Common Mistakes You Must Avoid When Applying For Canadian Immigration

Migrating to Canada will be exciting and full of opportunities, especially if you are in search of a job or for higher education. However, we can not say the same for the immigration process. Every year thousands of people across the world apply for immigration for a fresh start and a better future for their families, and yet only a fraction of applicants make it to the final cut.

Moreover, submitting your form even with the slightest error can lead to rejection of your visa or might be asked to resubmit your application, which costs more money, time, and effort. Therefore it is extremely important to take services from a reliable and reputable consultant to complete the process without any errors. Below we have stated some common mistakes that you should avoid making while applying for Canadian Immigration along with ways how you can overcome them.

Using the wrong version of the application

One of the most common mistakes done by users is not verifying the version of the form application. It is important to double-check your form validity before you start filling in all your details. You can check Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) website for regular form updates and verify your application form validity. Ensure to submit the latest version of the immigration form in order to get your application approved.

Using different names

You must avoid using different names on your immigration application form. If you tend to use a different name on your current application than what you have used in your previous immigration documents, it is likely that your application might be rejected. In case of a name change, ensure to submit all the documents along with your immigration application form.

Improper information

Incomplete and improper information on your immigration application can be one of the biggest mistakes that you should avoid making. Ensure to review all your personal information before submitting your application forms such as your name, height, eye color, and date landing. This information should be the same for all your Canada PR applications. Further, you must make sure to include every page of your passport that you have held for the last 5 years, irrespective of the fact whether the passport is blank, expired, or you hold a passport of more than one country. The photo on your immigration forms must be current and cannot be older than one year. Take care of the size and requirements of the photo as it differs from your passport requirements.

Not translating your documents

At times, some of the top source countries of immigrants do not have English as their official language. Make sure all your required documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, and higher education certificates are translated into English or in French if mentioned. In addition, submit your affidavit from the translator along with your immigration application form.

Incomplete travel history

Your night travel outside Canada usually is counted as one day outside the country. So make sure to keep proper track of your travel history outside the country. You can take help from the travel log, guidance provided by the government of Canada to keep a track of your time spent outside the country.

Not seeking professional advice

It is extremely vital to seek professional help from an immigration lawyer in Toronto to strengthen your application and get it approved without any hassle. They can offer customized services along with all requirements taken care of. When you opt for services from a professional lawyer, you need not worry about the confidentiality of your personal information getting misplaced or used for the wrong purpose.

Hiring services from an unlicensed consultant

Hiring services from an unlicensed consultant can be risky, as you might not get financial security if anything goes wrong. Most consultants registered as Regulated Canadian Immigration  Consultants (RCIC) provide refunds for any mistakes done by them in the immigration process. It is compulsory for an RCIC to carry professional liability insurance for their customer protection.

These are the most common errors that applicants usually make while submitting their immigration applications. If you are looking for an immigration lawyer in Toronto, Canada you can visit the website of Chaudhary Law to book an appointment with experts who offer top-notch services and ensure to meet all your requirements.


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