My period at WIN till the 16th of November

Well it took some time for me to write all this, I hope you enjoy. I think this is the part most of you have waited for. I hope you will like it even if it isnt what you hoped for maybe (if your expectations are high)


Friday 7-11-2014
Yesterday it became very late because of the party. But I had to get up early to get my stuf together to catch the bus to WIN. So I had my alarm on 7:00 to pack my stuf. Most of it I kept in mij Back-pack and handback, so it were only some things I had to get together.
Around 8:00 I went with the group to the intersection where they had to cross it to go to WAP and I had to go left to get the the station of Victory Lines (the bus). I had understood from Kirsten that I would have to go to the end of the road, cross the busy street and then ask someone for directions.
So I did. When I which direction I had to go they pointed me to the right, so I went that way still unsure. I was so unsure that I messaged Kirsten a couple times but she also didnt know where it was. So I followed what I was pointed to by the people I asked.
I thoughed it would be close by, but further and further I had to walk, and I was still unsure if I was walking in the right direction, walking trough small streets (maybe not the correct patch^^) and asking people almost every 4 minutes which direction Victory Lines was. after around 1 hour since I left the hostel I arrived at the station.
There I messaged Kirsten that I had arrived at the station, I had asked someone there how late the bus would depart. He said at 9:30, so I bought a ticket and went inside the bus. I had the option to store my 15kg back-pack in the storage at the bottom of the bus, but because I liked to keep a eye on my belongings, and also because I wouldnt be able to get out of the bus fast enough if my back-pack would be taken out by someone. That I choose to take it with me inside the bus.
It wasnt handy in the bus and it didnt really help with sitting confortable. First I had the back on my lap, but that also became sore because it was the 15kg and also my small back of 5kg.

Suddenly I heard the name: Olongopo, and so I thoughed I had to get out at that stop, so I took my bags and went outside. went to the front of the station and right away a couple man asked if I needed a taxi, I said I would be picked up. Then they asked where I was going on which I replied: I am going to Olongapo. Lucky for me that they asked for they said I got out of the bus to soon. so I hurried back onto the bus that left less then 10 minutes later. so I asked multiple times when I had to get of, each time they said I had to get of at the last station.
So I was sitting not that confortable with my backs now between my legs (and half the walkway) just looking outside the window and taking pictures from what I saw.
Then we drove into a city and I heard Olongopo multiple times, (Olongopo ..(something), Olongapo (something else). So I began to wonder if I had to get out there. So I asked agian and they again replied that I had to get off at the last station. so we came to a parking space with more Victory Lines busses. I was still not sure and so went to the front of the bus to ask. there they said I had to get out there for this would be my stop. Apperently they meant the last stop in Olongapo and not of the bus itself, for next stop would be another city o_O'
And so I hurried back to my seat and picked up my back-pack and went of the bus. I messaged Sosana Rivera as I was said to do so that she could pick me up there. After some waiting and multiple people asking me if I need a taxi or other ways of public transport I got a call from Sosana. saying she sat in a white pick-up and soon we found each other (while still on the phone with each other^^), Brian was driving.
So I went into the car and we first drove to Royal (a big supermarket) so I could buy supplies. so I bought some bread (with little blocks of ham in it already o_O' (didnt tast well without something on it), a pack of 2L orangejus, butter (also for my malaria pills), chocolade past (some sort of Nutella), around 9L of water (a 5L and a 4L bottle), some lemonade powder, suncream, andsome more things.
After I had what I needed we went to El Kabayo Stables for a short bit, mostly to drop Sosana off there. After that Brian brought me to WIN where I put my things in my room and greeted everyone. Asked if I could help out with something, but they were already done for it was 17:30.
So I went to my room and went unpacking, looking for a way to put my musquito net up. I couldnt find a way and so asked them for help. we choose to rotate the bed 90 degrees so I could use the hooks that came with the net. THe bed was a bit small and and a top and feet end, so I couldnt stick my feet out. I thoughed to try it out first. if needed I could change it to another bed.
After some time the net hang and I had unpacked some stuff. We talked a bit and I asked what time they start in the morning and such things.

