What are typical Panamese habits, food customs, recipes and philosophies in Panama.?

What are the customs in Panama regarding food?

  • Because there are so many different cultures in Panama, the country has a very varied cuisine. At small cafes you can often taste local specialties further, top international restaurants and American fast-food chains have also penetrated Panama.

What are the best recipes in Panama?

  • Try the specialty Ceviche. This is fish marinated in lime juice, onions and peppers.
  • Sancocho is a characteristic stew with chicken, meat and vegetables.
  • Gallo pinto is a dish consisting of rice and beans with pork sometimes added.
  • A popular dessert is a Raspado; a kind of white scones with condensed milk and syrup on top.

What are the best drinks in Panama?

  • The Ron Ponche is highly recommended. This is a milk and vanilla cocktail with rum.
  • Panama is rich in many fresh fruit juices: pineapple, papaya, mango and passion fruit juices are available everywhere. Both pure, and mixed with ice.
  • Panama produces Panama, Atlas, Soberana and Balboa beer.

What are notable holidays and festivals in Panama?

  • 'Feria de las Flores y del Cafe' is held every January and is the largest (and perhaps best) flower festival in the world. There are beautiful flower exhibits, food stalls and lots of live music.
  • During Santa Semana (holy week around Easter), religious processions are held throughout the country where participants wear beautiful colored clothes and hold up church statues.
  • The “Festival de los Diablos y Congos” is the festival of devils and Africans. It is held annually in March. It is historically the representation of good versus evil, or the struggle between the African slaves (good) and their Spanish overlord (the devil). Drumbeats and drumbeats depict escape attempts, rebellions and freedom songs are sung.
  • On Aug. 31, the “Feria Internacional del Mar” is celebrated. This annual festival celebrates all things sea, beach and fish.
  • Panama has no less than three independence days, but the most important celebration is on Nov. 3 and 4 in which lots of fireworks and parades celebrate the country's independence from Colombia.

What are the remarkable habits in Panama?

  • Family is key, it is all about the family, including extended family. Grandparents are often involved in raising children.
  • Fiestas are tradition, between 1 PM and 3 PM all shops are closed. People are resting.
  • Baseball is a very popular sport.
  • Strong sweet coffee is the way of life and drinking it included in daily habits.
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