My volunteer experiences

India with Global Exploration

In 2010 I had the pleasure to go on an Alumni Travel with Global Exploration to India, where we mainly worked in the village of Hope, a little City near Delhi that holds home to people with Lepracy as they are not accepted amongst the others. In this village we helped cleaning up, but also helped the medical staff to treat the wounds of the patients.

Peru with Xplore

Peru with Xplore was the first travel with a social meaning I made in my life. With 20 students around the age of 17 we traveled to Peru to be involved in development aid for one month. We painted schools, build new ones, teached english, help rebuilding villages, played with the children, shortly said tried to participating in making this world a better place and learn about the importance of development aid, as together we make one world.

Internship at Vrijwilligers Wereldwijd Vietnam

During 2013 I studied at the Academy for Creative Industries, in this fulltime study I had the chance to choose my own minor course for about six months. As a minor I studied Global Development Issues, a course that focused on development issues regarding world food issues, health issues etc. Five months of the course where conducted in the Netherlands and the last month was abroad on a project of choice. I'd chosen to travel to  Can Tho, Vietnam with Vrijwillig Wereldwijd to conduct my final project on the projects in the Mekong Delta which varied from Teaching English to feeding people in the charity hospital and from the city orphanes till the pagoda children

Nepal with Global Exploration

Again with Global Exploration Alumni travel I went to Nepal with the main goal of helping the people of Nepal. Mainly focuses on the Kathmandu & Pokhara area we helped building schools for the children and teaching them English, a wonderfull experience. 


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