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Examtests with the 6th edition of Psychological Science by Gazzaniga

What is the science of psychology? - ExamTests 1

MC questions

Question 1

"Behavior is the only objective measure of the psyche"

This statement is:

  1. True
  2. False

Question 2

What is the name of the issue of whether properties are genetically or environmentally determined?

  1. Body-mind problem
  2. Evolutionary or adaptive perspective
  3. Nature-nurture debate
  4. Conscious or unconscious influence

Question 3

What is the question of whether the mind and body coexist, or whether the mind is an experience of the brain, called?

  1. Functionalism
  2. Body-mind problem
  3. Nature-nurture debate
  4. Dualism

Question 4

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Da Vinci thought that all sensory information arrived in one part of the brain.
II. Descartes thought that the body and the mind influenced each other.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 5

Which answer is incorrect?

  1. Wundt created the first psychology laboratory and is considered the father of experimental psychology.
  2. The Gestalt theory of Wertheimer and Köhler states that the whole is more than the sum of its parts.
  3. Structuralism states that the whole can be understood by studying the separate parts.
  4. Titchener was a student of Wundt and came up with functionalism.

Question 6

The belief that behavior is caused by unconscious mental processes that we are not aware of is called:

  1. Psychoanalysis
  2. Behaviorism
  3. Cognitive psychology
  4. Humanistic approach

Question 7

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. According to Darwin, species change through targeted, specific gene mutations.
II. Darwin called the idea that species with favorable hereditary traits have an advantage over species that do not have these traits.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 8

Within psychology, there are a number of different levels of analysis. Which does not belong?

  1. Organic approachI and II are both correct
  2. Individual approachTitchener was a student of Wundt and came up with functionalism.
  3. Anthropological approach
  4. Organic approach

Question 9

Many people consider traveling by airplane scarier than by car. This is an example of:

  1. confirmation bias
  2. mental heuristics
  3. retrospective statement
  4. seeing correlations that don't necessarily exist

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.

I. The purpose of contemporary psychology is to understand people's mental activity and behavior.
II. People try to prI and II are both incorrectedict the behavior of others based on intuition and these ideas are often true.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 11

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.

I. Developmental psychologists look at developments that take place from youth to adulthood
II. Work psychologists try to ensure that the productivity of a company is as high as possible.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. B. False

  2. C. Nature-nurture debate

  3. B. Body-mind problem

  4. C. I and II are both correct

  5. D. Titchener was a student of Wundt and came up with functionalism.

  6. A. Psychoanalysis

  7. D. I and II are both incorrect

  8. D. Organic approach

  9. B. mental heuristics

  10. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  11. D. I and II are both incorrect

Which research methods are used in psychology? - ExamTests 2

MC Questions

Question 1

There are three research methods. Which is not one of them?

  1. Experimental design
  2. Descriptive design
  3. Scientific design
  4. Correlational design

Question 2

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. In cross-sectional studies, two different age groups are examined at the same time and compared.
II. In longitudinal research, there is a danger that differences are caused by things other than the age difference, such as cohort effects.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 3

There are three problems in correlation research. Which of these is not one of them?

  1. The directional problem
  2. Not knowing which factors played a role
  3. The causation problem
  4. The third variable problem

Question 4

A study measures how people drive when they drink. How people drive is the ... variable and how much they drink is the ... variable.

  1. dependent, independent
  2. independent, dependent
  3. dependent, confound
  4. confound, independent

Question 5

To get a representative sample, use arbitrary ..., and to create equal groups, use arbitrary ....

  1. sampling, allocation
  2. allocation, sampling
  3. allocation, convenience sampling
  4. sampling, allocation

Question 6

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.

I. It is possible that a measuring instrument is valid but not accurate.
II. Systematic errors are less serious than random errors because they occur across all spectrums

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 7

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. An investigation is reliable if the measuring instrument measures what it has to measure.
II. The validity of a study indicates the degree to which an experimental measurement is free from errors.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 8

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. The mode is the most common score in a series of numbers.
  2. The average (mean) is calculated by adding all the scores together and then dividing by the number of scores.
  3. The standard deviation specifies how far each value is from the mode.
  4. The median is the middle number in a series of scores.

Question 9The causation problem

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. The information published in peer-reviewed journals is true because it has been checked multiple times by other scientists.
  2. A good theory must produce testable hypotheses.
  3. Replicating research is only important if the expected results are not found.
  4. Descriptive research techniques are least important in the early phase of an investigation.

Vraag 10

What is meant by Occam's Razor or Law of Thrift?

  1. Choosing a hypothesis that excludes as many alternative ideas as possible.
  2. When researchers find a result that is unexpected but important.
  3. That a simple theory is preferred over a complex theory, if multiple theories are possible.
  4. If multiple theories exist, it is better to work with the most comprehensive theory because it is more likely to contain the truth.


  1. C. Scientific design

  2. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  3. C. The causation problem

  4. A. dependent, independent

  5. D. sampling, allocation

  6. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  7. D. I and II are both incorrect

  8. C. The standard deviation specifies how far each value is from the mode.

  9. B. A good theory must produce testable hypotheses.

  10. C. That a simple theory is preferred over a complex theory, if multiple theories are possible.

How does biology influence behavior? - ExamTests 3

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Motor neurons are afferent neurons that allow movement.
  2. Somatosensory neurons are sensory neurons that receive information from, for example, the muscles.
  3. Interneurons are neurons that only communicate with other neurons.
  4. Sensory neurons are afferent neurons that transmit information to the brain.

Question 2

The receivers of a neuron are called ..., the information sender is called ..., the place where the communication between neurons takes place is called ... and the insulating layer around an axon is called ...

  1. axons, synapse, dendrites, nodes of Ranvier
  2. axons, dendrite, myelin sheath, synapse
  3. dendrites, axon, synapse, knots of Ranvier
  4. dendrites, axon, synapse, meyelin sheath

Question 3

Put in the correct order of an action potential: 1) hyperpolarization, 2) depolarization, 3) absolute refractory period, 4) repolarization, 5) resting potential.

  1. 5, 4, 2, 1, 3
  2. 5, 2, 4, 1, 3
  3. 4, 2, 3, 1, 5
  4. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2

Question 4

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Serotonin is involved in alertness and awareness, and provides motivation.
  2. Endorphins are important for emotion, impulse control and dreams.
  3. GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter and inhibits action potentials.
  4. Glutamine is the major excitatory neurotransmitter and is involved in pain perception, mood and tension.