Saterday 8-11-2014
This first night I Didnt use the airco before I went to bed, and so I woke up sweating a lot around 3:00 because of the heat and could hardly sleep anymore till the morning. What also was the problem was the size of the bed, I think it was 180cm while I am 196cm. And it wasnt possible for me to stick my feet out at the end. So I only could lay on my sides what was also a warm way to lay on bed.
When I woke up the first thoughed trough my head was: what have I started, I was still tired from everything the day before and those malaria pills down help with it to (they can have a depressive effect). But while I became more awake and working it was all good again.
In the morning Maike took me under his care to show me how the food preperations was done for the animals (for the ducks, birds, Long-Tailed Macaques (berberapen), After that we gave it to the animals. Then I was only watching how they did it and just did what they said they wanted me to do.
After that I helped what I was allowed to do with cleaning the cages. For I wasnt allowed to go inside somewhat all of the cages because it was my first day and of course they didnt know me good enough for it, that I mostly helped with filling the waterbuckets, trowing away the feeces and observing the animals.
During late morning and also somewhere afternoon we would eat breakfast/lunch/brunch what most times would be rice, some meat or fish, noodles.
They have a wild Long-Tailed Macaque (berberaap) that electrocuded himself in the electrisitie poles a while before I came. His left underarm had to be amputated because it was beyond saving. He also has a wound from his right shoulder down to his legs (pictures will come later). Mike needed to catch him for they wanted to see how his left arm had healed and if it still needed a bandage. So I took my camera to take some pictures for their database and with it also for myself.
His arm had healed enough that it didnt need bandage anymore, he also had smaller wound on his feet and so they just cleaned it and put some disinfecting cream on it. After that they put him back in its cage.
Late afternoon we would prepare food for the Giant Fruit Bats (adults and also for the younger ones), Crested Serpent Eagle, White Bellied Sea Eagle, Brahminy Kite, Palm Civet, and the owls. After we prepared it we gave it to the animals (I mostly watched).

Sunday 9-11-2014
This time I cooled my room down before I went to bed, so it was around 20C when I went to bed. But around 3:00 I woke up again because my room got hot again. So I had to turn the airco on again for a 30 minutens to cool it down so I could fall asleep again. It wouldnt be good to keep the airco on while I slept for the room might get to cold and I slept under a very thin sheet. The airco also makes a lot of noise and so getting to sleep would be hard.
So I would just get out of bed and turn on the airco, go back into bed and read some manga while waiting till the room got cold again, And if I found it cold enough and the airco would still be running I would turn in on again (otherwise it would go off again on its own if the timer has been done.
Just as Saterday it was very hot and the humidity was also reasonable high (not as high as it would be when it rains, but it hasnt rained up till 14 nov yet).
Today I went with Brian to the release site where the last group Long-Tailed Macaque were released (the location is called: El Kabaya Waterfalls), We brought some food with us to leave there. because they where released around 2 a 3 months ago. So they are monotoring them to see if they can find their own food. at first they go there every other day, and that slowly decreases to fewer times a week. When I was there with Brian They didnt seem to be there at that time.
On our way back we went down to the waterfall because I really wanted to see them (I love waterfalls ^^). There I took some pictures and Brian took a couple of me sitting infront of it ^^.
We gathered all the fallen leaves and put them in the Paml Civet enclosure. Even though there is no winter here, a lot of leaves can fall down.

Monday 10-11-2014
Beside the normal work in the morning of preparing food and giving it to the animals. Helped out with cleaning some enclosures (couldnt help as much as I wanted for they down me to go in a lot of enclosures yet.
I went with Sellena and Brian to Royals again (a supermarket), they dropped me off for they needed to do something a bit further away. So I went shopping for some vegetables (Potatos, carrots, a can of ham, a leek (prei) and unions to prepare lunch another day. Other then that some water, and other things I needed.
I was done way sooner then that they were back, so I just waited outside (should have stayed inside because of the heat, but I thoughed it wasnt really possible anymore because my receipt was already checked and suchs.
When they came pick me up we went to Le Kabayo Stables first to drop Sellena off. after that we went back to WIN
After that I looked them feeding the birds. Cleaning the cups/planks/knifes/baskets that were used. cleaning the animal food prep

