
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Nature an environmental sciences

Duurzaam reizen, kan dat?

Anno 2019 is de opwarming van de aarde een steeds grote issue aan het worden. Het klimaatakkoord van Parijs is een goede stap in de richting en naar mijn gevoel worden individuen zich ook meer bewust dat het vijf voor twaalf is. Ikzelf merk ook dat ik milieubewuster leef. Ik eet minder vlees, ik scheid mijn afval en probeer zowaar elders mijn bijdrage te leveren aan een beter klimaat. Echter, ik blijf wel reizen en dit is niet bepaald bevorderend. Vliegen is nog steeds hartstikke milieubelastend, maar het is wel nodig als ik de wereld wil

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Flygskam - ofwel Vliegschaamte


Mensen beseffen steeds beter hoe slecht vliegen is voor het milieu en schamen zich collectief voor hun eigen aandeel in de kerosineconsumptie en zoeken naar alternatieven, zoals reizen per trein. Flygskam dus, deze vanuit het meestal behoorlijk milieubewuste Zweden overgewaaide trend; in lelijk Nederlands vertaald als vliegschaamte. Kiest heel reizend Nederland inmiddels al voor andere middelen van vervoer en

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Coral Reefs Around The World Are In Grave Danger. Here's What's Happening

Coral reef

One of the most wonderous living things on earth is coral. Humans view its diversity and hues as a gorgeous, underwater decoration.

But, it is a living organism that supports the lives of hundreds, if not thousands, of species in the underwater ecosystem. Man may appreciate its wonder, but our destructive tendencies are harming this vital member of the

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Volunteer opportunities at a wildlife research center in Japan


Are you interested in the beautiful nature of East Asia? Have you always wanted to experience Japanese living outside of the big cities? Or are you looking for opportunities to expand your knowledge and experience in conservation? Picchio wildlife research center in Karuizawa, Japan, is looking for volunteers! They are mostly a bear conservation and eco-tourism center, and volunteering will more

"The Dutch" Working & Living Abroad #6: Frank Weijand - Merazonia



  • Frank Weijand


  • Ecuador, Mera, Amazon rainforest

Which Initiative?

  • Merazonia


  • Wildlife conservation organization
  • Merazonia combines passion for nature with a professional approach on animal care and release, along with rainforest conservation and wildlife monitoring.

Something special?

  • Merazonia was truly built by volunteers for volunteers (and animals of course). Volunteers
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Summary Conflict management and Industrial Relations

Deze samenvatting van Bomers & Peterson is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

Part 1: The employment relationship



T: Industrial Peace is a basic idea and goal of Conflict Management.


T: Why should we compare Industrial relations among the countries?

  • Scientific goal: science is interested in explaining differences/similarities among countries/systems, their effects and development throughout time.


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What is a virus?

A virus is a tiny, infectious agent that can only reproduce inside the living cells of an organism. Viruses are much smaller than bacteria and far simpler in structure. They lack the machinery needed to replicate on their own and rely on host cells to provide the necessary resources.

  • Viruse...

What is horizontal gene transfer (HGT)?

Horizontal gene transfer (HGT), also known as lateral gene transfer, is a fascinating process that challenges the traditional view of inheritance. HGT refers to the movement of genetic material between organisms that are not parent and offspring. This means organisms can acquire genes from unrelated...

What is evolution?

Evolution is the cornerstone of biology, explaining the incredible diversity of life on Earth. Evolution is the change in the heritable characteristics of biological populations over successive generations. This change is driven by various mechanisms, primarily natural selection. What are the main f...

What is DNA mutation?

DNA mutations are alterations in the genetic code, the blueprint of life. These changes can have a profound impact on organisms. DNA mutations involve alterations in the sequence of nucleotides (building blocks) that make up DNA. This can be a single change in a base pair (point mutation) or a large...

What is DNA replication?

DNA replication is the fundamental process by which a cell duplicates its entire DNA molecule. It's the foundation for cell division, ensuring each new cell inherits a complete copy of the genetic instructions. DNA replication is a tightly controlled process that faithfully copies the double-strande...



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What is Sonic hedgehog?

