Inleiding Vergelijkende Politicologie, en Academische Vaardigheden: Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Politicologie / Internationale Politiek - Universiteit Leiden


Inleiding Vergelijkende Politicologie, en Academische Vaardigheden: Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Politicologie - Universiteit Leiden:

  • Collegeaantekeningen Inleiding Vergelijkende Politiek (UL) 22/23 
  • Samenvatting Comparative politics politicologie Universiteit Leiden Blok 3, jaar 1
  • Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Politicologie Bachelor 1 - Universiteit Leiden
  • Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Internationale Politiek Bachelor 1 - Universiteit Leiden
Bundle items:
Samenvatting Comparative politics politicologie Universiteit Leiden Blok 3, jaar 1

Samenvatting Comparative politics politicologie Universiteit Leiden Blok 3, jaar 1

Summary Comparative Politics 

University Leiden 

Year 1, Block 3, Politicologie 

Lecture 1: What is comparative politics 


  1. Define comparative politics 

  2. The role of comparison

  3. Recognise different theoretical approaches


Comparative Politics 

  • addresses how factors influence others, what drives behavior including multi level politics. 

  • There is a scientific reason to compare: does X influence Y? is there causality or correlation?

    • Statistical control: mathematically estimate the effects when changing one variable 

    • Comparative controle: Select cases in such a way that we can eliminate alternative explanation 

    • Qualitative Methods: Small cases but a lot of information

    • Quantitative methods: Statistical solvability by mathematical comparisons using graphs 


Single case studies according to leiphart:

  • A-theoretical 

  • Interpretative

  • Hypothesis building 

  • theory infirming 

  • Deviant case study 


Comparative in this case means comparing your study to all other cases which accort to a specific theory 


Comparative research consists of:

  • most similar system 

    • selecting cases which are as similar as possible but contain different outcomes 

    • look for the differences which determine the different outcomes more
Organizations, positions and work : 
Activities abroad, study fields and work areas: 
Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Politicologie Bachelor 1 - Universiteit Leiden

Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Politicologie Bachelor 1 - Universiteit Leiden

Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)
Samenvatting en collegeaantekeningen - Internationale Politiek Bachelor 1 - Universiteit Leiden
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