Tuesday 11-11-2014
Just like the other days since I arrived at WIN I got out of bed at 6:45 to shower and eat/drink. Most of the time I then still have like 10 to 15 minutes left till we start work at 7:30, in that time I I sometimes check my mail/skype or/and read some manga or I stand with the others here (but so far I never understood them for they are talking their own language).
After that we prepared the food for the animals, and giving it to them.
Today we put dry leaves and cut grass in the M4 enclosure, here the group of Long-Tailed Macaque (berberaap) that will be released next time (around Januari most likely).
Me and Mike started on worked on a mouse cage, we had to put chickenfence around it so they couldnt escape.
At the end of the day we feed the eagles, owls and bats. This time I was allowed to go into the cage  of the young bats. they are much slower and like to observe more then the adults do. I had to walk bend forward trought he enclosure, I had to do this so that they couldnt grab me. While I was scooping the food in the slides.
They came looking, one went and tast my hair, while another tried to grab my shoulder. and just before I left the enclosure I could step away just in time so the bat above me wouldnt piss on me.

Wensday 12-11-2014
Today started like normal, food prep and feeding the monkeys, birds.
Later we got a call that a owl flew against a window and so Brian went to pick it up. it was a Brown Hawk Owl (Nirox Fistulata). We didnt have a suitable cage for it, so I fixed a old cage with holes in the bottom with chickenfence. after I was done we got a branche and put shredded paper in it, also a cup with a few mealworms (meelwormen, maar dan dus wat groter, ik zal wel eens een foto uploaden^^).
The owl looked fine and so we released it again when it was dark at 19:00 (12:00 NL time). The owl flew away without a problem.
 me and Maike finished the mouse cage and filled it and put the mouse in it.
Other things we did was cleaning the surroundings and some enclosures.

Thursday 13-11-2014
The day started again like normal. We did a bit more cleaning and I crafted some small cardboard (karton) boxes from old big cardboard boxes where we got our food supply for the animals in. those boxes would be for the group that came later. a TV channel would come and around 14 girls (who would compete to become models. BTW: not my types, so dont have any thoughs).
That took most of the day and not much was possible to do because of it. Around the time they left it was also time to start preparing food for the bats and eagles/owls.
At the end of the day i helped out with cleaing the quarantaine.
In the evening me, Mark (the vet here), Dyane and Brian sat outside and talked a lot, while talking a shot glass went around. (it was a light brandy and so I didnt really notice much from it). We tried to take some pictures with my camera and my tablet wifi function. We had to add more light to our surroundings for it to make a good photo.

Friday 14-11-2014
Just like the other days the day started with the normal tasks, only a bit more tired because it became late the evening before. So it was a bit harder to consentrate during the work, but it went well beside that. The animals got their food and fresh water of course.
Today I took it a bit more easy, still helped out where could. Today there was also less to do.
Since the day I left (4th of November) till today I had been busy with different things. from traveling, to training to working. and before I left I was also busy with packing.
In the evening I went with the group to Olongapo to drop them off (closer to home) while I went to the supermarket, there I boughed some beer (Chimay, and 4 different Royal Dutch cans. I cant remember if I had them before but I think not. lastly I boughed a bottle of brandy light)
In the evening we drank 1 bottle of Chimay and the 2 light Royal Dutch cans. The Royal Dutch tast a bit sour which I like, but Sam, Conrad and Dyane werent used to it ^^.

Saterday 15-11-2014
That last thing really came to me saterday morning. I was really tired and couldnt really focus on things in the morning, and with being tired it was also harder to remember what I needed for the food prep. luckely I had some help with it^^.
After the feeding the others started on clearing a area of grass, branches, cutting branches from trees. The last thing was so that some animals could get more sun if they want, and at the same time the branches could be used with the Macaque (berberaap) their enclosers
The other work was to clean that place up, have room to build a fence and because the grass became to tall it had to be cut. This all took almost the whole day beside the food prep and feeding.
In the evening I was alone at WIN for a couple hours.  During that time we got a call, I didnt pick it up because: I am not from around here and so I dont know where is what, I only speak English and so most likely not be able to understand what they say, even if it is in English there is still the way they speak it that could make it not understandable. it was past closingtime also.
Half an hour later the phone rang again, this time I picked it up with the idea to say that no one beside me was here and that I couldnt help, so if possible they could call the next day or I could take a number so when Dyan and Mark came back they would be able to help.
It was (I believe) Sellena from El Kabayo Stables. She asked for Mark, who hadnt arrived back yet here at WIN. she said that one off their horses died. It was already sick and Mark was there and gave medican earlier that evening. sadly it didnt help anymore. When Mark and Dyane arrived at WIN I told them the sad news and Mark packed a lot of stuff to do a autopsie,
he had to wait for confirmation to do it before he left with Dyane to the stables. They came back very late while I was already sleeping.
Here I want to give my condolences to the caretakers of the horse.

