Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities

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One thing I learnt from Filipino's: there is no reason not to smile... Right now the whole country is flooded, so many people are losing their homes. And while I'm sitting here, dry and worried about them, these kinds of updates are being posted by my friends... 'Life is not about waiting for the st...


Voor de Race to Cooperation heb ik een casus geschreven in het kader van millenniumdoel 7. In dit stuk zal ik aangeven hoe ik dit heb gedaan en ook de uiteindelijke casus zetten. Het staat iedereen vrij deze te gebruiken bij voorlichting op scholen en dergelijken. Onthoud wel dat hij geschreven is v...


Many of you might have read the recent articles criticizing the popularity of volunteer work amongst white teenagers nowadays. After the launch of this article, several more popped up, and they are interesting to read. However, these articles, as well as the ones supporting volunteer work, give a &l...


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Favorite stories and suggestions related to Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
Sustainability and Social Impact

Sustainability Looking back at 2017, focussing on the positive. I have been asked to talk, and sometimes even as a Keynote Speaker on Conferences. My talks are about Sustainability (which is the key of Social Impact) and about Social Impact. I did some research and taught myself all about Sustainabi...


What is Mottainai? Mottainai (もったいない or 勿体無い) is a term of Japanese origin that has been used by environmentalists. The term in Japanese conveys a sense of regret over waste; the exclamation "Mottainai!" can tr...


Er wordt al jarenlang -en recent niet anders- geschreven over de bedreiging die "toerisme" vormt voor onze planeet. Los van allerlei culturele bedreigingen (de nadelige effecten van massa-toerisme in opkomende voormalige ontwikkelingslanden) gaat het dan vaak om bedreigingen voor het milieu -en spec...

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