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Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo: Checklists, Projects, Summaries & Vacancies

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Study association Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente


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Dimensie: summaries and study assistance

Dimensie: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly trying to improve the quality of their education. Apart from this, Dimensie organizes lectures, workshops, and sports more on this page
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Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info


Module 1: Psychology: an Orientation

  • Study material: Psychology by Ciccarelli et al., 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of two written subtests
  • Exam dates: 2 October 2023 (partial exam) + 30 October 2023 (partial exam)

Module 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

  • Study material: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, 15th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a Written Test, an R-exam & assignments
  • Exam dates: 6 November 2023 (Written Test)

Module 1: Systematic Intervention Design

  • Study material: Reader Systematic Intervention Design in Psychology
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of written subtests, a project report, a project presentation, attendance to tutorials & project & handing in preparation exercises
  • Exam dates: 16 October 2023 (partial exam) + 23 October 2023 (exam)

Module 1: Project Management and Academic Writing

  • Study material: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association, 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a group project plan, a group literature assignment, an individual writing assignment, an individual reflective report, attendance to tutorials Professional Skills & attendance tutorials Academic Writing Skills


Module 2: Social (Developmental) Psychology

  • Study material:
    • Social Psychology by Kassin a.o., 11th edition
    • How children develop by Siegler, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on two partial exams and assignments
  • Exam dates: 11 December 2023 (subtest 1) + 29 January 2024 (subtest 2)

Module 2: Data Analysis I

  • Study material: Analysing data using linear models by Van den Berg, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on assignments and a written exam
  • Exam dates: 4 December 2023 (partial exam) + 23 January 2024 (exam) more
Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info

Module 5: Health Psychology and Applied Technology

Health Psychology

  • Study material: Introduction to Health Psychology by Morrison & Bennett, 5th edition

Persuasive Health Technology

  • Study material:
    • eHealth Research: Theory and Development. A multidisciplinary approach by Van Gemert-Pijnen o.a. 2018 edition
    • Articles and readings of other courses in this module

Module 5: Psychology in Learning & Instruction

Theories of Learning and Instruction

  • Study material: articles

Research and Teaching Skills

  • Study material: syllabus

Instructional Design Project

  • Study material: articles & readings through Canvas

Module 5: Psychology of Safety

Theoretical Models of Societal Safety

  • Study material: articles

Research and Design in Safety Contexts

  • Study material: self-selected articles

Module 6: Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics

  • Study material:
    • Psychopathology: Research, Assessment, and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey, 3rd edition
    • Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Applied Psychodiagnostics: Case Report

  • Study material: Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Mental Health in Practice (Project)

  • Study material: articles

Study material and exam info for modules 7 - 8

  • More information follows from your study association


Latest changes or updates tagged with: Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo

How does language develop? - Chapter 6

How does language develop in children?

We use symbols to communicate with other people and to reflect or exchange our thoughts, feelings, and knowledge. Symbols are a tool when communicating with other people. Using language includes language comprehension and language production. Language comprehension is the understanding of what other people say, write or portrait (passive). Language production is speaking, writing or portraying to other people and is active. Language comprehension leads to language production.

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How do children develop perception, action, and learning? - Chapter 5

How does perceptual development work?

There is a difference between perception and sensation. Sensation is the processing of basic information from the external world, through sensory receptors in the sensory organs and the brain. Perception is a process focusing on organizing and interpreting sensory information.

How does visual development take place in children?

In the past the visual capacity of babies was underestimated. Research shows that babies have a greater visual capacity than previously believed. Research was done through preferential looking technique and habituation. The preferential looking technique is a method for research of the baby's visual attention, whereby babies are presented with two patterns or

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How do nature and nurture play a role in development? - Chapter 3

The first studies on development were trying to answer the question of which of the following is more influential on the child’s development: the genes or the environment. Since the discovery of the DNA, the basic component of heredity, enormous advances have been made in deciphering the genetic code. Researchers have mapped the entire genome, the complete set of genes of an organism. Later studies on development found both, the genes and the environment, as important influences in the development of a child. The genes and the environment interact continuously with each other, therefore both influence the development of a child.

