Fond memories about Kabayan mummies

My whole life I have been interested in mummies, one way or another. In my earliest memories I went to the Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden to look at the mummified persons and their coffins. I remember going to Londen, there is a huge selection of mummies as well. I have been to Egypt where the mummies are from. I thought Egypt was the only place they had mummies. Until I lived in the Philippines and discovered, they have mummies too! Man-made mummies.
Man-made mummies are found only in three places in the world. One of which is Kabayan, Benguet. Benguet is known to be the homeland of Igorot tribes in the Philippines. The so called fire-mummies are an extremely interesting cultural phenomenon within the cultural heritage of this region. The road to Kabayan is astonishingly beautiful, with mountains and different kinds of lush trees for a view.

I have been visiting Kabayan for a couple of times, since the area is so remote, they could use some help. I explored the area and met some leaders of the community. The day before I went to see the mummies myself, and I brought some dutch volunteers, I discovered that all the youth leaders from Kabayan, who were protecting the mummies, talked about mummies, lived near the mummies, but never went to see the mummies. I remember me saying, just rent a huge truck, so we can all go. It was special! And important, you can educate people from a book, but actually experiencing it yourself, is different. No words needed. Until today they will cherish this memory and they know what they are talking about. Go visit, you might meet one of the local tourleaders and you can check my story.

Practical info:

Location: Kabayan, Benguet, Philippines. You can either go to Kabayan with public transportation or you can arrange private transportation. In Kabayan, there is a very simple and small place where you can stay – The Cooperative. 
Specifics about cost, in- & excluded: The fee depends on the number of travelers per tour – inclusive of the local guide, transportation, and lunch. 
Timeframe: 2 days minimum.
What to bring: Warm clothes for cold nights, hiking shoes, cap/hat, sunblock lotion.


Some of our former volunteers went up to Kabayan and used their knowledge and shared stories:

'After Manilla we traveled to the mountain province. In Kabayan we met the local youth group. We ate with them, talked with them and together we visited the mummies high in the mountains. Els and me also gave a workshop for the local tourguides. About 50 people turned up, some of them had walked for hours to be present! We have seen some sad things and a lot of beautiful things. Altogether an experience I will never forget. There's not a day that I do not think about our adventure in The Philippines, if only for a minute.'

~Ewart and Els, The Netherlands

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