Deviant Behavior


Sociologically, deviance is viewed as violation of both formal and informal social norms that characterized a certain culture or a certain environment. According to the essay questions and answers, the norms in this context are rules set by members of a given society, either in formally or informally, to guide their day to day lives. These norms guide on what is good and what is bad. Deviance is regarded as an aspect that may change time and place. Deviance is an aspect that relies on the reward or punishment that follows after the behavior. It tends to increase where the behavior does not attract any punishment or comment. On the other hand, if the surrounding environment reacts unfavorably to the behavior, it tends to subside.

When one is a child, they are under full custody of their parents. Therefore, they follow what the elders say as they see them as role models. Psychologists have established that parents form a foundation of their children’s behaviors as most of the children’s behaviors are adapted through emulation of the behaviors of the parents. At this stage of life, deviance is hardly seen in a person since he or she views the parents as the most perfect people. However, there is some form of deviance in children. Though this might go unnoticed by the parents or other elderly people in their environment, they tend to do some things that their parents warn them against. At this point, it can be concluded that deviance is driven by curiosity and not outright violation.

As people grow to become adolescents and young adults, deviance increases. According to psychiatry, it is at this stage of a person, life where thought are starting to get wild and broad. Adolescents have a narrow ideological line and therefore they tend to think that whatever they think is always right. In a normal child’s life, adolescents mark the onset of deviance. There is a tendency of freedom and independence among this group. Most of them feel that the provisions provided to them by their parents are a right and not favors. It is evident in high school students who change their behavior towards the teachers and other school staff members. Unlike childhood where school is seen as an obligation, adolescents see school as a favor to the parents. It is at this point where many children will start engaging in substance abuse. Unlike in childhood where simple violation is driven by mere curiosity, adolescent deviant acts are driven by curiosity as well as the need to shoe parents that they are independent and free. It is not surprising that adolescents cherish freedom and independence so much. Ironically, they do not use this freedom for good purposes. This is where narrow thinking differs from reflective thinking. Unlike adults who think reflectively, adolescents do not give enough room for adjustments. It increases the deviance level in this age group. As one grows both mentally, emotionally and physically, deviance reduces. This is because they try to engage in dialogue and consider other people’s ideas. This is what characterizes and adult, and differentiates an adult from a young adolescent.

Deviance also varies with place. At work places where certain work norms must be followed, deviance is usually low. It is because violation of the norms results in different forms of punishment. Such punishments may include pay cuts and loss of job opportunities. At school, students tend to be less deviant as compared to when they are at home. It is because; there might be harsh consequences that come with deviance in school than at home. Drug abusers will tend to be deviant at home and other places where law enforcement is not emphasized. However, this behavior changes when they are in correctional facilities. It is because, in these facilities, such behavior attracts severe punishment. In other cases, deviance among drug abusers reduces when they attend rehabilitation centers. It can be attributed to the professional approach used by the counselors and the therapists in the rehabilitation centers

Some of the social conditions also play a role in changes seen in deviance. Substance abusers tend to have deviant behavior wherever they are. Be it in prison, at home or in the hospital, the change in their deviance is hardly noticeable. As a result it is advised to use careful approaches when dealing with such people in rehabilitation centers. Children who suffer from medical conditions such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also fall under this category. Their deviant behavior seems to be constant in whatever place, unless they are served by professional who understand their medical situations. This aspect in ADHD suffering children is the main reason why most of them end up being juvenile deliquescent and criminals if not well treated. ADHD alters the normal behavior of a person. These people are socially incapable. They are poor in following simple instructions. Also, they express poor social skills and, therefore, being unable to interact socially well. If not attended, deviance in these people increase since they tend to think that what they are doing is the right way of doing things. The social norms in the society are defined as wrong in their world. Medicalization is vital way of dealing with this kind of deviance. It involves not only subjecting them to medical treatment, but also other things as well. It is a series of actions that may include sympathetic medical practitioners as well as the family of the patient.

