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Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Psychology AU Amsterdam: Assortmentpointer for summaries and study assistance with the Bachelor and Masters

Assortment of summaries and study assistance

Which summaries and study assistance can you use and expect with JoHo?

Bachelor 1:

  • Introductory Psychology; Brain and Cognition; Research Methods and Statistics; Developmental Psychology; Work and Organisational Psychology; Social Psychology; Clinical Psychology; Neuropsychology; First year thesis

Bachelor 2 Shared Program:

  • Scientific and Statistical Reasoning; Practical training: Psychological Communication; Practical training: Psychological Research; Fundamentals of Psychology


  • various courses, a.o.: Current Topics: Introduction to Cultural Psychology; Youth Interventions: Theory, Research and Practice; Clinical Skills: Developmental Psychology; Adolescence: Developmental, Clinical and School Psychology; KNP Diagnostiek; Psychotherapy and Therapeutic Skills; Teams in Organisations; Emotion

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 12 summary

A regression line is a straight line that predicts the value of a response variable ‘y’ from the value of an explanatory variable ‘x’. The correlation is a summary measure of association. The regression line uses the following formula:

The data is plotted before a regression line is made, because it can be strongly influenced by outliers. The regression equation is often called a prediction equation. The difference between y - ŷ, between an observed outcome y and its predicted value ŷ is the prediction error, called the residual. The average of the residuals is zero. The regression line has a smaller sum of squared residuals than any other line. It is called the least squares line. The population regression equation has the following formula:

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 10 summary

Bivariate methods is the general category of statistical methods used when we have two variables. The outcome variable on which comparisons are made is called the response variable. The binary variable that specifies the groups is the explanatory variable. In an independent sample, observations in one sample are independent from observations in another sample. If two samples have the same subjects, they are dependent. If each subject in one sample is matched with a subject in another sample there are matched pairs and the data is dependent as well.

The formula for the standard error for comparing two proportions is:

A 95% confidence interval for the difference between two population proportions has the following formula:

The proportion (p̂) is

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 9 summary

A hypothesis is a statement about the population. A significance test is a method for using data to summarize the evidence about a hypothesis. The null hypothesis (H0) is a statement that the parameter takes a particular value (e.g: probability of getting a baby girl: p = 0.482). The alternative hypothesis (Ha) states that the parameter falls in some alternative range of values. A significance test has five steps:

  1. Assumptions
    Each significance test has certain assumptions or has certain condition under which it applies (e.g: an assumption is the assumption that random sampling has been used).
  2. Hypotheses
    Each significance test has two hypotheses about a population parameter. The null hypothesis and the alternative hypothesis.
  3. Test statistic
    The parameter to which the hypotheses refer has a point estimate. A test statistic describes how far that
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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 8 summary

A point estimate is a single number that is our best guess for the parameter (e.g: 25% of all Dutch people are above 1,80m). An interval estimate is an interval of numbers within which the parameter value is believed to fall (e.g: between 20% and 30% of the Dutch people are above 1,80m). The margin of error gives the lower border and the upper border of the margin.

A good estimator of a parameter has two properties:

  1. Unbiased
    A good estimator has a sampling distribution that is centred at the parameter. A mean from a random sample should fall around the population parameter and this is especially the case with multiple samples and thus a sampling distribution.
  2. Small standard deviation
    A good estimator has a small standard deviation compared to other estimators.
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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 7 summary

The sample distribution of a statistic is the probability distribution that specifies probabilities for the possible values the statistic can take. The population distribution from which you take the sample. Values of its parameters are fixed, but usually unknown. Data distribution is the distribution of the sample data. It is also called sample proportion. Sampling distribution is the distribution of a sample statistic such as a sample proportion. Sampling distributions describe the variability that occurs from sample to sample.

For a random sample size n from a population with proportion p of outcomes in a particular category, the sampling distribution of the sample proportion in that category has:


For a large sample size n, the binomial distribution has a normal distribution. The central limit

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 6 summary

All possible outcomes and probabilities are summarized in a probability distribution. There is a normal and a binomial distribution. A random variable is a numerical measurement of the outcome of a random phenomenon. The probability distribution of a discrete random variable assigns a probability to each possible value. Numerical summaries of the population are called parameters and a population distribution is a type of probability distribution, one that applies for selecting a subject at random from a population.

The formula for the mean of a probability distribution for a discrete random variable is:

μ= ΣxP(x)

It is also called a weighted average, because some outcomes are likelier to occur than others, so a regular mean would be insufficient here. The mean of a probability

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 3 summary

When analysing data the first step is to distinguish between the response variable and the explanatory variable. The response variable is the outcome variable on which comparisons are made. If the explanatory variable is categorical, it defines the groups to be compared with respect to values for the response variable. If the explanatory variable is quantitative, it defines the change in different numerical values to be compared with respect to values for the response variable. The explanatory variable should explain the response variable (e.g: survival status is a response variable and smoking status is the explanatory variable).

An association exists between two variables if a particular value for one variable is more likely to occur with certain values of the other variable.

A contingency table is a display for two categorical variables. Conditional proportions are proportions which formation

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 5 summary

Probability is the way we quantify uncertainness. It measures the chances of the possible outcomes for random phenomena. A random phenomenon is an everyday occurrence for which the outcome is uncertain. With random phenomena, the proportion of times that something happens is highly random and variable in the short run, but very predictable in the long run. The law of large numbers states that if the number of trials increases, the proportion of occurrences of any outcome approaches a given number. The probability of a particular outcome is the proportion of times that the outcome would occur in a long run of observations.

Different trials of a random phenomena are independent if the outcome of any one trial is not affected by the outcome of any other trial (e.g: if you have three children who are boys, the chance of the next

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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 2 summary

A variable is any characteristic observed in a study. The data values that we observe for a variable are called observations. A variable can be categorical and quantitative.

  • Categorical variables are variables that belong to a distinct set of categories. A categorical variable can be numerical, because some variables do not vary in quantity. (e.g: religion, favourite sport, bank account, area codes)
  • Quantitative variables are variables that have numerical values and represent different magnitudes. (e.g: weight, height, hours spent watching TV every day)

Key features to describe quantitative variables are the centre and the variability (spread) of the data (e.g: average amount of hours spent watching TV every day). Key feature to describe categorical variables is the relative number of observations in various categories. (e.g: the percentage of days in a year that it was sunny)


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Statistics, the art and science of learning from data by A. Agresti (fourth edition) – Chapter 1 summary

The information we gather with experiments and surveys is collectively called data. Statistics is the art and science of learning from data. Statistical problem solving consists of four things:

  1. Formulate a statistical question
  2. Collect data
  3. Analyse data
  4. Interpret results

The three main components of statistics for answering a statistical question are:

  1. Design
    Stating the goal and/or statistical question of interest and planning how to obtain data that will address them. (e.g: how do you conduct an experiment to determine the effects of ‘X’)
  2. Description
    Summarizing and analysing the data that are obtained (e.g: summarizing people’s tv-habits in ‘hours of tv watched per day’)
  3. Inference
    Making decisions and predictions based on the data for answering the statistical question. (predicting the outcome of an election, based on the description
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Summaries and study assistance via VSPA

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