Sunday 16-11-2014
Well we have arrived at the day I am writing this blog, I have also worked on it on other days in the evening mostly, and sometimes when there wasnt anything to do.
Today has been calm and there wasnt much to do. only me and 3 workers were here. So I had the chance of writing my blog so far. At the moment it is almost 15:00 here (8:00 NL time)
After eating something we will see what can be done and then feeding the bats and eagles/owls and civets. I already prepared the food for the bats and civets somewhere between I wrote this.
Last time we drank the light Royal dutch (8 and 10%) and we still have the 14 and 16% left, and also another bottle of Chimay. I wonder what they think of it^^. Keep in mind: their own strongest beer is the Red Horse which is 7%, so this is a bit higher (the Chimay is also 7%)

So that is it for now I think, who knows I add something if anything happens. otherwise it will be till next blog I think.
I dont know when that will be because I now had to write more then a week. and it isnt really something to have only day to day blogs. so I think it will be 1/2 a week to a week till next blog. unless something happens that I want to blog soon. we will see.

I tried to blog this but the internet is down again =_=' I went cleaning the quarantaine and food prep. so it is a while longer then it could have  been ^^


Follow the author: Harm
Comments, Compliments & Kudos

Ha broer,Opnieuw een leuke

Ha broer,Opnieuw een leuke blog. Het klinkt alsof je overdag maar druk bent met alle dagelijkse taken bij WIN. Zijn er nog projecten die je als vrijwilliger wilt afmaken (bijvoorbeeld het bouwen van iets) of lopen er niet echt projecten en zijn het vooral de dagelijkse taken waar je je voor kunt blijven inzetten? De eagles klinken inderdaad geweldig om van zo dichtbij mee te namen. Leuke foto ook van jou met de vleermuis :).Heb je nog overlegd of het mogelijk is nog wat dagen aan de slag te gaan bij OA? Wen je al een beetje aan de warmte? Heb je nog gezwommen en foto's gemaakt onderwater?Gezellig dat jullie een biertje hebben gedronken samen! Hopelijk kun je aankomende week wat vaker genieten van een rustig avondje met goed bier ;).Grote knuffel vanuit Wijk!

Hey zus,Fijn dat je het leuk

Hey zus,Fijn dat je het leuk vond. Overdag is er meestal wel wat te doen, en soms is er weinig te doen en doen we het ook rustiger aan.Er zijn momenteel niet echt projecten waarmee ik bezig kan. er wordt geen kooi gebouwd ofzo. Z willen wel graag een extra kooi, maar ik vermoed dat die er niet binnenkort zal komen. meestal krijgen ze de oude kooien van OA.Het is inderdaad wel mooi om zo dicht bij de dieren bezig te zijn. Ik heb ook wel mooie foto's van de eagles gemaakt, wie weet upload ik er 1 ofzo van ^^ het is vooral erg schattig hoe die vleermuizen je aankijken^^Ik heb alleen aangegeven dat het me leuk leek, maar nog niet de mogelijkheid gehad om er verder te overleggen met degene die daarover gaat. Ze is namelijk best druk en de keren dat ik haar zag/sprak had ze ook haast of was dus toen het paard overleden was. Maar moet het wel binnenkort gaan regelen. ik weet ook niet hoe het zit met slaapplek dan (of dat bij WIN blijft of dat ik naar OA verhuis ervoor. Dyane werk ook op OA en ze slaapt geregeld hier tot misschien wel elke keer. maar dat kan natuurlijk anders zijn voor vrijwilligers.Ik heb nog niet gezwommen, nog niet echt de kans voor gehad. bv gister stonden we met 4 personen waarvan er vooral 3 waren. 2 andere verzorgers hadden vrij genomen voor verschillende redenen. Verder moet ik kijken waar een mooie plek is om te zwemmen en hoe ik daar dan kom... heb nog niet met het openbaar vervoer gereist buiten die bus naar WIN.We hebben buiten die ene avond met Dyane, Mark en Brian, en de avond waar de enkele losse biertjes geprobeerd hadden, niks meer gedronken. we gaan wel zien wanneer we wat drinken. denk wel dat ik wat extra biertjes haal als ik bij de winkel ben ^^ wel even lekker om een biertje te nemen voor het slapen ^^grotere knuffel(heb toch de langste armen ^^) vanuit Olongapo


