International business and strategy

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International business and strategy:summaries, study assistance, internships and work experience abroad

What is International Business?

  • International business is the exchange of goods, services, knowledge, and resources across national borders. It encompasses activities like exporting, importing, and foreign direct investment.

What is International Business Strategy?

  • International business strategy involves planning and decision-making for these international activities. It considers factors like global markets, cultural differences, and currency fluctuations to achieve an organization's goals in the international arena.
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Business organization, economics and marketing

What is business organization, and what is economics?

  • Business involves the production, distribution, and sale of goods and services to meet consumer needs and generate profit.
  • Economics studies how individuals, businesses, and governments allocate resources and make decisions to optimize wealth and well-being.

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International business & strategy: The best concepts summarized
Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie



  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Business History: complexities and comparisons van Amatori en Colli
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: International economics van Marrewijk
  • Samenvatting bij het boek: Operations and Supply Chain Management, The Core van Jacobs en Chase - 5e druk


  • Summary with the book: Business Ethics: Managing corporate citizenship and sustainability in the age of globalization by Crane and Matten - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Cross-Cultural Management by Thomas and Peterson - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Global Business by Peng - 4th edition
  • Summary with the book: Global Political Economy by O'Brien and Williams - 5th edition of
  • Summary with the book: International Business Strategy by Verbeke - 2nd edition
  • Summary with the book: International Economics by Pugel
  • Summary with the book: International Economics and Business: Nations and Firms in the Global Economy by Beugelsdijk - 2nd edition

Over Internationale Bedrijfskunde en Strategie

  • Internationale Bedrijfskunde richt zich op het bestuderen van bedrijfsactiviteiten die zich over verschillende landen uitstrekken, terwijl Strategie zich bezighoudt met het formuleren van langetermijndoelen en plannen om deze te bereiken in een internationale context.


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Introduction to International Business Lecture 4 Notes


In IB we’re interested in factors that complicate the process of going abroad

One of these factors is dealing with differences


CAGE Distance Framework

Its parsimonious in term of simplicity

Its comprehensive; covers most differences


Availability of HR: not sufficient engineers for example

Trade agreements: how will this be influenced by the Brexit

Amount of FDI and office hours overlap has strong negative relation (time zone)


In context of the framework

Left triangle arrow through ... fsa to host country


Big boundary condition is that the entire model is country level model but not firm-level

Compose macro model on micro level

This means that the

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Introduction to International Business Lecture 3 Notes


Entrepreneurial process: people combine existing inputs to create new outputs

These skills are required to create new FSAs from the resources


Paradox of transferability

= challenge of IB


Strategic elements that make IB harder: bounded reliability and bounded rationality


Do all firms fit in the framework?

Yes but categorization into 4 types


International projector:

Difficulty: coordination of all activities; high costs= reason organisations fail to outsource. Difficult to measure these costs. 


Challenge of Multi centered MNE: need to familiarize yourself with local host market; international marketing. Need to know the supply chain in order to chose distribution etc

àadaptation costs


Standardize products = keeping products

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Financial Accounting Lecture 6 Notes

Effective interest method


  • Capital lease ‘lease on almost entirety of useful life and will probably be owner’
  • Operating lease ‘only lease for very short period of time and no responsibility after’


Stockholders’ equity

  • Treasury stock when the company buys back its capital to obtain more control; rights etc. 
  • Contributed capital the stockholders’ investments in the corporation
  • Retained earnings earnings of the corporation since its inception, less any losses dividends, or transfers to contributed capital


Par value

Par value is an arbitrary amount assigned to each share. The number of issued shares multiplied with the par value represents the corporation’s legal capital

Any amount in excess of par value received is recorded in the additional paid-in capital

If no par-value is stated, all proceeds are recorded in the relevant capital stock account

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Financial Accounting Lecture 5 Notes



A security, usually long term, representing money that a corporation borrows form the investing public 

Its a security, like a share but in essence it is a loan


The amount borrowed (principal) and interest have to be (re)paid at a specified rate at specified times

