How dangerous is your destination in central america for travel, work or living abroad


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How dangerous is Mexico for your safety, health and insurances?

How dangerous is Mexico for your safety, health and insurances?

How to stay safe and out of trouble in Mexico? 

  • Mexico is not a very safe country, but as long as you avoid certain areas and pay close attention it is fine. Furthermore, on public roads you may encounter checkpoints by the military and police, pay attention and follow the directions during the search. 
  • Travelers are advised to exercise vigilance in the state of Guerrero and avoid demonstrations and gatherings.

What to look out for regarding crime in Mexico?

  • The number of robberies on public transport and at bus stations in Mexico City is significant.
  • Armed robberies also take place on cars at traffic lights at some points in Mexico City. Should this happen to you, do not resist, and immediately surrender your belongings.
  • Robberies are particularly common in the states of Guerrero, Oaxaca and Chiapas. There is still some tension in the state of Chiapas; armed groups have established "autonomous areas" there. These are not recognizable as such, but you are at greater risk there, as neither police nor insurance companies of car rental companies enter these areas without question. If you visit the highlands of Chiapas, it is advisable to be extra careful.

What to look out for regarding drugs in Mexico?

  • There is unrest in Mexico between rival drug cartels and the police and military, especially in the Tierra Caliente region of Michoacán. There is also growing unrest in Cancun and surrounding areas. This is accompanied by increasing violence, which can also affect civilians and tourists. Many deaths have already occurred in this drug war, most of which are not directed against the general public.
  • People are advised not to travel after sunset, especially in the northern states, and to be very careful when going out after sunset in the big cities.
  • It has occurred that at the airports in Mexico City, and especially Cancun, luggage tags were removed from suitcases of travelers to Europe, including the Netherlands. These labels were then placed on other suitcases in which drugs were hidden. It is recommended that you label your luggage inside and out with your name and address, and if you notice that a luggage tag is missing when you return to Europe, report it immediately to airport police. In addition, after you check in your luggage at the airport in Mexico, consider taking a photo that clearly shows the attached luggage tags. Should you become a victim of this baggage label mix-up in Mexico itself, upon departure, alert the Dutch embassy immediately.

What to look out for regarding natural disasters in Mexico?

  • Tropical storms and hurricanes can occur in Mexico between May and October. Inland, these disturbances often cause heavy rainfall, which - especially in mountainous areas - can cause landslides, making roads impassable. Mexico is located in an earthquake-prone area. Severe earthquakes can occur. For information regarding earthquakes locally, it is recommended to follow media coverage. The Popotcatepetl volcano (near Mexico City) is active and closed to the public. Risk areas have been established around this volcano.
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How dangerous is El Salvador for your safety, health and insurances?

How dangerous is El Salvador for your safety, health and insurances?

How to stay safe and out of trouble in El Salvador?

  • El Salvador is not exactly a safe country. The government is taking ongoing measures to reduce the number of violent and gang-related crimes, but violent robberies are still relatively common.
  • Also watch out for blockades and demonstrations; stay away from these as much as possible and stay calm.
  • Traveling alone by women is not recommended, due to sexual violence.
  • In any case, it is not recommended for anyone to travel alone in El Salvador, or at night after dark.
  • In rural areas of El Salvador, landmines and unexploded remnants of war are still common. Especially in the districts of Chalatenango and Morazan. Use only paved roads and well-traveled trails.
  • Renting a car in El Salvador is mainly for the more experienced driver. Only drive yourself if you can hold your own in the hustle and bustle of larger cities.

What to look out for regarding crime in El Salvador?

  • Crime in El Salvador ranges from relatively innocuous (such as pickpockets), to violent robberies and sometimes even rape and murder.
  • Among travelers in El Salvador and Central America, stories about safety often travel like wildfire. Listen carefully to these, but don't let them drive you crazy either!
  • Watch your belongings carefully when visiting crowded places, such as markets or bus stations. Also when you're on the bus, especially when you don't have to get off at a stop by yourself. Armed robberies occur in El Salvador, and violence is often not shunned. Should this happen to you, hand over everything and definitely do not resist!
  • Plan to arrive during the day, or travel from the airport to San Salvador (or elsewhere).
  • If traveling by private transportation (not recommended), keep your car doors and windows locked.
  • Penalties for drug offenses are very stiff in El Salvador: long prison sentences in local jails.

What to look out for regarding natural disasters in El Salvador?

  • Hurricane season is from June to November. Hurricanes can cause disruption of (public) services. Always find out where your nearest shelter is.
  • Landslides, mudslides and flooding can occur as a result of hurricanes. Don't take it lightly: the direction and strength of hurricanes can change suddenly.
  • El Salvador has active volcanoes. If you want to go climbing or hike, always check with local authorities about which areas are safe.
  • Earthquakes also occasionally occur in El Salvador.