Hoi vent, fijn dat je een paar foto's geplaatst hebt. Geeft ons een beter beeld van waar je zit. Ik vind het mooi om die terrassen te zien waar ze waarschijnlijk rijst op verbouwen. Die aap ziet er wel wat triest uit met die wond en zonder handje. Ik ben benieuwd of die het in het wild gaat redden want klauteren lijkt met zo wel lastig.Spreek je weet,knuffels,papa

Ik zal kijken of ik

Ik zal kijken of ik binnenkort nog een paar kan toevoegen. ik had er al een paar geselecteerd. maar het kost best wat tijd om ze te uploaden =_='  maar zal binnenkort weer ernaar kijken.we hebben hier ook 1 waarvan 1 onderbeen mist en die verplaatst zich prima. en we hebben uit mijn hoofd nog 2 die een onderarm missen en die verplaatsen zich ook goed naar omstandigheid. goed genoeg om terug de natuur in te gaan vaak.


Verbazingwekkend zeg die aanpassing aan hun handicap. Kunnen wij nog wat van leren :-). Is dat allemaal door electrocutie? Ik heb trouwens op internet foto's gezien van die watervallen, zeer mooi! Totaal anders dan in Noorwegen omdat de natuur daar anders is maar het heeft echt iets paradijselijks. Ik ga nu werken en daar het droog is pak ik de motor. Knuffels, papa

Hai Harm, goed te lezen over

Hai Harm, goed te lezen over alles wat je meemaakt. Ben reuze benieuwd naar alle foto's. Wat sneu van het paard, weten ze al waardoor deze is overleden? Leuk dat we al enkele foto's kunnen zien. Ik heb ze ook aan Thomas en Maarten laten zien. Die van de aap vond Thomas heel zielig. De vleermuis vond hij heel leuk."Onze vleermuis is niet zo groot oma", we hadden een paar dagen eerder met het uitlaten van Kyra een vleermuis vlak bij ons zien vliegen, tja dan zijn die littles daar echt kanjers!Goh de helft van je avontuur zit er al weer op, wat gaat het snel! Hoop wel dat je de kans krijgt/neemt om dat nog te doen wat je heel graag wilt. Ben niet te bescheiden en vraag het aan ze. Het zou zomaar kunnen dat ze afwachten wat er van jouw kant komt. Met je ratjes gaat het prima, ze willen wat graag bij me klimmen. We kregen een rest rattenvoer van Marjo, die van haar zijn overleden. Het is dat gemengde voer. Daarvan geef ik af en toe wat en ze vinden het erg lekker. Ze zijn erg enthousiast als ik het voer 'verstop', nou ja voor zover ik het kan verstoppen ;-) In het begin stopte ze bij alles wat ze vonden en aten het meteen op. Inmiddels racen ze door de kooi op zoek naar het lekkerste hapje, slimme beestjes ;-) Tja en nu heb ik eindelijk eens persoonlijk een reactie gegeven en nu weet ik echt niet hoe ik die nu jouw richting op stuur en papa slaapt! De kolom your name en subject zijn nog empty, geen idee wat ik daar moet inschrijven. En nu lonkt daar rechtsonder het blokje save, maar ja is dat wel zo save als ik daar op aanklik ;-) En ik kan het jouw ook niet even vragen;-) Ik zet de computer maar in sluimertoestand en hoop dat alles beeldig wordt als papa weer wakker wordt, oh oh ik ben en blijf een computernurd ;-( Geniet ze daar en zorg ook voor je eigen avontuur en ontspanning. liefs mamsie Gitt