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is a secreted signaling protein that plays a crucial role in embryonic development and tissue patterning in various organisms. It is a member of the Hedgehog family of proteins, which are highly conserved across different species. What are the main features of Sonic hedgeho...

What is the primitive streak?

The primitive streak is a temporary structure that forms in the early stages of embryonic development in amniotes (such as mammals, birds, and reptiles). It appears as a thickened, slightly depressed line along the midline of the embryo's dorsal side. What are the main features of the primitive...

What is the archenteron?

The archenteron, also known as the primitive gut or gastrocoel, is a tubular cavity that forms during the process of gastrulation in embryonic development. It is the precursor to the digestive and respiratory systems. What are the main features of the archenteron?

  • Endoderm: The innermo...

What is the sclerotome?

The sclerotome is a specialized region of mesoderm that forms during embryonic development in vertebrates. It is responsible for the formation of the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. What are the main features of the sclerotome?

  • Segmentation: The sclerotome is segmented into a seri...



Organizations & Sectors

Nature an environmental sciences: check organizations
Displaying 17 - 20 of 30
Parque Bambú - Permaculture and Botanical garden

Lokale organisatie in het noorden van Ecuador, waar je als vrijwilliger mee kunt helpen met verschillende landbouw activiteiten. Leer over de biodiversiteit van het land en werk mee op de tropische fruit boerderij. Al vele jaren wordt hier volgens de principes van permacultuur gewerkt aan het herste...

Azafady / SEED Madagaskar

SEED Madagascar (voorheen Azafady) streeft naar duurzame ontwikkeling door de capaciteiten van individuën, gemeenschappen en organisaties te verbeteren. Met hun projecten wordt werkgelegenheid voor de lokale bevolking gegenereerd.

Colobus Conservation

Deze kleinschalige lokale organisatie heeft vrijwilligerswerkmogelijkheden binnen haar organisatie in Kenia. Deze organisatie houdt zich voornamelijk bezig met behoud en bescherming van de ‘Angolan Colobus’ apen en hun leefomgeving in Zuid-Kenia. Als vrijwilliger werk je mee binnen de di...

Appalachian Mountain Club

Deze Amerikaanse organisatie, in het berggebied de Appalachen, biedt vrijwilligerswerk aan op het gebied van natuurbehoud en betaald werk in de bergaccommodaties die ze beheren.



Spotlight: selection of contributions

Selected spotlight content related to Nature an environmental sciences

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What is nature?

Nature encompasses a vast array of scientific disciplines that explore the natural world. What are the main features of nature?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Natural sciences like biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and ecology all contribute to understanding the natural world, its com...

What is environmental sciences?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that delves into the Earth's physical, chemical, and biological systems, along with the interactions between these systems and human activities. It draws knowledge and methodologies from physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, and geography ...


Spotlight: favorites

Stories and suggestions related to Nature an environmental sciences

Ga aan de slag als vrijwillige onderzoeker in het mooie Costa Rica. Mision Tiburon doet onderzoek naar met name hamerhaaien en combineert dit onder andere met educatieve activiteiten en beach clean ups om zo het leefmilieu van de haaien te beschermen. Je vrijwilligerswerk voer je veelal op of in het...

Summaries related to Nature an environmental sciences
Summary Conflict management and Industrial Relations

Deze samenvatting van Bomers & Peterson is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Part 1: The employment relationship
  • Part 2: Industrial Relations systems
  • Part 3: Exit, Voice and Loyalty. Interest Group formation
  • Part 4: Interest Group Organization
  • P...

Boeksamenvatting bij Seeing like a state van Scott
  • Hoofdstuk 1: De natuur en ruimte
  • Hoofdstuk 2: Steden, mensen en talen
  • Hoofdstuk 3: Autoritarisme in combinatie met hoge modernisme
  • Hoofdstuk 4: De hoog moderne stad: een experiment en wat kritiek
  • Hoofdstuk 5: De revolutionairen: een plan en een diagnose<...>
What is nature?

Nature encompasses a vast array of scientific disciplines that explore the natural world. What are the main features of nature?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Natural sciences like biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and ecology all contribute to understanding the natural world, its com...

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