Countries & Regions: 
How dangerous is Costa Rica for your safety, health and insurances?

How dangerous is Costa Rica for your safety, health and insurances?

How to stay safe and out of trouble in Costa Rica?

  • Costa Rica is quite safe compared to neighboring countries, but (violent) robberies and assaults do occur.

What to look out for regarding crime in Costa Rica?

  • Pay close attention to your belongings. Carry your bag on the front of your body. Do not enter San José alone at night. To prevent your passport from being stolen, it is best to leave it in a (travel) safe in your hotel.
  • Violent robberies are on the rise in Costa Rica, and especially in tourist spots and near the airport. Don't resist and just give away your belongings, your life is worth more. Be alert if you have rented a car and your tire goes flat; criminals may have done it on purpose and then pretend to be helpful road users. 

What to look out for regarding drugs in Costa Rica?

  • Use and possession of (soft) drugs is prohibited.

What to look out for regarding natural disasters in Costa Rica?

  • Hurricane season is from June through October. Hard rains also cause mudslides, which you don't want to be in the middle of. Furthermore, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur in Costa Rica. So pay close attention to the news.


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Activities en fields of study and work: 
How dangerous is El Salvador for your safety, health and insurances?

How dangerous is El Salvador for your safety, health and insurances?

How to stay safe and out of trouble in El Salvador?

  • El Salvador is not exactly a safe country. The government is taking ongoing measures to reduce the number of violent and gang-related crimes, but violent robberies are still relatively common.
  • Also watch out for blockades and demonstrations; stay away from these as much as possible and stay calm.
  • Traveling alone by women is not recommended, due to sexual violence.
  • In any case, it is not recommended for anyone to travel alone in El Salvador, or at night after dark.
  • In rural areas of El Salvador, landmines and unexploded remnants of war are still common. Especially in the districts of Chalatenango and Morazan. Use only paved roads and well-traveled trails.
  • Renting a car in El Salvador is mainly for the more experienced driver. Only drive yourself if you can hold your own in the hustle and bustle of larger cities.

What to look out for regarding crime in El Salvador?

  • Crime in El Salvador ranges from relatively innocuous (such as pickpockets), to violent robberies and sometimes even rape and murder.
  • Among travelers in El Salvador and Central America, stories about safety often travel like wildfire. Listen carefully to these, but don't let them drive you crazy either!
  • Watch your belongings carefully when visiting crowded places, such as markets or bus stations. Also when you're on the bus, especially when you don't have to get off at a stop by yourself. Armed robberies occur in El Salvador, and violence is often not shunned. Should this happen to you, hand over everything and definitely do not resist!
  • Plan to arrive during the day, or travel from the airport to San Salvador (or elsewhere).
  • If traveling by private transportation (not recommended), keep your car doors and windows locked.
  • Penalties for drug offenses are very stiff in El Salvador: long prison sentences in local jails.

What to look out for regarding natural disasters in El Salvador?

  • Hurricane season is from June to November. Hurricanes can cause disruption of (public) services. Always find out where your nearest shelter is.
  • Landslides, mudslides and flooding can occur as a result of hurricanes. Don't take it lightly: the direction and strength of hurricanes can change suddenly.
  • El Salvador has active volcanoes. If you want to go climbing or hike, always check with local authorities about which areas are safe.
  • Earthquakes also occasionally occur in El Salvador.


Countries & Regions: 
How dangerous is Belize for your safety, health and insurances?

How dangerous is Belize for your safety, health and insurances?

How to stay safe and out of trouble in Belize?

  • There is a lot of crime in Belize, both day and night. Armed robberies, rapes and kidnappings are fairly common. Do not go out on the streets (alone) at night, avoid unlit streets, watch your money and passport and do not wear flashy expensive jewelry.
  • Drugs are prohibited in Belize, so don't use it.
  • In Belize you will soon be close to nature, be aware of the possible presence of scorpions and poisonous snakes (Fer-de-Lance) in the jungle and, for example, the poisonous jellyfish “Portuguese warship” and the bull shark in the waters off Belize.

What to look out for regarding natural disasters in Belize?

  • From June through October there are many (tropical) storms in Belize. 

Traffic in Belize

  • Most accidents happen in traffic. Always be alert and preferably rent a chauffeured car instead of driving yourself.

Dangerous areas in Belize

  • There has been a conflict between Belize and Guatamala over the border area between these two countries since 1821, useful to stay away from. 
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