WorldSupporter: how to add or share content and contributions on
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What is you Personal Profile and how can you use it?
- Your profile or user page is is your starting point on WorldSupporter, it is also the page that other WorldSupporters will visit to read more about you and your contributions to WorldSupporter.
- You can compose your own page using the following contribution types:
- Text & Stories
- Texts: Blogs, Instructions, Opinions, Quotes, Statements, Tutorials
- Summaries: Book summaries, Course Pointers, Practice Exams, Study Notes
- Tips & Suggestions:
- Tips: Events, Travel Tips, World Recipes,
- Suggestions: Jobs opportunities, Volunteer opportunities, Internship opportunities
- Tools & Navigation
- Bundles (selections)
- Media (movies, photos, documents)
- Starting pages ('magazines')
- Updates ('messages')
- Text & Stories
How to use Comments, Compliments and Kudos?
- You can add compliments and give feedback, so your favorite Supporters will be encouraged to add more and even better content
- The author of the page will receive a notification by e-mail highlighting your contribution
- Adding comments is a functionality only open and live to logged-in users to avoid misuse
- Anonymous visitors can add a contribution, but it will always be read by a moderator before it will be published, which can take up to 48 hours
- All comments should be written and made in the spirit of WorldSupporter. Which means aiming to contribute to a tolerant and sustainable world. Contributions that do not meet the requirements, or seem to be made for the wrong reasons can be removed or set on private.
- Comments are listed in the 'My collection' section of your personal magazine, so you can easily return to the pages where you have commented before
- When someone replies to your comment, you will receive a notification mail, when someone adds a new comment on a page where you also added a contribution, you will not receive any notification.
How to use Texts an Stories?
- Texts and Stories can be created in the format you prefer:
- Statements: Opinions, Proverbs, Quotes
- Stories: Blogs, Interviews Personal Stories, Diaries
- Tutorials: Instructions, Teaching Materials
- Read more: Text & Stories (including how to use the text editor)
- Create and contribute: add your Text or Story
How to use Summaries and Study Notes?
- You can use the specific content type Summaries & Study Notes for summarized versions of study material. This way you can help your fellow students at home and abroad with practice materials and a better understanding of the study material. This content type allows you to explain a certain subject. This can be based on your own texts or on summarized versions of study material. Many Supporters use this type for university course material, but feel free to use it as a broad tool for knowledge transfer
- Always make sure that you do not violate copyright if you use material from others and make good use of source listings
- Read more about: WorldSupporter Summaries & Study Notes
- Create and contribute: Add your Summary or Study Note
How to use Tips and Suggestions?
- With Tips & Suggestion you van make a short tips on job opportunities, exams, packing lists, travel destinations, tours, local customs, your favorite world recipes, events. This basic tools allows quick additions to your (Personal) Magazine. When your message needs accompanying images or comprehensive text, creating a blog, media page of even a bundle would be a better option
- Read more about: WorldSupporter Tips & Suggestions?
- Create and contribute: Add your Tip or Suggestion
How to use Media?
- With the Media tool you can share movies, photos, presentations or documents.
- Uploaded Media can tell their own story or can be used to strengthen one of your other contributions (such as Blogs, Magazines or Summaries)
- Read more about: WorldSupporter Media
- Create and contribute: Add your Media
What are Bundles?
- Bundles are selections of existing content on This tool offers a basic structured overview of conten. tA bundle makes it easier for users to navigate from one page to another, because below a page that you have added to a bundle a automated back link is created. You can create your own Bundle from content shared by others, by yourself or a mix of both.
What are Theme Pages ('Magazines')?
- On a Theme or Starting Page you can bring together all your information or items connecting to one subject of your choice. This tool offers the most space for self-determination on what information you want to show in which place.
- A Theme Page will make it easier for visitors to find all your contributions and easier for you to advertise your content and inspire other
What are 'Updates'?
- An Update is a content form for private messages. A quick way to share a message with only designated WorldSupporter Moderators or employees.
- Updates give other WorldSupporter moderators insight into your activities on the WorldSupporter platform and beyond
- You write an Update to inform your assigned moderator about an activity you have carried out, content that you have added to WorldSupporter or, for example, to draw extra attention to an event.
- Read more about: WorldSupporter Updates
Where to read more?
- 42798 reads
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