What are statistical methods? – Chapter 1 1.1 What is statistics and how can you learn it?1.2 What is the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics?1.3 What part does software play in statistics?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What are statistical methods? – Chapter 12548 reads
Which kinds of samples and variables are possible? – Chapter 2 2.1 Which kinds of variables can be measured?2.2 How does randomization work?2.3 How do you control variability and bias?2.4 Which methods can be used for probability sampling?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Which kinds of samples and variables are possible? – Chapter 22172 reads
What are the main measures and graphs of descriptive statistics? - Chapter 3 3.1 Which tables and graphs display data?3.2 How do you describe the center of data using mean, median and mode?3.3 How can you measure the variability of data?3.4 How can you measure quartiles and other positions on a distribution?3.5 How do you call........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What are the main measures and graphs of descriptive statistics? - Chapter 32710 reads
What role do probability distributions play in statistical inference? – Chapter 4 4.1 What are the basic rules of probability?4.2 What is the difference in probability distributions for discrete and continuous variables?4.3 How does the normal distribution work exactly?4.4 What is the difference between sample distributions and sampling distributions?4.5 How do you create the sampling........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What role do probability distributions play in statistical inference? – Chapter 42063 reads
How can you make estimates for statistical inference? – Chapter 5 5.1 How do you make point estimates and interval estimates?5.2 How do you calculate the confidence level for a proportion?5.3 How do you calculate the confidence level for a mean?5.4 How do you choose the sample size?5.5 What do maximum likelihood........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How can you make estimates for statistical inference? – Chapter 51950 reads
How do you perform significance tests? – Chapter 6 6.1 What are the five components of a significance test?6.2 How do you perform a significance test for a mean?6.3 How do you perform a significance test for a proportion?6.4 Which errors can be made in significance tests?6.5 Which limitations do significance tests........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How do you perform significance tests? – Chapter 62079 reads
How do you compare two groups in statistics? - Chapter 7 7.1 What are the basic rules for comparing two groups?7.2 How do you compare two proportions of categorical data?7.3 How do you compare two means of quantitative data?7.4 How do you compare the means of dependent samples?7.5 Which complex methods can be used........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How do you compare two groups in statistics? - Chapter 72976 reads
How do you analyze the association between categorical variables? – Chapter 8 8.1 How do you create and interpret a contingency table?8.2 What is a chi-squared test?8.3 In which way do residuals help to analyze the association between variables?8.4 How is the association in a contingency table measured?8.5 How do you measure the association........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How do you analyze the association between categorical variables? – Chapter 82076 reads
How do linear regression and correlation work? – Chapter 9 9.1 What are linear associations?9.2 What is the least squares prediction equation?9.3 What is a linear regression model?9.4 How does the correlation measure the association of a linear function?9.5 How do you predict the slope and the correlation?9.6 What happens........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How do linear regression and correlation work? – Chapter 92060 reads
Which types of multivariate relationships exist? – Chapter 10 10.1 How does causality relate to associations?10.2 How do you control whether other variables influence a causal relationship?10.3 Which types of multivariate relationships exist?10.4 What are the consequences of statistical control for inference?Back to top........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about Which types of multivariate relationships exist? – Chapter 102196 reads
What is multiple regression? – Chapter 11 11.1 What does a multiple regression model look like?11.2 How do you interpret the coefficient of determination for multiple regression?11.3 How do you predict the values of multiple regression coefficients?11.4 How does a statistical model represent interaction effects?11.5 How do you compare possible........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What is multiple regression? – Chapter 112041 reads
What is ANOVA? – Chapter 12 12.1 How do dummy variables replace categories?12.2 How do you make multiple comparisons of means?12.3 What is one-way ANOVA?12.4 What is two-way ANOVA?12.5 How does ANOVA with repeated measures work?12.6 How does two-way ANOVA with repeated measures of a factor........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What is ANOVA? – Chapter 121848 reads
How does multiple regression with both quantitative and categorical predictors work? – Chapter 13 13.1 What do models with both quantitative and categorical predictors look like?13.2 Which inferential methods are available for regression with quantitative and categorical predictors?13.3 In what kind of case studies is multiple regression analysis required?13.4 How do you use adjusted means?13.5 What........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How does multiple regression with both quantitative and categorical predictors work? – Chapter 132319 reads
How do you make a multiple regression model for extreme or strongly correlating data? – Chapter 14 14.1 What strategies are available for selecting a model?14.2 How can you tell when a statistical model doesn't fit?14.3 How do you detect multicollinearity and what are its consequences?14.4 What are the characteristics of generalized linear models?14.5 What is polynomial regression?14.6........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about How do you make a multiple regression model for extreme or strongly correlating data? – Chapter 141900 reads
What is logistic regression? – Chapter 15 15.1 What are the basics of logistic regression?15.2 What does multiple logistic regression look like?15.3 How does inference with logistic regression models work?15.4 How is logistic regression performed for ordinal variables?15.5 What do logistic models with nominal responses look like?15.6 How........Read moreAccess: PublicRead more about What is logistic regression? – Chapter 152485 reads
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