Summary of Society the basics by Macionis 1: The Perspective, Theory, and Method of Sociology2: The Workings of Culture 3: Socialization Process, a Lifelong Process4: Social interaction in Daily Life5: The Workings of Groups & Organization in Society6: Sexuality and its Impact on Society7: Deviant Behavior........Read moreSummary with the 12th edition of Society the basics by Macionis a.o. Samenvatting van De samenleving, kennismaking met de sociologie van Macionis e.a. - 14e drukSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of Society the basics by Macionis90233 reads
Summary of The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry 1. Tina2. Sandy3. The children of Koresh4. Laura5. Leon6. Justin, Connor7. Satan8. Amber, Ted9. James10. Peter11. SplinteringBack to top........Read morePsychology and behavorial sciences - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of The boy who was raised as a dog by Perry32904 reads
Summary of cultural studies: theory and practice by Barker and Jane Chapter 1 Introduction to cultural studiesChapter 2 Culture and IdeologyChapter 3 Culture as a LanguageChapter 4 Culture and BiologyChapter 5 World in ChaosChapter 6 PostmodernismChapter 7 Subjectivity and IdentityChapter 8 Ethnicity, Race, NationChapter 9 Representation........Read moreSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of cultural studies: theory and practice by Barker and Jane44811 reads
Summary of The Human Web, a Bird's-eye view of world history by McNeill Chapter 1: The human apprenticeshipChapter 2: Shifting of Food Production, 11,000 – 3,000 years agoChapter 3: Webs and civilizations in the old world, 3500 B.C.E. – 200 C.E.Chapter 4: The Growth of Webs in The Old World and America, 20-1000 C.E.Chapter 5: Thickening........Read moreSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of The Human Web, a Bird's-eye view of world history by McNeill45457 reads
Summary with Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives by Hatch and Cunliffe PART A BASICS OF ORGANIZATION THEORYPART B BEGINNINGS OF ORGANIZATION THEORYPART C THE INTERNAL ORGANIZATION AND ITS ENVIROMENTPART D ORGANIZATION’S SOCIAL STRUCTUREPART E TECHNOLOGYPART F ORGANIZATION’S PHYSICAL STRUCTUREPART G ORGANIZATION AND ITS CULTUREPART H POWER, CONFLICT AND........Read morePsychology and behavorial sciences - ThemeSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary with Organization Theory: Modern, Symbolic, and Postmodern Perspectives by Hatch and Cunliffe88554 reads
Summary of Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell - 5th edition - Exclusive Summaries per chapter with the 5th edition of Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by BowellWhat are the basic concepts about arguments? - Chapter 1 - ExclusiveWhat are common linguistic elements and rhetoric techniques? - Chapter 2 - ExclusiveHow do you analyze the structure of deductive arguments? - Chapter 3 - ExclusiveHow do you analyze the structure of inductive arguments? - Chapter 4 - ExclusiveWhat is argument-reconstruction used for? - Chapter 5 - ExclusiveHow to assess arguments? - Chapter 6 - ExclusiveHow to deal with fallacies and other erroneous reasoning? - Chapter 7 - ExclusiveWhich philosophical issues underlie the principles of good critical thinking? - Chapter 8 - ExclusiveSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of Critical Thinking: A Concise Guide by Bowell - 5th edition - Exclusive3615 reads
Summary of Introducing Sociolinguistics - The relationship between language and society by Mesthrie a.o. Chapter 1: Clearing the Ground: Basic Issues, Concepts and ApproachesChapter 2: Regional DialectologyChapter 3: Social DialectologyChapter 4: Language Variation and ChangeChapter 5: Language Choice and Code-SwitchingChapter 6: Language in InteractionChapter 7: Gender and Language UseChapter 8: Language Contact........Read moreSociety and culture - ThemeAccess: PublicRead more about Summary of Introducing Sociolinguistics - The relationship between language and society by Mesthrie a.o.20314 reads
Society and culture - Theme Summaries, study notes, internships, tips and tools for study and work in society and cultureRead more about Society and culture - Theme3378 reads
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Society, culture and arts: home bundle Main content and contributions for society, culture and artsSociety and culture - ThemeAnthropology and ethnology - ThemeSummaries: home page for society, culture and artsSummaries: home page for anthropology and ethnologySummaries: legendary standard works, literature and manuals about society and cultureSummaries: the best textbooks for society and culture summarizedSummaries: the best definitions, descriptions and lists of terms for society and cultureAnthropology and understanding another: home bundleMaatschappij, cultuur en sociale studies: basisbundelThemes: home bundles per study and working fieldsRead more about Society, culture and arts: home bundle447 reads
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