Question 5

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. A human has 23 pairs of chromosomes, on which all genes lie.
  2. We call traits polygenetic when they arise through the interaction of different genes.
  3. The genotype consists of all properties that can be observed from an organism.
  4. Versions of genes are called alleles. They can be dominant or recessive.

Question 6

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.

I. Ova and sperm are also called gametes.
II. Mutations always have an impact and always provide an advantage in survival and reproduction.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 7

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Heritability is the percentage of differences between people caused by differences in their genes.
  2. Mono and fraternal twins are approximately 100% genetically equal.
  3. The knockout approach investigates the influence of genes by turning them off.
  4. Heredity is the transmission of traits from parents to children through genes.

Question 8

The nervous system can be divided into ... and it .... The peripheral nervous system can be divided into ... and it ....

  1. central nervous system, peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system.
  2. central nervous system, autonomic nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, parasympathetic nervous system.
  3. peripheral nervous system, central nervous system, sympathetic nervous system, autonomic nervous system.
  4. peripheral nervous system, autonomic nervous system, central nervous system, somatic nervous system.

Question 9

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. The white matter in the spine consists of neurons' cell bodies and the gray matter consists of myelin.
  2. The brainstem is located at the bottom of the brain and is responsible for coordination and balance.
  3. The amygdala provides basic physical processes that are important for survival.
  4. The hippocampus is important for forming memories.

Question 10

The ... is important for tactile and spatial orientation, the ... for planning and movement, the ... for hearing, detailed visual perception and memory, and the ... for vision.

  1. frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe.
  2. parietal lobe, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe.
  3. temporal lobe, occipital lobe, parietal lobe, frontal lobe.
  4. parietal lobe, frontal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe.

Question 11

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Both men and women have testosterone and estradiol in their body.
II. The pituitary gland is controlled by the hypothalamus to allow hormone glands to release their hormones.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 12

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. The brain is plastic, which means it can change.
  2. Gene behavior is influenced by the environment.
  3. Two neurons firing together provide a better synaptic connection.
  4. The death of neurons is called neurogenesis.

Question 13

Which statement is correct?

  1. The central nervous system consists of the cerebellum and cerebellum
  2. The peripheral nervous system consists of the spine and nerves in the limbs.
  3. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spine.
  4. The peripheral nervous system consists of all the nerves in the body up to the neck.

Vraag 14

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Psychophysiological measurements measure physical changes with, for example, a polygraph, EEG, PET scan, MRI, fMRI or TMS.
II. Electrical activity in the brain can be measured using brain imaging techniques.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. A. Motor neurons are afferent neurons that allow movement.

  2. D. dendrites, axon, synapse, meyelin sheath

  3. B. 5, 2, 4, 1, 3

  4. C. GABA is the major inhibitory neurotransmitter and inhibits action potentials

  5. C. The genotype consists of all properties that can be observed from an organism

  6. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  7. B. Mono and fraternal twins are approximately 100% genetically equal.

  8. A. central nervo5, 2, 4, 1, 3us system, peripheral nervous system, somatic nervous system, autonomic nervous system

  9. D. The hippocampus is important for forming memories

  10. B. parietal lobe, frontal lobe, temporal lobe, occipital lobe

  11. C. I and II are both correct

  12. D. The death of neurons is called neurogenesis.

  13. C. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spine.

  14. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

What is the difference between conscious and unconscious processes? - ExamTests 4

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. A qualitative code represents the basis of a stimulus.
  2. Sensation is the processing and interpretation of a sensory signal.
  3. A quantitative code represents the brightness, intensity, or loudness of a stimulus.
  4. Transduction is the processing of a signal in the brain.

Question 2

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. The sensory threshold is the minimum amount of change required to notice a difference between the intensity of different stimuli.
  2. Signal detection theory states that detecting a stimulus is associated with an assessment of its intensity.
  3. The difference threshold determines whether or not you notice something.
  4. The absolute threshold is the minimum intensity that a stimulus must have to be perceived.

Question 3

A doctor examines four X-rays. In the first he sees nothing and there is nothing (...). In the second, there is an early stage of cancer, but the doctor doesn't see it (...). In the third, there is an early stage of cancer, and the doctor sees it (...). In the fourth, the doctor thinks he sees something, but there is nothing (...).

  1. hit, miss, correct rejection, false alarm.
  2. miss, false alarm, hit, correct rejection.
  3. correct rejection, miss, hit, false alarm.
  4. correct rejection, false alarm, hit, miss.

Question 4

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Smell is the only sense that does not send its information to the amygdala.
II. Pain nerves can be divided into two types: fast and slow fiber. Fast fibers are for immediate pain and slow for long-term, chronic pain.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 5

Indicate the correct order in which a sound passes through the ear: 1) oval window, 2) eardrum, 3) basilar membrane, 4) stirrup, 5) anvil, 6) hammer.

  1. 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 3
  2. 2, 5, 6, 4, 3, 1
  3. 2, 1, 6, 4, 1, 5
  4. 2, 3, 1, 6, 5, 4

Question 6

Indicate the order in which we see light: 1) retina, 2) optic nerve, 3) lens, 4) cornea, 5) optic chiasm.

  1. 1, 3, 4, 2, 5
  2. 3, 1, 4, 5, 2
  3. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5
  4. 3, 4, 1, 5, 2

Question 7

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. We see color through three types of cones: red, green and blue.
  2. Lateral inhibition causes us to see contrast.
  3. The color of an object is determined by the wavelengths of electromagnetic waves from the light that the object reflects.
  4. Rods are receptor cells responsible for seeing in the dark.

Question 8

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. The dorsal route is the true route of the brain and runs from the occipital to the parietal lobe.
  2. The law of proximity states that the closer they are to each other, we will perceive objects as belonging together.
  3. The ventral route is the what route of the brain and extends from the occipital lobe to the temporal lobe.
  4. The law of similarity means that we see lines as continuous, even if they are interrupted.

Question 9

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. To see depth, we use monocular disparity.
  2. Bottom-up processing processes the object from details to generalities.
  3. Humans are equally good at recognizing faces of their own race and other races.
  4. In the horizontal-vertical illusion, a horizontal line appears longer than a vertical line.

Question 10

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. The hue of a color depends on the wavelength of the light when it reaches the eye.
  2. The purity of a color that varies based on the mix of wavelengths of a stimulus is the hue of a color.
  3. The perceived intensity of a color is lightness, which is determined by the total amount of light reaching the eye.
  4. The saturation of an area is determined by the relative brightness it has in comparison to its surroundings.

