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Appalachian Mountain Club

Deze Amerikaanse organisatie, in het berggebied de Appalachen, biedt vrijwilligerswerk aan op het gebied van natuurbehoud en betaald werk in de bergaccommodaties die ze beheren.

What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...



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Selected spotlight content related to Meteorology and Climate change
What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...


Spotlight: favorites

Stories and suggestions related to Meteorology and Climate change
mangroves planten

Ga aan de slag als vrijwilliger in Ambondrolava (Madagaskar) om samen met lokale projectmedewerkers onderzoek te doen en onderhoud te plegen aan de bedreigde mangrove bossen. Er is steeds plaats van maximaal 4 vrijwilligers en de duur van het project is tussen de 1 en 3 maanden. Het is mogelijk om b...

Summaries related to Meteorology and Climate change
What is land conservation?

Land conservation prioritizes the preservation and sustainable use of land It encompasses various ecosystems beyond forests, including grasslands, wetlands, mountains, and deserts. The field draws upon knowledge from ecology, soil science, environmental science, geography, and land management practi...

What is water conservation?

Water conservation is an interdisciplinary area that draws upon various disciplines to ensure the sustainable management and protection of freshwater resources. What are the main features of water conservation?

  • Interdisciplinary: Water conservation requires expertise from hydrology, en...

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