How to stay safe are the Philippines, and how to stay healhty?

What are important factors regarding medical emergencies?

Check updates regularly in regards to important phone numbers. Is a number stated here not relevant anymore? Please let us know!

  • Central Emergency Hotline: 911.
  • Public Complaint Hotline: 8888.
  • Inform your insurance company before going to the hospital, if possible.
  • Make sure you are aware of the location of good hospitals in your living area.
  • Make sure you are aware of the regulations of your health insurance.

What are important factors to consider in regards to theft?

  • Criminal activity is in decline in the Philippines but it is always good to be careful.
  • Especially in the big cities foreigners tend to attract pickpockets.
  • If you do get robbed make sure you file a police report with your name on it, at the police office that covers the area in which the robbery happened.
  • Make sure you are aware of the regulations of your insurance in regards to theft.

What are important factors to consider in regards to natural disasters?

  • Check the official website of the Philippine government with reliable information in regards to natural disasters.


  • Typhoons are common in the Philippines.
  • The highest activity of typhoons is seen from July through September, with August being the most active month.
  • Schools are regularly cancelled during these months when the storm signal increases.
  • Most common areas impacted are Northern Luzon and Eastern Visayas.
  • During typhoons big cities tend to flood, sometimes making it impossible to travel to work.

Best things to do: preparation and/or in case of a typhoon


  • Inspect your house for possible repairs (esp. roof).
  • Clean drainage to avoid clogging.
  • Store supplies; food, water, flashlight, batteries, and medical supplies. Canned goods are ideal for food.
  • When living in a hazard prone or risk area, you should evacuate as early as possible.
  • Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/tv/internet).
  • When living in a flood prone area, move electric appliances to safe, high-up areas.


  • Stay inside and stay calm. Avoid travel.
  • Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/TV/internet).
  • Don't operate electric appliances during flood.
  • Avoid wading through flooded areas to avoid water-transmitted diseases.
  • Close the windows and turn off the main power switch.
  • Avoid the way leading to or along the river.


  • Keep up-to-date with the weather forecast (radio/tv/internet).
  • If your house was damaged, make sure that it is already safe and stable when you enter.
  • Watch out for live wires or outlet immersed in water.
  • Boil water before drinking it to avoid diseases.
  • Do not let water accumulate in tires, cans or pots to avoid creating a favorable condition for mosquito breeding that can cause dengue.


  • For the past years, earthquakes with magnitudes as high as 8 have brought destruction to different areas in the Philippines.
  • The country is located along the Pacific Ocean’s Ring of Fire – a 40,000 kilometer circle of interconnected fault lines around the Pacific Ocean, where seismic activities such as earthquakes occur on a daily basis.
  • Nearly all the islands are prone to and have been visited by earthquakes.
  • To educate the public and to prepare for the “Big One,” the government authorities regularly organize metro-wide earthquake drills

Best things to do: preparation and/or in case of an earthquake


  • Know the earthquake hazards in the area.
  • Be conscious of the structural integrity of the house.
  • Set up furniture and appliances in a way that they will not topple when there is a strong ground shaking.
  • Prepare emergency bag/kit for each member of the family.
  • Participate in earthquake drills.


  • Stay calm, do not panic.
  • Stay indoors if you are already within a structurally sound building or home.
    • if possible, quickly open a door for exit.
    • duck under a sturdy desk or table, and hold on to it, or protect your head with your arms.
    • stay away from glass windows, shelves, cabinets, and other heavy objects.
    • beware of falling objects. Be alert and keep your eyes open.
  • If you are outside, move to an open area.
    • stay away from trees, power lines, posts, and concrete structures.
    • move away from steep slopes which may be affected by landslides.
    • if near the shore and feeling an earthquake, especially a strong one, quickly move to higher grounds in anticipation of possible tsunamis.
  • If you are in a moving vehicle: stop and get out: do not attempt to cross bridges, overpasses and flyovers which may have been damaged.


  • After the earthquake: take the fastest and safest way out of the building; one should not use elevators, enter damaged buildings, or use telephones unless necessary.

What are important safety tips to consider when living and traveling in the Philippines?

  • Don't walk around flashing expensive gadgets and jewellery as it might attract unwanted attention.
  • Try to avoid using gadgets when commuting.
  • Bring a simple ID-Card for identification purposes, that way you can avoid travelling around with important official documents like a passport.
  • If possible try to separate several payment methods (different ATM-cards, credit cards) so that when something happens you don't lose all your ways of payment at once.


