tanzania.
  • Some places can be a lot of fun to visit during special events, such as carnival in Brasil, a mid-summer night party in Scandinavia etc. Sometimes it is better to avoid certain events. Try, for instance, to find a restaurant that is open during the Ramadan in a Muslim country.
  • Unfortunately our climate is changing, so you cannot completely rely on the information that is available. It happens more and more that locals tell you that it is the first time in thirty years that it is raining this early in the season or that they don’t understand where all the clouds are coming from.
  • People have different opinions about the best time to visit a specific region. Some people like to go to a place when it is 40 degrees Celsius, while other people already think 20 degrees Celsius is too hot.
  • Be aware of the difference between minimum and maximum temperatures. The minimum temperature in San Francisco in the summer is 12 degrees and the average temperature is 18 degrees. This means that in the evening you will need a sweater.
  • Be aware of height. Ecuador is a tropical country, but the capital Quito lies 3.000 meters above sea level. This means that it can be very warm during the day, but very chilly in the evening.
  • The temperature of the sea water can be much colder than the temperature of the air. The weather in Tunisia might be OK in February or March, but swimming can be very unpleasant at that time of the year.

How much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries?

  • For most travelers the answer to this question depends on their school, university, job, family, friends etc. The only question that really matters for them is how much time you need to visit a certain regions or countries. For people who are traveling for a few months or longer, there are some extra factors to take into consideration:
    • When does the travel tiredness strike? (the moment you are fed up with all those amazing temples)
    • What can you do to avoid travel tiredness?
    • When becomes traveling a "race"?
    • How long does it take to travel over land though a certain continent?

A week to two weeks

  • In recent years it has become much easier to take a shorter/in between break/holiday to a far away destination: you can go by car to Italy to go skiing (depending on where you are coming from). Cheap tickets are also available to countries in the Mediterranean sea and even to some Caribbean Islands. The downside of these cheap last minutes is that people run the risk of arriving at a destination where the water is freezing cold, temperatures are low or heavy rainfall spoils your stay.
  • Depending on the flight time the following destinations are suitable for a short holiday:
  • Between November and April/May: Sri Lanka, Maldives, Gambia/Senegal, Zanzibar, Goa, Caribbean Islands, Florida, Bali, Thailand and Mexico.
  • The temperature is not as stable but the Canary Islands, Jordan or the Red Sea (scuba diving) also great places for a one or two week holiday.

Three to four weeks

  • The best time to explore and get familiar with a country or a large part of a country is somewhere between three to four weeks. Even most “world” travelers do not stay much longer in a particular area. In three or four weeks you can easily travel around, visit a few cities and still have some time to relax and take it easy. Try to avoid areas where it will take up to 3 days to travel from one highlight to another.
  • The best destinations for three to four weeks on holiday are: Ecuador, Peru/Bolivia, Guatemala/Honduras, Southern Africa, China, Tibet, North India, Nepal, South India, Thailand, Malaysia, parts of Indonesia, Australia, New Zealand, the US West Coast.

From a few months to a year

  • How long should your world trip take? Do you need a year or is a month or four months sufficient? Of course this depends on your travel plan and your budget. In practice not many people manage to do a proper around-the-world trip in a year. Due to limited resources or time most world travelers will have to skip large parts of the world. If you would like to make a trip from Australia to India through South East Asia to India and China it is possible to do this in three to five months. When you do this you spend just as long in one country as it takes other world travelers to travel several continents.
  • Skipping expensive countries, such as Australia, New Zealand and North America, is a good way to save money, so that you can stay away for a longer time. The more time you have for your trip the easier it will be to change your plans completely or stay at one place for a longer period without ruining your plans.
  • When you are traveling for less than three months you probably don’t need an expensive travel insurance, tickets will be cheaper, it is easier and quicker to save the money for your trip and it will be much easier to fit into your study schedule or work.

Best travel times: what is de the best time to go to ...?


