What are the 6 main reasons for emigrating or moving abroad for an extended period of time?

Motives for emigrating or moving abroad for an extended period of time?

What do you want to achieve in essence?

  • First of all, determine the main purpose of the long stay abroad or emigration for you and any partner and children: what do you want to achieve in essence?
  • Keep this main goal in mind; consider at all stages of your preparation, but also regularly after arrival abroad, whether you are still in line with that main goal. Or is it perhaps time to adjust your main goal?
  • Underlying motivations, like the main goal, are of course personal.

To get you started with your personal list, below is a list of the 6 "advantages" that many emigrants name

  1. the long-awaited adventure: everything will be new, everything will be different.
  2. more space, more beautiful or more easily accessible nature.
  3. you are closer as a family, you have more time for each other and for the children.
  4. less rat race, less career, less wanting more.
  5. people in your new environment often give you the benefit of the doubt, because you dare to take the step.
  6. more freedom and less hassle to start your own business.

and if it doesn't work out...you can always go back again...


"Life consists of chapters. Our children were heading toward high school and we were thinking about their and our future in another place. It was searching for the next phase in our lives, with less time in the office and fewer emails. And above all, we wanted to avoid those long gray winters."

Spain emigrant

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Supporting content on WorldSupporter
Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme

Checklists for emigrants, nomads and expats - WorldSupporter Theme


You usually only emigrate once and even if you do it more often, the preparation takes quite a lot of work. JoHo has put together a handy checklist, so that you can get an idea of the arrangements that await you. The exact interpretation of each subject varies greatly from person to person. Please share your experience with your

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