WorldSupporter: cooperate or work in The World of JoHo - Start


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WorldSupporter: what is the JoHo WorldSupporter mission, vision and concept?

WorldSupporter: what is the JoHo WorldSupporter mission, vision and concept?


What is the JoHo mission, vision and concept?

Mission & Vision

  • JoHo wants to enable people and organizations to develop and collaborate better, thereby contributing to a tolerant, tolerant and sustainable world.
  • Support is provided for personal development and international collaboration is stimulated via online platforms and physical support centers.


  • As a JoHo donor, subscriber or insured you support the objectives of JoHo. JoHo then supports you with tools, coaching and benefits in the field of personal development and international activities.
  • JoHo's core services are: study assistance, competence development, coaching and insurance mediation when you leave abroad.

What is the JoHo target group?

Core target groups

  • Travelers, volunteers, workers, emigrants, and everyone involved in the world around them.
  • Young people, students, interns, and anyone who wants to develop themselves further.
  • Projects, initiatives and organizations that are committed to international cooperation.

What are the core JoHo themes?

  • Personal development: Learning, Studying, Working, Applying, Entrepreneurship, Initiating.
  • International cooperation: Help, Travel, Arrange, Emigrate, Immigrate & Inspire.

How can JoHo support you?

  • In addition to the support you can provide to JoHo, JoHo supports you with tools, decision aid, advice and discounts on articles, insurance, travel, activities, training, facilities, summaries and media use.

How can you support JoHo?

  • By using the JoHo products and services you automatically support the goals of JoHo.
  • You can also join JoHo online or in the support center as a donor or subscriber
  • JoHo donors make it possible for JoHo to have been committed to successful projects in the field of development cooperation, knowledge sharing and talent development for years. Anyone who supports JoHo can also contribute to the projects and make use of knowledge, decision aid and discounts.

What have JoHo and JoHo donors already achieved?

What does the World of JoHo consist of?

  • JoHo WorldSupporter: The JoHo platform for those who also want to do something for others, an online community and marketplace for global citizens, volunteers and involved companies.
  • JoHo Insurances: The JoHo platform for all your insurance, security measures, visa matters, vaccinations & arrangements for short and long stays abroad.
  • JoHo Memberships: The JoHo platform for personal development with tools for study, internship, work, travel and emigration.
  • JoHo Partnerships: The JoHo platform where organizations are enabled to bring their projects, activities and vacancies to the attention of a target group that wants to mean something for the world around them.

How can you use JoHo?

  • You can explore the World of JoHo through JoHo support centers, the online platforms and the events.
  • Visit a JoHo World Experience Center, make an online discovery trip, visit JoHo at an event, or contact us by phone.
  • Read about cooperation with and services of JoHo

What is the meaning of the term JoHo?

  • The term JoHo has had multiple meanings over the years. Today, reference is made to a more than 2,000-year-old quote from Ashoka. On the banks of the Ganges, the Indian visionary and ruler Ashoka tried to convince his people that all peoples on earth are equal and can learn from each other: "Life is a Journey to Open-mindedness, Helpfulness and Optimism."
WorldSupporter: About & FAQ


WorldSupporter: what to do to cooperate and connect with JoHo WorldSupporter as an organization?

WorldSupporter: what to do to cooperate and connect with JoHo WorldSupporter as an organization?

Cooperating with JoHo: supporting JoHo


  • With a lot of organizations JoHo cooperates on a barter deal basis. This is a type of partnership where none of the two organizations pays or charges fees, or where lowest possibile fees are calculated.
  • Starting-point within these kind of deals is that organizations work cost neutral and organizations exchange equally: advertorial-advertorial, banner-banner, flyer-flyer, etc.


  • Organizations can sponsor JoHo initiatives like World Supporter and The World Summary Bank.
  • Organizations can sponsor JoHo partner initiatives like Smokey Projects.

Subsidy requests

  • JoHo is a non-profit organization with limited usage of subsidy facilities.
  • JoHo is always willing to have a look at joint subsidy requests, as long as there is a focus on talent development and international cooperation.

Link exchange

  • Link exchanges are possible, JoHo has a special link exchange page.
  • Most of all links are being exchanged with organizations offering a special value or discount for JoHo members.

Media and JoHo logos

  • Are you thinking about supporting JoHo and promoting JoHo among your clients or visitors?
  • Please use JoHo logos, banners and texts of JoHo's media page.


Cooperating with JoHo: being supported by JoHo

Foundations & Social Enterprises

  • If you run a foundation and/or social enterprise, please make use of JoHo's free Barter Membership system
  • Under this system, fees and costs have been reduced considerably to facilitate a lot of smaller (and sometimes bigger) colleague organizations making use of The World of JoHo.
  • With a free Barter Membership also organizations with smaller budgets can profit from exposure in JoHo channels and JoHo facilities
  • Channels and facilities are being offered at, or sometimes even under, cost price.

Projects aimed at International Development

  • If you run an international development project or business, please make use of JoHo's Barter Membership system and/or use JoHo's fee World Supporter platform
  • Are you an individual JoHo member? You can support your favorite international aid project through your membership, by transering facilities and services of your membership to this organization


  • With several media JoHo partners on a barterdeal basis. This is a type of partnership where none of the two organizations pays or charges fees, or where lowest possible fees are calculated.
  • Starting-point within these kind of deals is that organizations work cost neutral and organizations exchange equally: advertorial-advertorial, banner-banner, flyer-flyer, etc.