Question 11

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Sensory information is always sent to the thalamus where it is further processed.
  2. When we smell something, small odor particles come into contact with the olfactory bulb: a thin layer consisting of olfactory receptors.
  3. People can distinguish a few hundred different scents but have difficulty naming scents.
  4. Women are better at identifying and remembering scents than men.

Vraag 12

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Gate control theory states that pain receptors must be activated before pain signals can reach the brain. Receptors can only send signals when the gate is open. These gates can only be closed by administering medication.
II. Focusing on a painful stimulus, fatigue and / or stress can actually open the gate and enhance the experience of pain.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. B. Sensation is the processing and interpretation of a sensory signal

  2. D. The absolute threshold is the minimum intensity that a stimulus must have to be perceived

  3. C. correct rejection, miss, hit, false alarm

  4. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

  5. A. 2, 6, 5, 4, 1, 3

  6. C. 4, 3, 1, 2, 5

  7. B. Lateral inhibition causes us to see contrast

  8. D. The law of similarity means that we see lines as continuous, even if they are interrupted

  9. B. Bottom-up processing processes the object from details to generalities

  10. A. The hue of a color depends on the wavelength of the light when it reaches the eye

  11. D. Women are better at identifying and remembering scents than men

  12. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

How do the processes of perception and sensation work? - ExamTests 5

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Today it is believed that consciousness and body cannot be separated.
  2. Subjectivity is the phenomenon that we all have a unique image of our own conscious experiences.
  3. In locked-in syndrome, someone is so focused on their work that they don't notice their surroundings.
  4. In patients with severe epilepsy, where medication does not work, the corpus callosum is cut, which is called a split brain condition.

Question 2

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. In blind vision, blind people have limited visual capabilities, but they are not aware of this.
II. With subliminal perception we are aware of a stimulus, after which it is processed.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 3

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Alpha waves occur during REM sleep.
  2. Phase 1 and 2 are collectively referred to as slow wave sleep.
  3. Theta waves occur when you have just fallen asleep.
  4. Sleep spindles and k-complexes regularly occur during REM sleep.

Question 4

With the disorder ... people just fall asleep during the day; at ... people sometimes suddenly stop breathing during sleep and startled awake; at ... people move during their sleep and depict their dreams. When ... people dream that they are not sleeping.

  1. REM behavior disorder, sleep apnea, narcolepsy, pseudo-insomnia
  2. pseudo-insomnia, narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM behavior disorder
  3. narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM behavior disorder, pseudo-insomnia
  4. sleep apnea, REM behavior disorder, pseudo-insomnia, narcolepsy

Question 5

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. The primary function of sleep is recovery.
II. The pituitary gland produces melatonin, which is released by the pineal gland after signals from the hypothalamus.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 6

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. According to Freud, the latent content represents the literal content of the dream, and the manifest content the symbolism.
  2. In meditation, attention is focused on an object or thought, and one becomes very sensitive to suggestions.
  3. In hypnosis, a person forcibly changes his behavior and thoughts, and pain is no longer felt.
  4. When you lose yourself in a fun activity you are in a flow.

Question 7

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. MDMA is a hallucinogenic drug and works through dopamine and serotonin.
  2. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, provides relaxation and satisfaction, falls under the hallucinogens and is not a long-term problem.
  3. Traditionally, opiates have been used for pain reduction, but they are highly addictive and long-term use leads to neurological and cognitive problems.
  4. Cocaine and amphetamine are among the stimulants, and they work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin.

Question 8

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Circadian rhythms are influenced by the hormone balance.
  2. Melatonin production is stimulated when it is light and slowed down when it gets dark.
  3. Information about light received by the eyes is sent to the suprachiasmatic nucleus.
  4. Melatonin is then produced in the suprachiasmatic nucleus.

Question 9

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Alcohol has an effect on the neurotransmitters GABA and dopamine: Dopamine has an inhibiting effect and makes people feel relaxed after drinking alcohol.
II. Certain behaviors that are thought to arise from alcohol consumption occur because of these expectations.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is correct.

  1. According to the activation synthesis hypothesis, the sleeping mind tries to understand the random firing of neuron by making a story out of it.
  2. People have shown the same brain activity regardless of whether they are under hypnosis or not.
  3. In meditation one tries to concentrate well on his inner perception and to understand why certain thoughts arise in him.
  4. Stimulants work by stimulating the release of dopamine.


  1. C. In locked-in syndrome, someone is so focused on their work that they don't notice their surroundings

  2. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  3. C. Theta waves occur when you have just fallen asleep.

  4. C. narcolepsy, sleep apnea, REM behavior disorder, pseudo-insomnia

  5. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

  6. D. When you lose yourself in a fun activity you are in a flow

  7. B. THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, provides relaxation and satisfaction, falls under the hallucinogens and is not a long-term problem

  8. C. Information about light received by the eyes is sent to the suprachiasmatic nucleus

  9. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

  10. A. According to the activation synthesis hypothesis, the sleeping mind tries to understand the random firing of neuron by making a story out of it

How do we learn? - ExamTests 6

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Operant conditioning teaches that two events coincide.
II. Classical conditioning teaches that a certain behavior leads to a result.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 2

In his experiment, Pavlov called the bell the ..., drooling at the sight of the food the ..., drooling at the sound of the bell the ... and the food the ....

  1. conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus
  2. unconditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus
  3. conditioned stimulus, conditioned response, unconditioned response, unconditioned stimulus
  4. unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, conditioned stimulus

Question 3

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Counter-conditioning is the elimination of a phobia by exposing people to their fear while doing an enjoyable task.
  2. The disappearance of the conditioned stimulus is called extinction.
  3. Anxiety conditioning teaches to fear scary things.
  4. When an addict needs more and more of a drug it is called tolerance.

Question 4

A ... does not directly fulfill a biological need, but works rewardingly because it is associated with a .... A ... decreases the chance of a behavior by removing a pleasant stimulus. With a ... something negative follows after a behavior.

  1. primary amplifier, secondary amplifier, negative punishment, positive punishment
  2. secondary amplifier, primary amplifier, negative punishment, positive punishment
  3. primary amplifier, secondary amplifier, positive punishment, negative punishment
  4. secondary amplifier, primary amplifier, positive punishment, negative punishment

Question 5

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. A cognitive map is a spatial mental representation of the environment.
  2. Mirror neurons are activated when we see others perform a behavior and when we imitate this behavior ourselves.
  3. Modeling imitates the behavior of so-called models.
  4. With latent learning you can work on a sum for hours and suddenly understand it.