  • North Thailand: the best time is from November to February, least favorable seasons are from April to September. During the latter period South East Thailand is the best place to visit as well as the South.
  • South Thailand: best time to visit is March to May.
  • Laos: best time to visit is from November to February.
  • Myanmar(Burma): best time to visit is from November to February.
  • Indonesia: relatively calm weather, no extreme seasons.
  • Malaysia: only from November to January the weather is not as good as the rest of the year.
  • Himalaya: Eastern India: best from April to November.
  • Nepal and Western India: best time to visit October to December and February to April.
  • Tibet: best time to visit May to October. From November to March it can be (too) cold and there can be a lot of snow.
  • Mongolia: best time to visit from May to October.
  • China: best time to visit March/April and September/October.

Latin America

  • The Andes (Ecuador, Bolivia, and Peru): from June to September is the best time to visit, but this area is accessible during the whole year.
  • Bolivia: December to April in the Andes is the best. In the Amazon you will then be bothered by the mud, insects and other inconveniences.
  • Peru: it is better to avoid the months December to April when you want to visit Machu Picchu/Cuzco. The Amazon: May-July are the “best” times for a visit. From December to April it will rain even more than is usually does. During the rainy season in the Peruvian Amazon it rains two times a day on average, but in between the showers the weather will be fine.
  • Iguazu Falls: December-April is the best time for a visit.
  • Central America: best time to travel is from December to April/May, after these months the rainy season begins. Countries with nicer weather during these months are: Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala.


  • Southern Africa: April-September are the best for visiting. For Cape Town and the surrounding areas November-March are the best times to visit.
  • Eastern Africa: June to October is the best time for visiting, followed by December to February.
  • West Africa: November - December are the best time to visit.
  • The best times to visit the wild parks in Southern Africa are in the European (late) summer (during the dry season the animals will come out to the drinking spots where you can see them) but there are other good periods for a visit.


  • During the summer it can get very hot, but the other seasons the weather is usually fine.
  • Be aware that in winter the northern part can become ice cold and in the south it can get surprisingly cool.


  • Northern Europe: countries such as the Netherlands, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany are quite cold and humid to visit during the period November-March. These months are, however, ideal for skiing activities (In Switzerland, Austria etc.). April-September is a very pleasant time for traveling throughout Europe, as temperatures do not tend to be very high.
  • Southern Europe, including countries like Spain, Italy, Greece, France and Portugal, has a pleasant climate with sunny days throughout the year, although the summer months July and August can be unpleasantly warm on some days.

North America

  • Canada and Alaska can be very cold and dark during the period November-March. The period outside these months would be more suitable to visit these countries, but since it concerns such a wide area, there are a lot of regional differences.
  • The United States also varies per region, but in general has cold winters, hot summers and mild fall and spring seasons. The south can be very humid with sporadic rainfall and has two subtropical seasons, contrary to most states.
  • Mexico has a wet and a dry season, with warm and humid weather throughout the year. Mexico also has a hurricane season lasting from June through November.


What is the best time to go to central America, and what is the worst time?

What is the best time to go to central America, and what is the worst time?

What is the best time to travel in Belize and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in Belize and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for Belize?

  • Northern and central Belize have a tropical climate with dry and wet seasons, from June to November. Southern Belize has a tropical climate with year-round rain.

Best travel time in Belize 

  • November through May is the best time to go. During that period it is very sunny.

Worst travel time in Belize

  • From June to November there is high rainfall and tropical storms and hurricanes can occur. Travel is cheaper during this period though.

Hours of sunshine in Belize

  • The average number of sun hours per day is 7 hours.
What is the best time to travel in Costa Rica, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in Costa Rica, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for Costa Rica?

  • Costa Rica, like most other tropical countries, has two seasons.
  • The dry season lasts from December through April. The rest of the year is the wet season.
  • Actually, only in the highlands is the dry season really dry; in the rest of the country you can always count on a shower.
  • In central Costa Rica the average temperature is 22°C , on the coast and northwest the temperature is higher.

Best travel time in Costa Rica

  • March is the driest and least clammy period of the year, and the temperature is just right.
  • April and May are also pleasant.