Student organizations

  • Do you run or participate in a student organization? Please make use of JoHo's Barter Membership system to promote your organization in JoHo channels.
  • Or contact with your business proposition.


Cooperating with JoHo: insurances through JoHo

JoHo & Insurance cooperation

Comprehensive product range

  • JoHo is one of the few organizations where you can directly purchase a comprehensive range of foreign insurances from a variety of insurers. As with our other products and services, we believe that you should be able to choose between the best, the most cost effective and the most specialized insurance.

Combinations possible

  • JoHo offers various possibilities from combining insurances to assisting in transferring from one insurer to another.

No price difference

  • When you purchase an insurance policy through JoHo, you will not pay anymore than if you had purchased it directly from the insurer. Sometimes (through special collective agreements) you will pay even less.

Extra support

  • JoHo offers support with problems that may arise with the insurer. Sometimes disagreement with claims, cancellation notice or insurance premiums can occur. In this situation it helps if you have the assistance of an organization who has an established relationship with the insurer.


  • JoHo Insurances have been working with international health insurance providers since many years


Insurances for travellers, intern, volunteering or working holidays abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can benefit through JoHo from 'expertise', 'discount' or 'fee' advantages

Insurances for working and living abroad

  • If you run an organization and are looking for an opportunity to insure yourself, your colleagues or your clients properly, you can get free advice and/or make use of JoHo's expatservice


Cooperating with JoHo: benefits from JoHo's World Supporter platform


  • The tool for anyone who wants tot share experiences with his or her friends
  • The platform for anyone who wants to inspire other global and involved Supporters and World Supporting organizations

Using WorldSupporter

  • If you run a project aimed at talent development or international cooperation, please use the WorldSupporter platform to get free attention and exposure
  • If you work for an organization involved in mediation for volunteer projects or internships you can profile your activities on the WorldSupporter platform
  • If you joined an internship or volunteer organization as a client and want to support your organization, you can promote them by starting an Experience magazine, blogging, sharing photos, videos, vacancies, etc. Promote your organization for free, and inspire others!


JoHo: Medewerker Internationale Samenwerking & Talentontwikkeling

JoHo: Medewerker Internationale Samenwerking & Talentontwikkeling

JoHo wil mensen en organisaties in staat stellen bij te dragen aan een tolerante en duurzame wereld. JoHo is een ontwikkelingsorganisatie met wereldwijd winkels en websites, waar mensen en organisaties worden gestimuleerd en geholpen bij talentontwikkeling en internationale samenwerking.

Lees online meer over JoHo, want werken bij JoHo is toch vaak net even anders dan bij veel andere organisaties.

Werkzaamheden in het kort

  • Je helpt mee aan de algemene doelstelling van JoHo, namelijk het helpen en stimuleren van mensen en organisaties om talentontwikkeling en internationale samenwerking te bevorderen. Je bent medeverantwoordelijk voor het traject rondom de producten en services (o.a. keuzehulp, kortingen, vacatures) voor JoHo donateurs.
  • Daarnaast houd je je bezig met het informeren of plaatsen van kandidaten voor vrijwilligerswerk, wereldreizen, werkvakanties, stages of taalcursussen binnen de JoHo WorldActivity omgeving.
  • Verder help je, 1 a 2 dagen per week, binnen de JoHo support centers in Nederland mee zodat iedereen die zich actief in buitenland wil inzetten de juiste ondersteuning bij de voorbereiding krijgt.

Competenties die je nodig hebt en andere voorwaarden

  • Flexibel: Je pakt gemakkelijk nieuwe projecten op en denkt in oplossingen. Daarnaast vind je het leuk om te werken in een veelzijdige, groeiende en continu in beweging zijnde organisatie.
  • Resultaatgericht: Je werkt graag onafhankelijk en in een team, je bent niet bang voor verantwoordelijkheid en bent proactief in het zien van nieuwe mogelijkheden en kansen.
  • Analytisch: Je hebt academisch werk- en denkniveau
  • Reislustig: Je hebt bij voorkeur een uitgebreide werk- en reiservaring in het buitenland (buiten Europa)
  • Creatief zijn: Je wordt blij van onzekerheid en op pad gaan zonder een uitgeschreven route. Je put inspiratie uit (eigen) fouten en kan goed improviseren

Competenties die je kunt opdoen en andere voordelen

  • Ondernemen: Kunnen en willen werken in een non-profit netwerkorganisatie die verantwoordelijk is voor eigen inkomsten
  • Leidinggeven: Je bent verantwoordelijk voor de proces- en productontwikkeling op het gebied van (internationale) samenwerking en talentontwikkeling
  • Communiceren: Binnen JoHo kun je je verder ontwikkelen op het vlak van (web)redactie, trainingen en contentontwikkeling.
  • Diversiteit en betrokkenheid: Werken in een organisatie met brede rollen waarin je jezelf verder kan ontwikkelen in de richting die uiteindelijk bij jou past


  • Uren: 32 - 40 uur per week
  • Plaats: Den Haag (met optie om een of meerdere dagen in een van de andere support centers actief te zijn)

Solliciteren en reageren

  • Stuur je motivatie met CV naar t.a.v. de Procescoordinator P&O (je hoeft de mail niet persoonlijk aan iemand te richten)
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