Cultural anthropology and ethnology


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Cultural anthropology and ethnology


What is Anthropology?

  • In a basic sense, Anthropology is the study of humanity itself, of what makes us human. It further focuses on a wide variety of aspects like human behavior, culture, society and biology, in the present but also across the whole of human history. In doing so, Anthropology also takes a lot of its inspiration from other social science disciplines.

Why Anthropology?

  • By studying the way humans interact with one-another in the cultural and societal spaces they are apart of, throughout history and in the present, the goal is to come up with explanations and understandings for why certain human behavior exists. At the same time the study is able to celebrate the diversity we all share as the human race, by showcasing humanity in all its beauty and pain over it’s entire history

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Selected spotlight content related to Cultural anthropology and ethnology
Summary of Society the basics by Macionis
  • 1: The Perspective, Theory, and Method of Sociology
  • 2: The Workings of Culture
  • 3: Socialization Process, a Lifelong Process
  • 4: Social interaction in Daily Life
  • 5: The Workings of Groups & Organization in Society
  • 6: Sexuality and its Impact ...
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  • Werken en studeren als antropoloog
  • Sociale systemen en machtstructuren

Over culturele antropologie

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Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Cultural anthropology and ethnology

Theorie en onderzoek hebben elkaar nodig. Zonder onderzoek kun je geen theorie opstellen en zonder theorie is je onderzoek weinig waard. In 'Social Research Methods' bespreekt Bryman de verschillende factoren die meespelen bij sociaal onderzoek. Zo benadrukt hij het belang van reflexiviteit van de o...

Spotlight summaries related to Cultural anthropology and ethnology
  • ‘MUJERES EN MARRUECOS’: Una análisis desde el parentesco y el genero.
  • Tres gramáticas de la alteridad: Algunas antropo-lógicas de la construccion del otro en las constelaciones históricas

  • Resumen analitico del libro ULTRAS Y SKINHEADS, LA JUVENTUD VISIBLE de Teresa Adán Revilla
  • Resumen analitico del libro ON TOLERATION de Michael Walzer
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Boeksamenvatting bij Being There van Davis en Konner
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  • Introductie: Menselijk worden
  • Hoofdstuk 1. Een soort verwantschap
  • Hoofdstuk 2. Heiligen en verstotelingen
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