(borrowed not from the bank but from investors)


Face value of bond is stated on bond paper itself


If bond is sold at face value, there is no amortization

Hardly ever happens in practice 


Bond price lower than face value: 

The bond is sold at discount

Bond price higher than face value:

Bond is selling at premium


Selling price of bond is stated as percentage of face price


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Financial Accounting Lecture 3 Notes

Chapter 5:

The operating cycle and merchandising operations

Merchandise inventory a merchandising business

Two types:

  • Sales

Sales discounts are given by the seller to the customer for early payment of the customer’s account. Usually discount on account so don’t receive anything yet

sales discounts are debited to the sales discounts account and recorded at the time the customers pays

contra account àincrease on debit

  • Purchase discounts

Are taken by the buyer for the early payment of merchandise

These are credited to the purchases discounts account, which reduces costs of goods sold

= contra-account

This one is from point of view of buyer

One on revenue side on one expense side

For merchandiseramount paid is sold


Discounts are listed

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Financial Accounting Notes Lecture 2

Revenues are an increase in SE

Epenses are a decrease in SE

When expenses exceed revenues, net loss occurs


Fiscal year a 12-month accounting period 

Interim periods accounting periods of less than a year


The matching rule

Matching rule to measure the net income adequately, revenues and expenses must be assigned to the accounting period in which they occur regardless of when the cash is received or paid

Revenues and expenses are recorded in the periods in which they occur rather than in the periods in which they are received or paid.


The revenue and expense are recognized now even though they will be paid later

  1. Record revenues when earned
  2. Record expense when incurred 
  3. Adjust accounts

So step one and two when contract is

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Introduction to International Business Lecture 1 and 2 notes

Unique resources

Resources that make it possible for a company to have FSA’s

Each firm should have something in it in which its very good, better then rivals, create competitive advantage

  • Physical resources (natural, buildings, plant equipment)
  • Financial resources (equity and borrowed capital)
  • Human resources (individuals and teams, entrepreneurial and operation skills)
  • Upstream knowledge (marketing, sales, distribution, after sales service)
  • Administrative knowledge (organizational structure, culture and systems)
  • Reputational resources (brand names, reputation)


Ability to combine further the firm’s resources in unique ways over and over again.

Stable patterns of decision and actions that coordinate the use of resources and thereby generate value

How to handle processes and the (unique) resources. Handling not creating

Gives the

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Introduction to International Business Lecture 5 and 6 notes

Lecture 5                                                                                                                   13-11-18


Non-equity is based on a contract but no exchange of ownership


Equity is based on ownership structure


If you own something, you control something

With a contract it depends on the degree to which you can control the non-equity part



Easily described, terms also easily described

You can specify the details under which the contract can be used: is precondition for licensing

Terms, period


Regulators can specify, conditions under which the licensee can use the licensing



Local partner would like to use logo, brand, trademark, way of working developed by a firm

Have to follow rules and regulations of how firm operates



One firm in a country

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Practice Exam 2015/2016: Statistics II for IB – UG

Part 1 - Multiple choice questions

Question 1

Which of the following statements on type i and type II errors is correct?

  1. A type II error is the inability to reject a wrong null hypothesis.
  2. A type II error is the rejection of a true null hypothesis
  3. A type I error is the inability to reject a wrong null hypothesis.
  4. A type I error is the rejection of
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  • Lecture 2 (Friday 17-04-2015)
  • Lecture 3 (23-04-2015)
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Article summaries on Small businesses and Entrepreneurial economy

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  • B. How venture capital works
  • C. Innovation and diffusion in small firms
  • D. An...


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Practice Exam 1 – Financial Accounting for IB/E&BE
  • Questions
  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
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  • Exercise 1
  • Exercise 2
  • Questions Exercise 1 On the balance sheet as of December 31, 2014, Groningen Robotics Corporation reported its stockholders' equity as follows: Preferred Stock, 9% noncumu...

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