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How does prenatal development work? - Chapter 2

How does prenatal development work?

Throughout history, many different ways to view prenatal development can be found. Aristotle rejected the idea of epigenesis, the emergence of new structures and functions during development.

For example, the Beng in West Africa believe that every baby is a reincarnation of an ancestor. The spirit of the ancestor, the wru,

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Why do we study the development of children? - Chapter 1

How do we raise children?

The development of a child can raise various questions in multiple levels of society. A question that most parents have is how they can teach their children how to deal with anger and other negative emotions. Sometimes parents spank their children, but this has turned out to be counterproductive. However, several

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What is the book How Children Develop about?

This summary regards the sixth edition of How Children Develop, 2020. The summary has been updated to reflect the changes made to the fifth edition of the book from 2017. The authors of the book are Robert Siegler, Jenny R. Saffran, Elizabeth T. Gershoff, and Nancy Eisenberg. They all conduct research into the development of children.

This summary provides a global overview of the developments and milestones in development of children. First, there's an introduction to child development and then prenatal and infantile development will be described. Secondly, the focus will be on the relationship between biology and behavior. Then, the different theories on cognitive development of children will be explained. We will discuss the development of perception, action, and learning in the infantile period. The development of language, the conceptual development, and the development of intelligence will also be discussed. We will then continues with theories on children's social development, emotional development,

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What is the book 'Social Psychology' by Kassin about?

This summary is about the 11th edition of the book 'Social Psychology' by Saul Kassin, Steven Fein and Hazel Rose Markus. Saul Kassin is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (US). Steven Fein is a psychology professor at Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts. Lastly, Hazel Rose Markus is a professor at the Behavioral Sciences faculty at Stanford University. The eleventh edition of this book was made more up-to-date in terms of social psychological research. Also, there were made connections between the information and current events. 

First, it is explained what the field of social psychology entail and in what way the research is conducted (chapter 1 and 2). Then in the second part of the book, the topic of social perception is outlined (chapter 3, 4 and 5). Chapters 6, 7 and 8 dive into the topic of social influence, in the

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Summary of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book by Morrison and Bennet - 4th Edition

In this Bundle I added the summaries of:

Summary of Chapter 1 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

Summary of Chapter 2 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

Summary of Chapter 3 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

Summary of Chapter 4 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

Summary of Chapter 5 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison &

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Summary of Chapter 3 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 3 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 

Ch. 3: Health-risk behaviour

Health behaviour:

  • Health behaviour Kasl and Cobb (1966a): They defined it as any activity undertaken by a person believing themselves to be healthy for purposes of preventing disease or detecting it at an asymptomatic stage
  • Health behaviour Harries and Guten (1979): They used the same definition but includex behaviour of “unhealthy” people
    • Crucial assumption --> behaviour motivated with the goal of health
  • Health behaviour Matarazzo (1984):
    • Behavioural pathogen: damaging to health
    • Behavioural immunogen: health-protective
  • Almeda seven: behaviours reduce the development disease and mortality. Increases awareness of behaviours
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How does moral development take place? - ExamTest 14
  • Questions
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  • Questions Question 1 According to Piaget, there are two stages of development in children's moral reasoning, with a transitional period between them. During which ages does this transitional period occur?


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    How does language develop? - Chapter 6
    • How does language develop in children?
    • What components does language have?
    • What are the requirements for language?
    • How does the process of language acquisition work?
    • What are the different theories on language development in children?
    How does conceptual development take place? - Chapter 7

    Concepts are general ideas or terms that can be used to group objects, situations, qualities, or abstractions, that let them become equal in a certain way.

    • How do children learn to understand who and what?
    • How do children learn to understand why, where, when, and h...

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    Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

    • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
    • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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    Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

    • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
    • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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