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Ice breakers for our Smokey Tourleaders

Possible games / ice-breakers for trainings

  • Peoples attention span is limited, so make the trainings as interactive and fun as possible
  • Participants have to actively participate. This way they learn much much more
  • Through playing we learn and remember – while at the same time having fun 



  1. May I? (Ella knows this game)
    Form a circle. Each one states his/her name.
    Then call a name and ask the person „May I?“. The person answers with „Yes, you may“. And the person asking will move to the place where the other person is standing. 
    The person being asked has to do the same again. Call a name and ask „May I?“

  2. Super-hero poses (good as introduction, Ella knows the game)
    Stand in circle so that everyone can see each other, say the name and do your personal super-hero pose.
    Then a person calls another person with her/his name and her/his super-hero pose. Do this until people know names and each others super-hero poses 
  3. Introducing each other 
    Form groups of 2. Give them 5-10 minutes to get to know themselves better. Tell them to ask many questions about their lives.
    Then come back to a circle (ideally in standing) and then each one has to introduce the person he/she was with to the others. 
    (So not introducing yourself, but the other person you just got a lot of information from) 



  1. 3-times circling around a person (an energy booster, make people laugh and move, Ella knows the game) 
    Stand in circle. 
    Each one has to pick a person – but do not say it out loud, just pick the person quietly – and then cound 1, 2,  3 and at 3 each one circles 3 times around the person you picked. Then go back to the place in the circle you were before. 
    It will be chaotic and fun. 
  2. Zip – Zap -Zop 
    Form a circle. Standing. One person claps hands, points at another person and makes „zip“ at the same time. The other person received and makes then „zap“ to another person. This person then goes on with „zop“. 
  3. Energy levels: 1-7 
    People are moving around in the room. Then define the energy levels as 1 = standing / lying still and 7 = running as fast as possible. 
    The facilitator of the game then shouts the different numbers, any number between 1 to 7 and the participants in the room have to assume this energy level and move accordingly 



  1. Counting to 15 (listening/feeling each other) 
    Stand in a circle. Close together, shoulder to shoulder
    Then someone starts to count with 1, another person says 2, another one says 3 and so on until 15. 
    Important: as soon as two people say at the same time a number, you have to start from scratch with 1. 
  2. Positive gossip (make people feel good / valued, appreciated) 
    Form teams of 2. 
    Make the 2 people sit down on chairs in a way that they do NOT face each other. One person starts and talks only positive gossip about the other person to an imaginary friend. 
    The gossip is about a persons strengths you know, things you like about the people or things you imagine the person is good at by looking at her/him (e.g. I am sure he is a very creative person. The other day I saw how she interacted with the foreigner – she was so confident. I like the way she can motive other people. It is fun to be with him - he always make me lough.) etc. Etc. 
    Say things which you feel are true or you can imagine the person to be good at. Don’t just say anything – the more honest these „gossip“ is, the better. 



  1. Small presentations
    Each participant has to do a small presentation about a topic.
    Either they can do research themselves or much easier (for the beginning) give them a few basic facts on something and they have to present it in a nice way to the group 
  2. Asking questions – Interview ( highlight cultural difference)
    Have a person being the Interviewer and asking questions to the different people who represent different countries / or perhaps even come from different countries 
    Questions like: What do you eat for breakfast? Do you sing Karaoke? What is your religion? How do you pray? Without what could you not live? What would you do if you get PHP 10´000? Etc. Etc. 

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