Jennissen, R., Bovens, M., Engbersen, G., Bokhorst, M. (2023). Successive National Policy Models. In: Migration Diversity and Social Cohesion. Research for Policy. Springer, Cham.
Suggested reading:
Filindra, A., & Goodman, S. W. (2019). Studying public policy through immigration policy: advances in theory and measurement. Policy Studies Journal, 47, 498-516.
Lecture 2: International migration: definitions, types, trends, and theories (week 8)
Hooghe, M., Trappers, A., Meuleman, B., & Reeskens, T. (2008). Migration to European Countries: A structural explanation of patterns, 1980–2004. International Migration Review, 42, 476–504.
Neumayer, E. (2005). Bogus refugees? The determinants of asylum migration to western Europe. International Studies Quarterly, 49, 389-409. 2478.2005.00370.x 8
Suggested reading:
Massey, D. et al. (1998). Chapter 2 Contemporary theories of international migration. In "Worlds in motion" Oxford: Clarendon Press (40 pages) (use following keywords in google for a digital version: Massey worlds in motion pdf)
Kang, Y. (2021). Refugee crisis in Europe: determinants of asylum seeking in European countries from 2008–2014. Journal of European Integration, 43, 33-48.
Damen, R., Van der Linden, M., Dagevos, J., & Huijnk, W. (2022). About but not without: Recently arrived refugees’ understanding of and expectations for integration within a local policy context in the Netherlands. Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, advanced online publication.
Suggested reading:
Lutz, P. (2017). Two logics of policy intervention in immigrant integration: An institutionalist framework based on capabilities and aspirations. Comparative Migration Studies, 5, 1- 18. https://10.1186/s40878-017-0064-0.
Lecture 4: Socio-economic integration (week 10)
Griesshaber, N. & Seibel, V. (2014). Over-education among immigrants in Europe: The Value of Civic Involvement. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41, 379-394.
Larsen, E. N., & Stasio, V. D. (2019). Pakistani in the UK and Norway: different contexts, similar disadvantage. Results from a comparative field experiment on hiring discrimination. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 46, 1201-1221.
Jennissen, R., Bovens, M., Engbersen, G. & Bokhorst, M. (2023). The Netherlands as a Country of Immigration. In: Migration Diversity and Social Cohesion. Research for Policy. Springer, Cham.
Lecture 5: Socio-cultural integration (week 11)
Alba, R., & Duyvendak, J. W. (2019). What about the mainstream? Assimilation in super- diverse times. Ethnic & Racial Studies, 42, 105-124.
Schaeffer, M., & Kas, J. (2023). The integration paradox: A review and meta-analysis of the complex relationship between integration and reports of discrimination. International Migration Review,
Vervoort, M., Flap, H., & Dagevos, J. (2011). The ethnic composition of the neighbourhood and ethnic minorities’ social contacts: Three unresolved issues. European Sociological Review, 27, 586-605.
Lecture 6: Transnationalism among people with an immigrant background (week 12)
Schiller, N. G., Basch, L., & Blanc‐Szanton, C. (1992). Transnationalism: A new analytic framework for understanding migration.Annals of the New York academy of sciences, 645, 1-24.
Lecture 7: (Mental) health among people with immigrant background (week 13)
Dimitrova, R., Chasiotis, A., & Van de Vijver, F. (2016). Adjustment Outcomes of Immigrant Children and Youth in Europe: A Meta-Analysis. European Psychologist, 21, 150-162.
Delaruelle, K., Walsh, S. D., Dierckens, M., Deforche, B., Kern, M. R., Currie, C., ... & Stevens, G.W.J.M. (2021). Mental Health in Adolescents with a Migration Background in 29 European Countries: The Buffering Role of Social Capital. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 50, 855-871.
Suggested reading:
Juang, L. P., & Syed, M. (2019). The evolution of acculturation and development models for understanding immigrant children and youth adjustment.Child Development Perspectives, 13, 241-246.
De voorgeschreven studiestof van het vak: Migrants and integration bestaat uit de volgende literatuur:
Lecture 1: Immigration and policy (week 7)
Suggested reading:
Lecture 2: International migration: definitions, types, trends, and theories (week 8)
Suggested reading:
Lecture 3: Integration policies (week 9)
Suggested reading:
Lecture 4: Socio-economic integration (week 10)
Lecture 5: Socio-cultural integration (week 11)
Lecture 6: Transnationalism among people with an immigrant background (week 12)
Lecture 7: (Mental) health among people with immigrant background (week 13)
Suggested reading: