Global Nomad Coaching

Global Nomad Coaching helps people prepare for, design and manage their global life by helping them tackle the challenges and transitions that come with their global lifestyle. In personalized coaching sessions and theme-based workshops, you can voice your ideas, passions and reservations and gain new perspectives for moving ahead on your personal journey.

Status: It looks like the activities of this organisation has stopped. 

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More about Global Nomad Coaching in past and present
Wereldstage & Wereldstap

Al sinds 2000 regelt Wereldstage meeloopstages, projectstages en afstudeeropdrachten voor studenten op Curaçao. In de loop van de jaren zijn daar verschillende andere programma's en diensten bijgekomen zoals tussenjaarprogramma's, vrijwilligerswerkbemiddeling, werkbemiddeling en de begeleidin...

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH) is an organization dedicated to offering vulnerable children in South America a home.


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