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From the old box Tourleader Role Playing

Tondo Tourleading Program

By Juliette Kwee



What is tourleading?

What is important when you are a tourleader?

To tour:a journey for business, pleasure or education often involving a series of stops and ending at the starting point.

Guide: to act as a guide to, direct in a way or course. One that leads or directs another’s way. A person who exhibits and explains points of interest. 

GUIDE: implies intimate knowledge of the way and of all it’s difficulties and dangers.

LEAD: implies showing the way and often keeping those that follow under control and in order.

What do you want to learn?

Roleplaying: This is a training. We are not going to make it very difficult. The goal is for you to learn. Only the actor /actress is acting. You are always yourself. The actress will be flexible and join you in the given situation.

Role plays:

1. You are a tourleader. It is a beautiful day. You have taken your visitor up to the mainattraction of the place. He/she is complaining all the time about the heat and the dirty road.

Assignment: make sure you make it clear to your visitor that the route will be pretty dirty later on. Tell him/her friendly that the tour is too hard for the visitor.

2. You have been tourleading for a while. The visitor you have today is annoying you. He/she asks questions all the time.

Assignment: talk to your visitor and explain that you don’t know everything in a responsible manner.

3. You are almost finished with your tour. Your visitor has hardly asked any questions, so you made it sure you can make it home before lunch. You rushed a little.

Assignment: your visitor tells you at the end that he/she is not satisfied. The tour supposted to be 2 hours but finished in 1 hour. Explain the visitor and tell him/her why.

4. You just started tourleading. After your training you have been taught the basics of tourguiding. The visitor you have with you today is very interested about all the animals and plants. You don’t know what to do or say anymore.

Assignment: make it clear to your visitor that you don’t know everything.

5. You are ending your tour. One visior stays and want to keep talking with you. You have already another group waiting for you. 

Assignment: make it a point to tell your visitor that you have more work to do.

6. Today you have a visitor, she looks bored and she is sighing all the time. You are curious what is going on. 

Assignment: Your task is to figure out what is on her mind.

7. Brief  the visitor(s) about the tour of the day. There is one visitor, she doesn’t understand what you are saying.

Assignment: your task is to explain in different ways that the tour can be physically demanding.


Giving and receiving Feedback

Feedback is always positive and about behaviour.

Model how to handle difficult situations: professionalism

Ignore conflicts: Let the visitor talk, shout and express feelings, give the visitor space, be quiet for a while, silence.

Make contact: eye contact, smile, repeat, mention/use the name of the visitor, mention similarities.

Active listening: repeat, nod, ask questions, give a summary, continue asking questions.

Confront: tell what the problem is, tell how it makes you feel.

Finish: finish the conversation, ask if there are any questions, summary, solutions.

Reactions come out of our thoughts, sentences of visions we have in our head. Those mental processes lead to certain behaviour. Our behaviour is a powerfull instrument to influence a conversation. You can lead mental and emotional processes.

It is about selfcontrol: breathing, relax the muscles. 

If there is too much tension, the results will be less. If there isnt any tension there is no concentration and low results.




How do you respond when you don’t know the answer?


Topics to be discussed

Cultural differences, western/eastern/europeans. 

What are difficult situations?

History Tondo.

Culture of the Philippines.

Sights, famous people, figures about health etc.

Way of living.


General information of Barangay 105

Difficulties and dangers.



Further topics to be discussed

Topics to be discussed: Why hire a tourleader? Explain the routes. Value as a tourguide (empowerment).

Topics to be discussed: Brainstorm why should I hire a tourleader? Introduction. Memorize english sentences (Please forgive me...)

Topics to be discussed: History Tondo, gathering data of Tondo itself, geographic figures.

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