WorldSupporter: what to do when you are a JoHo member but not able to read all summaries and exclusives?

What to do when you are a JoHo member but not able to read all summaries and exclusives?

  1. Make sure you are a JoHo member with online access (= 10 euro yearly or more)
    • As a member without extra services (= less than 10 euro yearly), you will not have be able to read exclusive content
  2. Create an account on
    • Fill in all required fields to create an account on
    • Use the same email address as when you registered on
    • Make sure you select the right answer on the question "Are you a JoHo WorldSupporter Member?"
      • for access to exclusive content you answer: 'I am a JoHo member with extra service and online access'
  3. Log in by using the log in button (see menu or homepage)
  4. After you logged in you can use the options on your account page,
    • or use the menu, the starting page of your study organizations, or one of the search options
Related content or attachment:
WorldSupporter: aanmelden bij JoHo WorldSupporter
WorldSupporter: toolkit for adding and using content on WorldSupporter
WorldSupporter: About & FAQ
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