Personal/Social vs Climate considerations Lisalotte van d... contributed on 11-10-2018 18:22
Interesting Sander! Seems to me your approach is more from a 'how to care for the climate' as a vegetarian. It's definitely easier to 'go veg' in countries such as India, than in 'meat loving' South America. It definitely starts with awareness of the local environment - but that's also about eating fish when near the sea, and eating chicken (well just about anywhere). Normally you can also 'go the cheap way' right? The cheapest dishes are generally the ones which costs less to produce locally (though this is not really the case here in Europe I guess).
Interesting Sander! Seems to me your approach is more from a 'how to care for the climate' as a vegetarian. It's definitely easier to 'go veg' in countries such as India, than in 'meat loving' South America. It definitely starts with awareness of the local environment - but that's also about eating fish when near the sea, and eating chicken (well just about anywhere). Normally you can also 'go the cheap way' right? The cheapest dishes are generally the ones which costs less to produce locally (though this is not really the case here in Europe I guess).