Worst travel time in Mexico

  • June and July see the most rain, and it is especially muggy on the coast.
What is the best time to travel in El Salvador, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in El Salvador, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for El Salvador?

  • El Salvador has a climate with relatively few major temperature fluctuations throughout the year.
  • Precipitation is a more limiting factor for those traveling, living, studying or working through the country.
  • Altitude is also an influence, with stably warm conditions on the coast and in the lowlands, cooler mountain areas and freezing temperatures at the highest elevations.

Best travel time in El Salvador

  • From November to April is the dry season in El Salvador. It rains little then and the roads are in good condition.

Worst travel time in El Salvador

  • In the months of March and April it can get quite warm, before the wet season starts in May (through October).
What is the best time to travel in Guatemala and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in Guatemala and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for Guatemala?

  • Because of the differences in altitude, there is much difference in Guatemala's climate. Within a few hours you leave the cold mountains and arrive in the humid warmth of the coast. The higher you are, the cooler it is. Especially after the sun goes down, it can get chilly and even cold quickly. This starts as early as Antigua which is at about 1,700 meters. On the coast it is almost always sunny and humid hot, sometimes with intense but liberating thunderstorms.

Best travel time in Guatemala?

  • The most ideal time to travel is between mid-November and January. The rainy season leaves behind a green country, but the drawbacks of the rainy season (storms, impassable roads, flooding) are pretty much over.

Worst travel time in Guatemala?

  • The months of March and April, especially in the lower areas (Pacific coast, Tikal, Livingstone), are quite hot.

Hours of sunshine in Guatemala?

  • Count on about 8 hours a day of sunshine in the months of January and February and 2 hours a day in the months of June and July.

What is the best time to travel in Mexico, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in Mexico, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for Mexico?

  • In Mexico City, year-round temperatures fluctuate between 20 and 26 degrees during the day. Nights can be cold, but it almost never freezes. Merida (Yucatan) has a different climate. Here the temperature does not often fall below 28 degrees during the day. It also stays around 20 degrees Celsius at night almost all year. The higher-lying Monterrey in northeastern Mexico has greater fluctuations in temperature. In the summer months it gets 32 to 36 degrees during the day here, while in the winter months it is barely 20 degrees.

Best travel time in Mexico

  • The best travel time is from October to April, during the dry season.

Worst travel time in Mexico

  • In May, the rainy season begins in southern Mexico which continues in the north until October. This period is also hurricane season. It does not rain all day during the rainy season, but there are heavy showers daily. These are often heavy and short-lived. During this period it is often very hot and humid.

Hours of sunshine in Mexico

  • The number of sunshine hours in Mexico is between 2100 (Yucatàn) and 2300 (Plateau of Mexico) per year.

Sea temperature in Mexico

  • Between 20 and 25 degrees.
What is the best time to travel in Panama, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best time to travel in Panama, and what is the worst time to go?

What is the best travel and departure time for Panama?

  • Panama has a tropical climate, ranging from a tropical rainforest climate along the border areas with Costa Rica and Colombia to a monsoon climate in the west and a tropical savanna climate in central Panama. Wherever you go in Panama, everywhere is tropically warm with temperatures around 30 degrees.
  • In spring, from February to May, temperatures can reach 34-35 degrees. Because there is always a fairly high relative humidity, Panama always feels clammy and stuffy.
  • Most of Panama has a rainy season, which runs from early May to mid-December. With the exception of the rain forests, most rain falls in the form of often very heavy showers, which can sometimes last for several hours during the rainy season. In the tropical rain forests, there is a very good chance of prolonged rains during the monsoon period.

Best travel time in Panama

  • From December to April it does not rain as much, but during the rainy season from May to November there are a lot fewer tourists.

Worst travel time in Panama

  • Tropical storms and hurricanes can occur in Panama from June to November. Traveling in Panama is possible during this period, but it rains more and there is a greater chance of violent storms.

Hours of sunshine in Panama

  • Panama has an average of 6 to 7 hours of sunshine per day.

Sea temperature in Panama

  • The sea water temperature in Panama averages 27 degrees.


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