Medicalization of Mental Health

It is a series of both medical and social actions that are aimed at changing deviance in a person. Mentally disturbed people have poor ability to adhere to social norms. As a result, they frequently find themselves on the wrong side of the law, mostly unintentionally. Consequently, psychiatrists, psychologists and other mental healthcare workers have devised a number of ways of helping this people improve on their ability to respect social norms. Medicalization has improved the way people study; provide diagnosis, prevention and treatment of mental conditions.

It has been noted that medicalization has provided a more effective way of dealing with deviance especially among drug abusers, alcoholics and mentally ill people. Psychiatry is a provider of the scientific guide to social control and medicalization of deviant behavior. Medicalization has been supported by feminists and other gay activists who observe that this approach has helped to reduce cases of child abuse and sexual violence. Use of professional coercive language seems to communicate sense in a deviant person unlike use of legal and brutal means which make them even more deviant after serving time. Actually, use of legal force to suppress deviance is seen to promote the paradigms that deviance is associated with sin, crime and sickness. There has been an increased emphasis in this treatment option, with even the legal arm of the government getting involved. The court system has established drug courts which mainly deal with issues concerning substance abuse. Convicts of these courts are given the necessary advice before further judgment. It includes allowing them to attend rehabilitation centers and visit psychotherapists. The court’s mandate is to ensure that the advice given to the patient is adhered to the latter. It makes sure that the abuser attends all the sessions and accesses the necessary medicalization services. In this way, the legal system has adjusted to ensure that there is full support of medicalization system. Therefore, this reduces deviance in patients with time as they are left with no choice but to follow the rule of law. Failure to adhere to the provision of the drug attracts normal court prosecution and jail terms.

In the initiation stages of initiating this approach, many movements viewed it as a sin. It was seen as a way of the governmental authorities intruding in the private life of a person. In the 1970s, this was a common topic of debate among the anti-psychiatrists, feminists and gay liberation movements. However, with time, this approach has been widely accepted across the divide. Even the clergymen refer to this approach to help curtail incidences of smoking in public, gambling, and alcohol abuse. Therefore, it is generally accepted that unless the whole society unites together to support this approach, it will be hard to realize the fruits of these efforts. It is an approach that involves almost everyone. The government plays its part by providing training facilities for the medical workers. The religious gatherings, which offer inspirational guide to its followers, greatly influence their decisions.

Deviance and Its Ramifications

In most case, deviance results from the need for social control. Deviance comes about as a result of one wanting to assert control over a social issue he or she feels is capable of handling. Some of these reasons are justified while some of them are not. Take for example in a working environment. The junior staff members may express deviance against the senior staff as a result of poor decision making on the part of the senior staff. As a result the junior staff wants to show better social control over the subject. Instance where there is unfairness in decision maki9ng in an organization may also attract deviance. If an organization effects salary increments and distributes the salary increments in an unfair manner, the disadvantaged workers will tend to be deviant. In this case, deviance is seen as a way of reacting to the unfairness of the system. In normal circumstances, such deviances are accepted and discussed. That is why, throughout the world, there are trade unions which look over the welfare of workers. When workers of are unhappy with the work provisions of an organization, they strike. It is a form of deviance since it is against the company or organization’s policy. However, if the workers give the right and reasonable reasons to strike, it ceases being illegal and becomes legally accepted. In other instances where the organization is against a strike, the workers go to court to seek a legal direction which allows them to strike. In this case, deviance is acceptable and is geared towards social control.

Deviance due to reaction can also be seen in street gangs and other juvenile deliquescent who feel like the economic situation is unfair to them. Even though this is socially and legally unacceptable, it involves a reaction. In many instances, people who are unable to access job opportunities resolve to criminal activities as a way of living. These people feel that they are justified to do what they do since the government has failed in its responsibility to offer employment and training opportunities. Some of the major criminal figures use crime as a way of pay-back. Internet hackers and other white collar criminals are very smart and can access employment opportunities when they wish to. However, some of them do this to get back at the specific organizations or even the government by destabilizing their database and paralyzing their activities. In this way the deviance is viewed to be a way of reaction.

In conclusion, though deviance is seen as a violation of the social rules and regulation, some people see it as a way of responding to unfairness and oppression. It has widely been observed in working environments, school settings and even correctional facilities. Deviance provides a way of communication

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