Question 6

When ... behavior occurs more often due to exposure to threats. ... is important for motivation, emotion, movement and reward. The ... plays a critical role in anxiety. If behavior decreases through repeated exposure to a stimulus, it is called ....

  1. habituation, dopamine, pituitary gland, sensitization
  2. sensitization, dopamine, amygdala, habituation
  3. sensitization, Serotonin, thalamus, habituation
  4. habituation, adrenaline, hypothalamus, sensitization

Question 7

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Reward and positive reinforcement are synonyms.
  2. The Bobo doll study found that children whose parents had a more aggressive parenting style were also more aggressive with the doll in the study ...
  3. Longitudinal studies show that seeing violence on television causes more violent behavior in everyday life.
  4. Mirror neurons may form the basis for feeling empathy

Question 8

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Social learning is an adaptive mechanism for people and animals
II. There are two types of observational learning: modeling and indirect learning.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 9

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. By means of conditioning one can learn all kinds of behavior.
  2. In an interval schedule, the enhancer of a behavior is based on the number of times the behavior occurs.
  3. In a ratio schedule, the amplifier is based on a unit of time.
  4. People who receive drugs that inhibit the effects of dopamine often find this difficult because the drugs make them feel that they can no longer have fun.

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. The Premack principle is that a highly valued activity can be used to reward performance from a less valued activity.
II. Money is an example of a secondary amplifier.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. D. I and II are both incorrect

  2. A. conditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned response, unconditioned stimulus

  3. C. Anxiety conditioning teaches to fear scary things

  4. B. secondary amplifier, primary amplifier, negative punishment, positive punishment

  5. D. With latent learning you can work on a sum for hours and suddenly understand it

  6. B. sensitization, dopamine, amygdala, habituation

  7. D. Mirror neurons may form the basis for feeling empathy

  8. C. I and II are both correct

  9. D. People who receive drugs that inhibit the effects of dopamine often find this difficult because the drugs make them feel that they can no longer have fun

  10. C. I and II are both correct

How does the memory work? - ExamTests 7

MC questions

Question 1

With ... people do not notice major changes in their environment. Searching for two characteristics in a stimulus is called .... At ... you have to focus on the information that enters one ear and at ... you divide it into pieces so that you can remember it more easily.

  1. the cocktail party phenomenon, recall, serial work, shadows
  2. shadows, serial work, chunking, retrieval
  3. change blindness, conjunction search task, shadows, chunking
  4. chunking, shadows, change blindness, conjunction search task

Question 2

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. By memory we mean the ability of the nervous system to store (and retrieve) knowledge and skills.
  2. Storage is the process of converting information into neural impulses.
  3. The process by which you can process a certain stimulus faster because you have experienced it before is called priming.
  4. With the help of retrieval cues you can retrieve information from the long-term memory faster and easier.

Question 3

The ... and the ... memory are two types of ... memory. Memory is part of memory.

  1. implicit, explicit, procedural, episodic, semantic
  2. semantic, episodic, implicit, procedural, explicit
  3. episodic, procedural, implicit, semantic, explicit
  4. episodic, semantic, explicit, procedural, implicit

Question 4

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Lashley continued to damage other parts of the cortex in his quest for the engram, concluding that memory was spread across the brain, what he called equipotentiality.
  2. In elaborative rehearsal, an item is repeated until it is stored in memory.
  3. Neural connections for memory are strengthened upon consolidation.
  4. Neurotransmitters that strengthen or weaken memory are called memory modulators.

Question 5

At ... memories are modified by misinformation. Deliberately trying to forget something is called .... The process of forgetting things as time goes by is called .... Mismatching a memory is called ....

  1. misattribution, absence, bias, transience
  2. suggestibility, resistance, transience, misattribution
  3. absence, misattribution, suggestibility, impermanence
  4. blocking, suggestibility, misattribution, resistance

Question 6

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. In case of source amnesia, a person cannot remember where certain information comes from.
  2. Memories can be improved with the help of mnemonics.
  3. In confabulation, people think they have come up with a new idea, when in reality this is an old idea from memory.
  4. In anterograde amnesia, a person cannot form new memories, while in retrograde amnesia, memories are forgotten.

Question 7

Indicate which statement is incorrect

  1. Long-term potentiation is the enhancement of the synaptic connection, so that postsynaptic neurons can be activated more easily.
  2. LTP occurs fastest in areas important to learning and memory, such as the hippocampus.
  3. The LTP process also provides evidence for Hebb's idea that neurons that fire together get a stronger connection (fire together, wire together).
  4. Epigenetic mechanisms are important for memory. A mechanism that promotes gene expression through HDAC enzymes could improve memory because more HDAC leads to more LTP.

Question 8

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Hippocampal removal causes anterograde amnesia:
  2. Visual sensory memory is called echoic memory.
  3. Re-consolidation is the neural process of recollecting a recalled memory into memory.
  4. The idea that memory is evenly spread across the brain is called equipotentiality.

Question 9

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. The serial position effect means that people in a list are remembered better / worse depending on their position.
  2. When learning at different times, all material is stored less well than when you try to learn everything at once.
  3. With elaborative rehearsal, you constantly repeat an item and practice it, as it were, until you remember it
  4. According to the coding principle of specificity, only specific stimuli processed together with an experience can act as a retrieval cue to remember the experience.

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. A newly developed mnemonic is from America and is called the loci method.
II. Reactive interference means that previous information inhibits the ability to remember new information.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. C. change blindness, conjunction search task, shadows, chunking

  2. B. Storage is the process of converting information into neural impulses

  3. D. episodic, semantic, explicit, procedural, implicit

  4. B. In elaborative rehearsal, an item is repeated until it is stored in memory

  5. B. suggestibility, resistance, transience, misattribution

  6. C. In confabulation, people think they have come up with a new idea, when in reality this is an old idea from memory

  7. D. Epigenetic mechanisms are important for memory. A mechanism that promotes gene expression through HDAC enzymes could improve memory because more HDAC leads to more LTP

  8. B. Visual sensory memory is called echoic memory

  9. B. When learning at different times, all material is stored less well than when you try to learn everything at once

  10. D. I and II are both incorrect

What is the psychological view on thinking, language and intelligence? - ExamTests 8

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. A concept about the order in which a certain situation should proceed is called a script.
  2. Every day we use two types of representations: analog and symbolic.
  3. Categorization is necessary to avoid having to work with too much knowledge per object.
  4. The prototype model is based on the idea that within each category some objects are more representative of the category than others.