Het is inderdaad mooi om te

Het is inderdaad mooi om te zien, maar het moet ook want anders overleven ze niet in de natuur.Het beestje had geluk dat het vooral oppevlakkig over zijn lichaam ging (buiten zijn linker onderarm dan waarmee hij hoogstwaarschijnlijk het draad had gepakt.Ik vind de natuur hier ook fantasties, al mis ik ook erg de koelte en miner insecten van NL ^^. elke avond is het niks om in de kamer te zitten met wifi want daar zitten dan best veel insecten die dan op ge gaan zitten, over je heen lopen, tegen je hoofd vliegen of om je heen blijven vliegen..... En dan zetten ze leuk hier de deur open als het buiten donker is en binnen het licht aanstaat (welkom insecten, kom vooral binnen.. idee....)Knuffel Harm

insecten, bijen?, honing?

Zeker lastig die insecten vent maar zijn daar ook van die prettige insecten die ze bijen noemen en honing geven? Nog iets kunnen proeven.Vreemd om te bedenken dat je al bijna 3 weken daar bent, hier gaat de tijd snel maar ik weet niet of dat bij jou ook zo is. Ik ben, gezien de natuur, zeer benieuwd naar al je foto's en bijbehorende verhalen. Het zal niet meer zo lang duren voor je ze face tot face zal kunnen vertellen.Mama had een reactie gestuurd maar ik zie niet dat die binnengekomen is. Geniet ze nog daar. * papa

Ik heb nog geen imker gezien

Ik heb nog geen imker gezien en ook geen honing geproeft helaas, Tegelijk zie ik ook niet veel bloemen momenteel waar een bij iets aan heeft. Ik heb wel bijen gezien maar 100% zeker weet ik het niet, ze  zien er best anders uit dan in NL en ook groter. Ik zie ze alleen in de avond om een lamp vliegen of enkele binnen als ze de deur  hebben opengelaten.Aan de ene kant gaat de tijd snel, aan de andere kant gaat hij rustig aan aangezien ik elke dag gewerkt heb. Ik heb een heel stel foto's gemaakt van de bomen en natuur hier waar niet echt een verhaal aan zit. maar blijft mooi om te zien.Dan is er waarschijnlijk iets mis gegaan, misschien moet ze hem opnieuw typen dan.Ondertussen heb is gisteravond een nieuwe blog update gepost, veel lees plezierknuffel,Harm


Ik zie nu dat je eerder een reactie gegeven hebt mbt de honing. Misschien kun je ernaar vragen? Ik wil graag die foto's zien, ben benieuwd, wij zijn tenslotte nooit die kant op geweest.Spreek je weet,* papa

Ik zal binnenkort wat extra

Ik zal binnenkort wat extra foto's uploaded. het is jammergenoeg per foto een hoop werk. eerst foto uitzoeken (al een deel gedaan), aangeven dat je een foto wilt uploaden, titel geven, klein stukje erbij schrijven, naar foto laden gaan, daar foto binnenhalen, volgende venster is de naam van de foto aanpassen aangezien het kan zijn dan mensen hem willen opslaan. en daarna ga je terug naar dat eerste venster met de titel en geschreven stukje. waar de foto dan ook gelijk in geladen wordt. daarna het opslaan en controleren of het goed ging. dus per foto ben ik zeker 5 minuten bezig als het al neit naar de 10 minuten gaat of langer. totaal afhankelijk van hoeveel ik erbij typ.Ik zal binnenkort eens vragen qua de honing. al zoals ik al aangaf eerder heb ik niet echt veel bloemen hier gezien. meer blad dan bloem zegmaar. dus ik zou ook niet durven zeggen hoeveel bijen hier zouden kunnen halen...Ik sprak een bezoeker vandaag die aangaf dat als je een flink mooie ervaring wilt hebben hier, dat je dan naar de andere kant van Manilla moet gaan bij een strand gebied daar. zoals hij het beschreef wordt je van je sokken gebladen daar. Het zou ergens rondom de 500 euro kosten voor een dag+ goedkoope slaapplek (zonder vliegticket). en dat is voor mij een hoop geld. dus misschien als ik meer verdien/betere baan heb.KnuffelHarm

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