How does healthcare work in Venezuela, and what travel insurance, health insurance or expat insurance do you need?

How does the healthcare system work in Venezuela?

What is the quality of healthcare in Venezuela?

  • There used to be a time when Venezuela had one of the best healthcare systems in Latin America. Unfortunately, the situation has deteriorated significantly due to the economic crisis, which has led to a severe shortage of medicines, equipment and doctors. The country is in a healthcare crisis.
  • Healthcare in Venezuela consists of a public and a private system. The public system is even free, but foreigners in Venezuela are advised to use the private system.
  • Healthcare is very scarce outside the major cities.
  • In serious medical cases, medical evacuation to one of the neighboring countries is necessary. Make sure you have good insurance for this.
  • It is advised not to have blood transfusions in Venezuela due to the state of healthcare.
  • Pharmacies (farmacias) are everywhere, but due to the crisis, medicines in Venezuela are very scarce. Even basic medicines can be difficult to find. If you are dependent on certain medicines, it may be wise to bring them with you. Check the import regulations carefully. The emergency number for the ambulance is 911. It can help a lot to speak a few words of Spanish.

How does the public healthcare system work in Venezuela?

  • Officially, public healthcare is free or cheap for residents and expats in Venezuela. Unfortunately, due to the lack of funding and resources, the quality of care is currently very poor.
  • This can mean that you have to arrange your own medicines and even materials. Hospitals are struggling with shortages of even basic supplies such as gloves and medicines.
  • There are also long waiting times and specialist care is limited.

How does the private healthcare system work in Venezuela?

  • As in most countries, private healthcare is also considerably better in Venezuela. Especially in cities such as Caracas, Maracaibo and Valencia you can find well-trained doctors and modern equipment.
  • In private healthcare you have faster access to specialists and treatments. The quality of care is higher and the facilities are better.
  • You are also more likely to find an English-speaking doctor. However, most people who are able to choose to seek care in other countries such as Colombia or the US, because there can also be shortages in private healthcare and not all the equipment is always available.

How is the general practitioner arranged in Venezuela?

  • There is no real fixed general practitioner system in Venezuela. Many people simply go directly to a specialist in a hospital or seek help through private clinics. As a foreigner, you can find a permanent doctor, for example through a private hospital or clinic.

How is the dentist arranged in Venezuela?

  • If you live in Venezuela and you have problems with your teeth, it is wise to visit a private clinic.
  • Public dental care is also available, but is often not very good due to shortages of equipment and materials. In private clinics, the care is of reasonable to high quality.
  • Most foreigners and locals cover the costs of private care with private health insurance that provides dental care coverage. Another option is to pay for the care out of your own pocket. Basic care is reasonably affordable, but complex treatments can be quite expensive.
  • Often, other expats are the best source of advice on the best clinics in your city.

How is pregnancy care arranged in Venezuela?

  • Maternity care comes with quite a few challenges in Venezuela. In public hospitals, resources are scarce and care is currently very limited. This causes the child and certainly the maternal mortality rates to be quite high in the country. Many local women therefore go to neighboring countries to have their children here.
  • Reasonable care is available in the private sector, but here too resources can be limited. Good insurance is also essential because of the costs of maternity care in the private sector.
  • Most births take place in hospitals or clinics.
  • Abortion is legal under specific circumstances, but access to abortion treatments is limited. The country is also quite Christian-conservative, which influences public opinion on abortion.

How safe or unsafe is a trip or stay in Venezuela?

What should you pay attention to in terms of safety in Venezuela?

  • Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries in South America due to crime and political instability. Unfortunately, there are quite a few safety risks that are important to know when you want to move to Venezuela.
  • There are many street muggings, robberies, sexual violence and pickpocketing, especially in Caracas. It is also common for the perpetrators to carry weapons.
  • Foreigners and wealthy locals are also sometimes the target of kidnappings.
  • Unrest can arise during large demonstrations. It is therefore advisable to avoid these types of gatherings.
  • Terrorist groups are active at the country's borders with Colombia, Brazil and Guyana.
  • Due to the shortages in the country, long lines can form at shops.
  • Some tips: do not wear expensive jewelry or use expensive electronics in public, take official taxis (or Uber, for example) and avoid dangerous neighborhoods such as Petare in Caracas.
  • In terms of natural disasters, tropical storms and flooding can occur, especially during the rainy season.
  • And be careful if you plan to swim a few laps along the Caribbean coast. The current can be very strong here!

What should you look out for in terms of diseases in Venezuela?

  • There are some things to watch out for in terms of health in Venezuela. Especially with the less extensive health care system, it is important to prevent illness.
  • There can be multiple outbreaks of diseases, such as infectious diseases and mosquito-borne diseases. Especially in the rainy season and in certain areas, there are extra risks of malaria, dengue, zika and chikungunya. So wear mosquito-repellent clothing, use anti-mosquito spray and stay away from stagnant water and swampy areas.
  • Stray dogs are a problem in many cities and rabies is common in the country. So avoid contact with stray dogs and other wild animals to prevent bites or scratches. If something does happen, clean the wound immediately with soap and water and seek medical help immediately.
  • Tap water is not safe to drink. Always use bottled water, or boil your water thoroughly. Avoid uncooked vegetables and only eat well-cooked food. 
  • Discuss vaccination advice with a doctor in your home country well in advance. Also take your own first aid kit with you as a precaution, as medical supplies can be scarce.

What should you pay attention to when it comes to traffic in Venezuela?

  • Driving in Venezuela is not for everyone. Do you like a bit of chaos and bumpy roads? Then give it a try.
  • The roads are often poorly maintained. You will find many holes in the road and the lighting is poor. There is also little respect for traffic rules among locals. Drivers drive in their own, reckless way, which means that you have to be prepared for anything.
  • Petrol is dirt cheap, but can also be difficult to obtain due to shortages.
  • Buses and metros are cheap, but often unsafe. Taxis and private shuttles are better options.

What work and travel insurance policies are suitable for short and long stays in Venezuela?

  • Is the trip to Venezuela and your return sufficiently covered? Are you sufficiently covered before, during and after your activities? Which insurance best suits your trip and your activity? Read more about insurances for abroad on

What emigration and expat insurance can you take out for Venezuela if you are going to live there for a while?

  • A good, international health insurance is an absolute must for foreigners who stay in Venezuela for a longer period of time. Anything can happen and it is quite possible that medical evacuation is necessary. Without insurance, you will be faced with the less pleasant financial surprises.
  • Make sure your insurance covers medical evacuation as well as coverage in neighboring countries. Read more about insurances for abroad on
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