Question 2

At ... we try to derive general rules from specific cases. At ... specific conclusions are drawn about general assumptions. At ... an argument consists of two assumptions and a conclusion. With ... one is true if the other is also true.

  1. deductive reasoning, inductive reasoning, syllogisms, premises
  2. reasoning, decision making, categorical syllogisms, conditional syllogisms
  3. inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, categorical syllogisms, conditional syllogisms
  4. deciding, deductive reasoning, premises, categorical syllogisms

Question 3

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. With the help of heuristics, memories can be improved.
  2. Descriptive models see people as the best decision makers, normative models state that people can misinterpret things when they make a decision.
  3. Framing means that the way in which information is received determines whether or not it is remembered.
  4. Availability heuristic means that information that is more easily remembered is seen as more prevalent.

Question 4

Sternberg stated that there are several types of intelligences. Which?

  1. Musical, physical and interpersonal intelligence
  2. General, fluid and crystallized intelligence
  3. Analytical, creative and practical intelligence
  4. Emotional, fluid and crystallized intelligence

Question 5

The Flynn effect is about:

  1. Stereotype threat, in which minorities start behaving according to the stereotypes that exist about their group.
  2. Behavior that elicits a reaction from the environment, which reinforces the behavior.
  3. What people tend to choose if they have to make a choice quickly after the presentation of a stimulus.
  4. The rise in IQ scores over the past century.

Question 6

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Scripts are diagrams about the order in which a certain situation should proceed.
  2. The prototype model assumes that you categorize something based on how similar it is to other members of the category.
  3. The prospect theory assumes that how rich people are influences their choices.
  4. Anchoring is that people make decisions based on the information that comes to mind first.

Question 7

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. If people can choose from a wide variety of products in a store, it will attract more customers and usually buy more.
II. Maximizers always try to find the most suitable, the best alternative. They continue to have endless doubts about their choice and are often less satisfied afterwards.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 8

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. If the Broca area is damaged, it is no longer possible to understand what spoken text means, but it can still produce speech.
  2. If the area of ​​Wernicke is damaged, one can still speak, but the language concept is no longer intact, this is called expressive aphasia.
  3. In receptive aphasia, the Broca's area is damaged and speech can still be produced, but there are difficulties in understanding speech.
  4. If someone can no longer speak and can no longer understand language, this is called global aphasia and then most likely the right hemisphere is damaged.

Question 9

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. The smallest syllables that still have meaning are called phonemes.
II. The semantics of a language contain all rules that determine how words can be made from phrases and phrases from phrases.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. A. a concept about the order in which a certain situation should proceed is called a script

  2. C. inductive reasoning, deductive reasoning, categorical syllogisms, conditional syllogisms

  3. D. availability heuristic means that information that is more easily remembered is seen as more prevalent

  4. C. analytical, creative and practical intelligence

  5. D. the rise in IQ scores over the past century

  6. B. the prototype model assumes that you categorize something based on how similar it is to other members of the category.

  7. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  8. A. if the Broca area is damaged, it is no longer possible to understand what spoken text means, but it can still produce speech

  9. D. I and II are both incorrect

What is the psychological perspective on human development? - ExamTests 9

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. Teratogens are environmental influences that negatively affect an embryo or fetus.
  2. An embryo is formed about two months after conception.
  3. In the fourth week, the basic brain regions begin to develop, and in the twelfth week, the hemispheres of the brain are formed.
  4. In the fourth month, the fetus has a functioning nervous system.

Question 2

A period in which certain experiences have to be experienced so that the brain can develop normally is called:

  1. a sensitive period
  2. a critical period
  3. a development period
  4. an accommodation period

Question 3

Ainsworth distinguished between three types of bonding. Which is not included?

  1. Avoidant adhesion
  2. Disorganized bonding
  3. Anxious-ambivalent attachment
  4. Secure adhesion

Question 4

By what technique can researchers determine whether babies can distinguish between two objects?

  1. the orienting reflex
  2. the Strange Situation Test
  3. the preferred viewing technique
  4. the Baillargeon test

Question 5

Put the four phases of cognitive development of Piaget in the right order: 1) concrete operational phase, 2) sensorimotor phase, 3) formal operational phase, 4) pre-operational phase.

  1. 3, 2, 4, 1
  2. 4, 2, 1, 3
  3. 1, 3, 2, 4
  4. 2, 4, 1, 3

Question 6

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Gender refers to the cultural differences between men and women.
  2. Gender identity is how others see you, their beliefs about whether you are a man or a woman.
  3. Gender schedules are characteristics associated with men and women.
  4. Gender roles are the frames of reference that influence how people perceive the behavior of men and women.

Question 7

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. According to the social intuition model, the moral decisions someone makes reflect the first automatic emotional response. When someone then thinks further, this reaction no longer has any influence.
II. The social-emotional selectivity theory states that older people know that they have little time left.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 8

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. People who are married live longer than people who are divorced, regardless of how they find marriage.
  2. When couples have children, they become more satisfied with their lives. Couples with children have more stable marriages than when there are no children.
  3. Gender schedules are characteristics associated with men and women.
  4. Erikson's challenges in adulthood boil down to living a meaningful life.

Question 9

When does theory of mind arise?

  1. Children in the preoperational phase already have theory of mind because they already understand the intentions of others.
  2. Theory of mind is fully developed when children are around 12 years old.
  3. When children are about 5 years old.
  4. As soon as a child starts babbling / talking.

Question 10

Indicate whicGender roles are the frames of reference that influence how people perceive the behavior of men and womenh of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. As we age, our crystallized intelligence slowly declines.
II. As people age they become more difficult with tasks that depend on working memory and this is because the parietal and occipital lobes shrink.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. D. In the fourth month, the fetus has a functioning nervous system

  2. B. a critical period

  3. B. Disorganized bonding

  4. C. the preferred viewing technique

  5. D. 2, 4, 1, 3

  6. D. Gender roles are the frames of reference that influence how people perceive the behavior of men and women

  7. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

  8. D. Erikson's challenges in adulthood boil down to living a meaningful life

  9. C. When children are about 5 years old

  10. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

How do emotions and motivations work? - ExamTests 10

MC questions

Question 1

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Emotions have two components: a subjective and a cognitive aspect.
  2. Secondary emotions have increased our chances of survival during evolution and are universal, such as anger and joy.
  3. James Lange's theory states that we experience feelings based on our physical changes.
  4. The Cannon-Bard theory states that an emotional response leads to a physical response.