How do you get things done in the Philippines?

  • Getting things done in the Philippines usually means using your network and personal contacts: things that seem impossible for one person turn out to be relatively easy for the other. And something that seems impossible on paper is usually possible in some other way. Most of the rules are interpreted as a suggestion, which you can follow or not.
  • For most things it is advisable to use a local Filipino friend or acquaintance that you trust.
  • Whatever you need to arrange: always pay the utmost respect to the person that you need help from and try to avoid causing the other to loose 'face'.
  • When a difference in opinion arises, try to let go of your own principles; find a way that saves people from losing face and is acceptable for everyone: that way their official strict way of doing business can change into a more flexible attitude.

How do you get business things done in the Philippines?

  • Tips mentioned above also apply when you are taking care of your business.
  • Relationships grow over time, patience is very important.


How does the medical system work in the Philippines?

  • General:
    • In 2013 the Philippines passed the Universal Healthcare Bill, which promises health insurance for all Philippine nationals, especially the poor.
    • Philhealth is a health insurance coverage system that is part of the Department of Health. Their goal is to provide health insurance coverage and ensure affordable, acceptable, available and accessible healthcare services for all citizens of the Philippines.
    • In some circumstances expats can avail of the Philhealth. However, in most cases expats are required to purchase private health insurance.
    • The quality of institutions can differ significantly and it is therefore advised to check which institutions are known for having high quality services.
  • General practitioners:
    • Quality of care is best in Manila.
    • Most medical practitioners in the Philippines come from respectable Universities in the Philippines and studied in U.S. medical schools.
  • Dentists:
    • In the Philippines you can find good quality dentists for a cheap price. Make sure to check online which dental practices are known for their quality.
    • Quality dentists can be easily found in Manila, and equipment and techniques are up to par with international standards.
  • Hospital or clinic:
    • When looking for a hospital and clinic try to find one that is JCI-accredited. This is an international accreditation that guarantees quality on an international level.
    • In the recent years there has been an increase in demand for health care and hospitals are having a hard time to keep up, leading to understaffed hospitals in some cases.
  • Midwifery & maternity care:
    • In line with previous statements you should always check online to ascertain where to find the reputable clinics and specialists.
  • Consultation agencies
    • Due to the variety of healthcare providers there are several consultation agencies that can provide you with more specific advice, you can easily find these online

Orient yourself before your departure

  • It is expedient, when going abroad to the Philippines for a longer time, to orient yourself before you leave to the available hospitals in your living area.
  • Which hospitals can be found nearby? What kind of experiences do other foreigners have with these hospitals?
  • Which hospital or specialist do I trust?
  • Which (international) standards are being practised? What is the level of English? Does the clinic have a special expat section?
  • How big are the rooms? Do I have to share a room?
  • Is treatment in your preferred hospital covered by your (international) health insurance? What are the restrictions?


  • When an emergency occurs you ask -if possible- the alarm centre of your health insurance to which clinic or hospital you should go for further treatment.

What is the process for visiting a family doctor or specialist in the Philippines?

  • In most cases when people are ill they visit the hospital, where a doctor on call can give you advice which is similar to when you visit a family doctor.
  • If a specialist is needed inform yourself beforehand what hospitals are reliable and offer good quality in regards to the specialist you are looking for.

Are pharmaceuticals easily available in the Philippines?

  • Pharmaceuticals are popular in the Philippines and it is a big business.
  • On most corners you can find pharmacies that sell standard over the counter drugs.
  • In most pharmacies you can find prescription drugs; usually a prescription from a local doctor is required.

What are important things to consider in regards to safety when visiting in the Philippines?

  • Be wary of pickpockets. When carry a back bag place it in front of you when in crowded areas.
  • Try to travel in groups during night time.
  • When taking public taxis make sure you write down the license plate in case something happens.

How do you declare stolen goods in the Philippines?

  • When goods are stolen you should file a police report at the police station that covers the area where the theft happened.
  • The official police report is one of the requirements you have to provide to your insurance company when making a claim of stolen goods.
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Travel, living and working in The Philippines - Theme

Travel, living and working in The Philippines - Theme

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Moving and living in Philippines for work, internships, volunteering, study, travel or backpacking

The Philippines consists of 7,107 islands, of which only a part is inhabited. You will find many Bounty beaches and an amazing underwater world where you can snorkel with whale sharks, for example. Visit one of the small uninhabited islands and imagine yourself in paradise

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