Question 2

Schachter's theory is called the two factor theory and:

  1. is about cerebral asymmetry.
  2. states that a situation elicits a physical response and a cognitive interpretation.
  3. states that physical responses are the result of emotional evaluations.
  4. states that people use their current emotional state to judge things.

Question 3

Baumeister states that there are three ways in which feelings of guilt strengthen mutual relationships. Which is not included?

  1. Guilt shows you care about others.
  2. People who have had a cold and hard upbringing do not experience guilt when they do something wrong.
  3. People don't want to feel guilty and avoid behavior that leads to guilt.
  4. Guilt can be used as a tactic by addressing someone's guilt.

Question 4

Which statement is correct? Maslow developed a need hierarchy:

  1. in which physiological needs must be satisfied first, followed by self-esteem.
  2. in which the sense of appreciation must be satisfied for the sense of security.
  3. in which the sense of appreciation cannot be satisfied if the self-esteem is unsatisfied.
  4. in which self-actualization is the highest attainable, and for which all other needs must first be met.

Question 5

The Yerkes-Dodson law states that:

  1. drives help maintain homeostasis.
  2. drivers can also motivate the behavior.
  3. alertness and performance rise together to an optimal point.
  4. drives are satisfied on the basis of the pleasure principle.

Question 6

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. With reactance, people are extra attracted to something that is forbidden, because they feel limited in their freedom.
  2. There is a reward for intrinsic motivation.
  3. Bem's self-perception theory states that people are rarely aware of the motives for their behavior.
  4. With extrinsic motivation, we are motivated to perform an action to achieve external goals.

Question 7

Indicate what is true about the amygdala.

  1. The amygdala becomes active when feeling disgusted.
  2. People without amygdala no longer respond to threats because the amygdala becomes active in fear.
  3. If someone no longer has an amygdala, he / she only reacts to conditioned threats
  4. The amygdala is part of the limbic system and information arrives via a fast and slow route.

Question 8

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Darwin thought the meaning of facial expressions had been learned.
  2. Women experience emotions more than men.
  3. The affect-as-information theory states that people use their current emotional state to judge things.
  4. The somatic marker theory states that physical reactions determine which emotions a person thinks he feels.

Question 9

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Having a sense of guilt strengthens the relationships between group members.
II. By blushing, the group knows that you are ashamed of your behavior and this will lead to exclusion by the group members.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Much evidence has been found for Maslow's need hierarchy and idea of ​​self-actualization.
II. The self-perception theory states that if we do something and then get a reward, we get the feeling that we didn't do this for ourselves

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. C. James Lange's theory states that we experience feelings based on our physical changes

  2. B. states that a situation elicits a physical response and a cognitive interpretation

  3. B. People who have had a cold and hard upbringing do not experience guilt when they do something wrong

  4. D. in which self-actualization is the highest attainable, and for which all other needs must first be met

  5. C. alertness and performance rise together to an optimal point

  6. B. There is a reward for intrinsic motivation

  7. D. The amygdala is part of the limbic system and information arrives via a fast and slow route

  8. C. The affect-as-information theory states that people use their current emotional state to judge things

  9. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  10. D. I and II are both incorrect

Which factors can influence health and well-being? - ExamTests 11

MC questions

Question 1

What theory holds that positive emotions cause people to come up with new solutions to their problems?

  1. the allostatic load theory
  2. the buffer hypothesis
  3. the broaden-and-build theory
  4. the biopsychosocial model

Question 2

The HPA system:

  1. causes the hypothalamus to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete another hormone, leading to the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol.
  2. causes the pituitary gland to stimulate the hypothalamus to secrete another hormone, leading to the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol.
  3. causes the hypothalamus to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete cortisol.
  4. causes the hypothalamus to stimulate the adrenal glands to secrete another hormone, leading to the pituitary gland secreting cortisol.

Question 3

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Taylor argues that women use the tend-and-befriend response by protecting their children and making friends with other groups so that they are safe.
II. Cannon states that men use the fight-or-flight response, in which the body prepares to flee by accelerating the heartbeat.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 4

Selye introduced the terms alarm phase, resistance phase and exhaustion phase. These belong to:

  1. the coping response
  2. the fight-or-flight response
  3. the general adaptation syndrome
  4. the allostatic load theory of illness

Question 5

At ... people evaluate their options and choose a kind of coping. At ... people take steps to confront the stressor. When people try to deal with a future stressor. At ... it is decided whether a stimulus is stressful or irrelevant.

  1. primary valuation, problem-oriented coping, emotion-oriented coping, secondary valuation
  2. secondary valuation, problem-oriented coping, anticipatory coping, primary valuation
  3. primary valuation, anticipatory coping, problem-oriented coping, secondary valuation
  4. secondary valuation, emotion-oriented coping, anticipatory coping, primary valuation

Question 6

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. It is not a major hazard if your BMI is slightly above the recommended amount.
  2. The Body Shape index is the ratio of weight to height
  3. By looking at the BMI you can see whether someone is overweight.
  4. The Body Mass Index is the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity relative to the BMI.

Question 7

Indicate which statement is correct.

  1. Only distress costs the body a lot of energy.
  2. The immune system is the body's mechanism for eliminating micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses.
  3. Emotion-focused coping occurs when people take steps to confront or minimize the stressor
  4. Resistance (hardiness) has three components: dedication, independence and control.

Question 8

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Social inclusion is the network of people who can help, encourage and advise in times of stress. The more people in this network, the better the results.
II. Testosterone is associated with mistrust and confidence is associated with better health.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 9

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Positive revaluation is a good way to deal with difficult situations. An example of this is comparing yourself to people who are worse off.
II. Emotion-oriented coping in which you try to avoid the stressor is a good way to deal with stressors.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Anticipatory coping consists of 3 evaluation methods.
II. Secondary valuation makes decisions about whether a stimulus is stressful or irrelevant.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. C. the broaden-and-build theory

  2. A. causes the hypothalamus to stimulate the pituitary gland to secrete another hormone, leading to the adrenal glands to secrete cortisol

  3. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  4. C. the general adaptation syndrome

  5. B. secondary valuation, problem-oriented coping, anticipatory coping, primary valuation

  6. A. It is not a major hazard if your BMI is slightly above the recommended amount

  7. B. The immune system is the body's mechanism for eliminating micro-organisms such as bacteria and viruses

  8. B. I is incorrect, II is correct

  9. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  10. D. I and II are both incorrect

What is social psychology? - ExamTests 12

MC questions

Question 1

People tend to explain the behavior of others using personal attributions rather than situational attributions. This is called:

  1. actor-observer discrepancy
  2. fundamental attribution error
  3. self-fulfilling prophecy
  4. outgroup homogeneity effect

Question 2

Lisa does not invite Sean to her birthday because he is dark-skinned. This is an example of:

  1. stereotypes
  2. prejudices
  3. discrimination
  4. ingroup favoritism

Question 3

If you are not aware of an attitude, this is .... If you are aware of it, it is .... The first type of attitude can be measured with a ..., the second type with a. ...

  1. implicit, explicit, IAT, self-report
  2. explicit, implicit, IAT, self-report
  3. implicit, explicit, self-report, IAT
  4. explicit, implicit, self-report, IAT

Question 4

The elaboration likelihood model states that:

  1. the degree to which a message is convincing depends on the source, content and recipient.
  2. people justify efforts for themselves by adopting a more positive attitude to the situation for which they had to make efforts.
  3. people will develop a more positive attitude about an object if they are exposed to it more and more often.
  4. there are two ways to change an attitude through conviction: the peripheral and the central route.

Question 5

Social loafing occurs when:

  1. the presence of others makes us perform better.
  2. people are not very aware of themselves and lose their individuality.
  3. groups make worse choices than individuals.
  4. people work less hard in a group than when they are alone.

Question 6

When we do things that benefit others, this is called:

  1. blood relative selection
  2. altruism
  3. prosocial behavior
  4. reciprocal help

Question 7

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. The social brain hypothesis states that primates have the largest brains, especially the prefrontal cortex because they live in dynamic and complex social groups.
II. Transitivity means that people often unconsciously try to distance themselves from the people around them by, for example, liking other things, etc.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 8

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. According to the risky-shift effect, people are more likely to shift the responsibility of making a good decision to other members of the group.
  2. Social psychology assumes that most people would react the same in and to certain situations
  3. De-individualization occurs when people are no longer self-conscious and therefore no longer respect their own personal values.
  4. Group thinking occurs when a group is under great pressure.

Question 9

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. According to the Foot in the Door effect, people are more likely to accept a small request if they have rejected a larger request.
  2. An example of conformity is that you stand in line in the store because you know that it is found neatly.
  3. Conformity increases as the group grows but with 20 members it remains stable.
  4. According to the mere exposure effect, we develop a positive attitude towards an item if we are increasingly exposed to an item.

Question 10

What happened when students were told that others drink less than they think?

  1. The students all started to drink less.
  2. Students who already drank a lot started drinking even more to stand out from the crowd.
  3. Students who drank too much started drinking less, but students who drank too little started drinking more.
  4. All students started drinking more.


  1. B. fundamental attribution error

  2. C. discrimination

  3. A. implicit, explicit, IAT, self-report

  4. D. there are two ways to change an attitude through conviction: the peripheral and the central route

  5. D. people work less hard in a group than when they are alone

  6. C. prosocial behavior

  7. A. I is correct, II is incorrect

  8. A. According to the risky-shift effect, people are more likely to shift the responsibility of making a good decision to other members of the group

  9. D. According to the mere exposure effect, we develop a positive attitude towards an item if we are increasingly exposed to an item

  10. C. Students who drank too much started drinking less, but students who drank too little started drinking more

How does psychology view personality? - ExamTests 13


Question 1

Which statement is incorrect? Freud stated:

  1. that the unconscious forces influence behavior.

  2. that there is an unconscious force that functions on the principle of pleasure: the id.

  3. that the mind can be divided into the unconscious, pre-conscious and conscious.

  4. that the superego tries to find a middle way to satisfy needs but to remain moral.

Question 2

Put Freud's psychosexual phases in the right order: 1) latent phase, 2) anal phase, 3) genital phase, 4) oral phase, 5) phallic phase.

  1. 1, 4, 3, 2, 5

  2. 4, 2, 5, 1, 3

  3. 2, 5, 4, 3, 1

  4. 4, 1, 2, 3, 5

Question 3

Indicate which statement is incorrect.

  1. In Eysenck's model, the three major features are extraversion vs. Introversion, emotional stability and psychoticism.

  2. People with an internal locus of control believe that they have control over their fate and their behavior.

  3. The Big Five consists of neuroticism, pleasantness, extraversion, empathy and openness.

  4. Using factor analysis, Cattell discovered sixteen dimensions of personality.

Question 4

What two ways of studying personality are there, according to Allport?

  1. Objective and projective tests

  2. Idiographic and nomothetic approaches

  3. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) and NEO-PI

  4. Rorschach inkblot test and California Q-sort

Question 5

Determine activity level, emotionality and sociability:

  1. arousability

  2. Interaction

  3. temperament

  4. level of alertness

Question 6

Gray believed in the existence of:

  1. the behavioral activation system and the behavioral inhibition system.

  2. the ascending reticular activating system.

  3. the early experiential calibration system.

  4. situationism and interactionism.

Question 7

People use a number of strategies to maintain high self-esteem. Which is not included?

  1. The self-serving bias.

  2. Self-evaluative maintenance.

  3. The better-than-average effect.

  4. Reflective appraisal.

Question 8

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect. I. Self-evaluative maintenance means that people feel threatened when others perform a task better than themselves. II. A narrative is the life story that a psychologist can write through a number of introductory sessions with the client.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect

  2. I is incorrect, II is correct

  3. I and II are both correct

  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 9

Which statement is incorrect?

  1. According to Skinner, behavior is a result of external processes.

  2. According to Rotter, behavior is a function of the reward that people expect to receive for it.

  3. According to Mischel, you can predict behavior well on the basis of personality traits.

  4. According to Bandura, self-efficacy is an important predictor of behavior.

Question 10

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect. I. In Collectivist cultures, such as those that mainly occur in America, people more often have interdependent self-constructs. II. In individualistic cultures, people often have independent self-constructs, self-concepts based on the unique self.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect

  2. I is incorrect, II is correct

  3. I and II are both correct

  4. I and II are both incorrect


  1. D

  2. B

  3. C

  4. B

  5. C

  6. A

  7. D

  8. A

  9. C

  10. B

What are different psychological disorders? - ExamTests 14

MC questions

Question 1

What is the name of the system that the DSM uses to diagnose people?

  1. classification system
  2. idiosyncratic approach
  3. dimensional approach
  4. multitaxial system

Question 2

The socio-cultural model states that:

  1. psychopathology results from the interaction between individuals and their culture.
  2. symptoms within an individual should be considered within a social context.
  3. a disorder arises from a predisposition triggered by the environment.
  4. psychopathology is the result of incorrect and learned cognitions.

Question 3

Anna sometimes suddenly has a bout of intense fear, where she has chest pain, dizziness and tingling hands and feels like she is dying. She is most likely diagnosed with:

  1. a generalized anxiety disorder
  2. a post-traumatic stress disorder
  3. a phobia
  4. a panic disorder

Question 4

What symptoms will a person be diagnosed with persistent major depressive disorder?

  1. Severe negative feelings, not enjoying fun activities, weight loss, loss of appetite and sleep and concentration problems.
  2. Periods of extremely good mood, lots of activity and little need for sleep, interspersed with periods of depression.
  3. Often feel down for a period of at least two years, but not severe enough to be called a major depression.
  4. Periods of depression in seasons with little sunlight.

Question 5

Symptoms of schizophrenia that take away something normal are called ... symptoms, symptoms that add something abnormal are called ... symptoms. Incorrect sensory perceptions are called ... incorrect beliefs based on a misinterpretation of the outside world ...

  1. positive, negative, hallucinations, delusions
  2. dissociative, negative, delusions, hallucinations
  3. negative, positive, hallucinations, delusions
  4. positive, dissociative, delusions, hallucinations

Question 6

Which disorder is characterized by identity disturbances, inadequate impulse control, fear of being alone, emotional instability and self-harm?

  1. Antisocial personality disorder
  2. Borderline personality disorder
  3. Autism
  4. ADHD

Question 7

In order to know when behaviors are caused by psychopathology, there are certain criteria that must be taken into account. Which one is not included?

  1. does the person behave differently from what would be appropriate according to cultural norms?
  2. is the behavior maladaptive? Does the behavior hinder someone in their daily functioning?
  3. is the behavior caused by biological factors or by a problematic family situation?
  4. does the behavior cause discomfort to others that disrupts social relationships?

Question 8

Indicate which of these statements is / are correct or incorrect.
I. Evidence-based assessment is an approach in which research directs the evaluation of psychopathology, the selection of appropriate tests and the use of critical thinking in diagnosis.
II. An example of evidence-based diagnostics is when people who are anxious are also screened for depression because research has shown that the two often occur together.

  1. I is correct, II is incorrect
  2. I is incorrect, II is correct
  3. I and II are both correct
  4. I and II are both incorrect

Question 9

Which statement is incorrect?

  1. Children with autism spectrum disorders are often inattentive and often do not notice details in the environment.
  2. In people with schizophrenia, the ventricles are larger and there is less activity in the temporal and frontal lobe.
  3. The cause of dissociations could be extreme stress in which someone dissociates from a traumatic event of self-protection.
  4. The greatest risk factor is the presence of bipolar disorders in the family.


  1. C. dimensional approach

  2. A. symptoms within an individual should be considered within a social context

  3. D. a panic disorder

  4. C. Often feel down for a period of at least two years, but not severe enough to be called a major depression

  5. C. negative, positive, hallucinations, delusions

  6. B. Borderline personality disorder

  7. C. is the behavior caused by biological factors or by a problematic family situation?

  8. C. I and II are both correct

  9. A. Children with autism spectrum disorders are often inattentive and often do not notice details in the environment

How are psychological disorders treated? - ExamTests 15

MC questions

Question 1

Which theory aims to change harmful thinking patterns?

  1. Cognitive behavioral therapy
  2. Client-centered therapy
  3. Psychodynamic therapy
  4. Cognitive therapy

Question 2

What three types of psychotropic medications are there?

  1. MAOIs, SSRIs and tricyclic antidepressants
  2. Clozapine, anticonvulsants and lithium
  3. Anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and antipsychotics
  4. Chlorpromazine, haloperidol and reserpine

Question 3

In which disorder is dialectical behavioral therapy applied?

  1. Depression
  2. Bipolar disorder
  3. Schizophrenia
  4. Borderline

Question 4

Which treatment works best for autistic children?

  1. Cognitive therapy in combination with methylphenidate
  2. Cognitive behavioral therapy in combination with imipramine
  3. Phototherapy
  4. Applied behavioral analysis

Question 5

Which therapy aims to treat the client as a whole?

  1. Group therapy
  2. Client-centered therapy
  3. Psychodynamic therapy
  4. System approach

Question 6

Which statement is incorrect?

  1. MAO is an enzyme that breaks down serotonin in the synapse, and MAO inhibitors increase the amount of serotonin available in the brain's synapses.
  2. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs: (eg Prozac), extend the effects of serotonin in the synapse.
  3. Antipsychotics bind to and activate dopamine receptors. This increases the effects of dopamine.
  4. Medicine that prevents physical attacks are called anticonvulsants.

Question 7

According to Barlow, there are three characteristics with which scientifically founded psychological treatments can be recognized, which do not belong?

  1. There is a specific treatment for a specific mental disorder.
  2. The techniques used in treatment have been developed by behavioral, cognitive or social psychologists.
  3. Treatments that are not evidence-based are not reimbursed by health insurance
  4. There is no one correct theory about treatment: therapy is based on effectiveness.

Question 8

Which statement is incorrect?

  1. Today, chlorpromazine (synthetic reserpine) and haloperidol are prescribed to address the positive symptoms of schizophrenia.
  2. Antipsychotics are a solution because social functioning also improves.
  3. Clozapine is also popular, but has a side effect of late diskinesia.
  4. Lithium balances excitatory (enhancing) and inhibitory (inhibitory) neurotransmitters.

Question 9

Which statement is correct?

  1. If SSRIs are used in the treatment of adolescents with depression, a very low dose should be started slowly.
  2. About 80 to 90% of depressed people taking antidepressants experience a reduction in depression symptoms.
  3. Medicine such as SSRIs should not be used in the treatment of depression in adolescents as these increase suicidal thoughts.
  4. The treatment of depression in adolescents works best when it consists only of psychotherapy.


  1. D. Cognitive therapy

  2. C. Anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants and antipsychotics

  3. D. Borderline

  4. D. Applied behavioral analysis

  5. B. Client-centered therapy

  6. C. Antipsychotics bind to and activate dopamine receptors. This increases the effects of dopamine

  7. C. Treatments that are not evidence-based are not reimbursed by health insurance

  8. C. Clozapine is also popular, but has a side effect of late diskinesia

  9. A. If SSRIs are used in the treatment of adolescents with depression, a very low dose should be started slowly

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