
Latest blogs, jobs, projects, organizations, and tips tagged with: Nature an environmental sciences

Combineer je stageopdracht of -onderzoek met het verzorgen en rehabiliteren van illegaal verhandelde amazonedieren in Peru

  • Je loopt stage in een wildlife centrum in de Amazone, waar dieren worden opgevangen die illegaal zijn verhandeld. Het gaat onder andere om apen en papegaaien die illegaal als huisdier zijn verkocht, of bestemd waren voor de voedselindustrie.
  • Je draait mee met de vrijwilligers, maar kunt in overleg 2-3 dagen uittrekken voor stageonderzoek en/of stagewerkzaamheden die ten goede more

Werk met apen bij een rehabilitatiecentrum in Kameroen, geef voorlichting en draag bij aan natuurbehoud

  • Je werkt bij een erkend stagebedrijf met onder andere chimpansees en gorilla’s en doet ervaring op met dierverzorging.
  • Je draait mee op verschillende afdelingen van het centrum: in de soort-specifieke verblijven (onder andere gorilla’s, bavianen, chimpansees), in de keuken en in het quarantaineverblijf.
  • Je werkzaamheden bestaan uit het schoonmaken van hokken, het observeren van de apen en het klaarmaken van eten. more

Support wildlife and take care of animals in a rehabilitation center in the Amazon rainforest in Ecuador

  • You help with the daily care taking of animals in the rehabilitation center.
  • You monitor the wildlife well-being in the center and observe the various animals.
  • You assist with maintenance chores around the park.

What do you gain?

  • Competences: taking initiative, meeting standards, persistence, proactive thinking, project and goal focus.
  • You work together with committed international wildlife volunteers, volunteer more

Draag bij aan natuur- en dierbescherming in Chili

  • Er zijn verschillende projecten waar je aan kunt deelnemen om bij te dragen aan de bescherming van natuur en dieren in Chili.
  • Ga bijvoorbeeld werken in een dierenopvang, waar je helpt met de verzorging van de dieren en het schoonmaken van de hokken.
  • Daarnaast zijn er mogelijkheden om onderzoek te doen en les te geven over natuur- en milieubescherming.

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What are hox genes?

Hox genes are a family of genes that play a crucial role in determining the body plan of animals. They encode transcription factors that bind to DNA and regulate the expression of other genes, thereby controlling the development of different body segments and structures. What are the main features o...

What is the myotome?

The myotome is a specialized region of mesoderm that forms during embryonic development in vertebrates. It is responsible for the formation of the skeletal muscles of the body. What are the main features of the myotome?

  • Segmentation: The myotome is segmented into a series of blocks, ea...

What is the sclerotome?

The sclerotome is a specialized region of mesoderm that forms during embryonic development in vertebrates. It is responsible for the formation of the vertebral column, ribs, and sternum. What are the main features of the sclerotome?

  • Segmentation: The sclerotome is segmented into a seri...

What is Sonic hedgehog?

Sonic hedgehog (Shh) is a secreted signaling protein that plays a crucial role in embryonic development and tissue patterning in various organisms. It is a member of the Hedgehog family of proteins, which are highly conserved across different species. What are the main features of Sonic hedgeho...

What is the chorda?

The chorda dorsalis, also known as the notochord, is a rod-shaped structure that forms during early embryonic development in vertebrates. It plays a crucial role in providing a structural axis for the developing embryo and in inducing the formation of the vertebral column. What are the main features...

What is posterior dominance?

Posterior Dominance in the context of somites refers to the tendency for the more posterior (tailward) somites to influence the development of anterior (headward) somites during embryogenesis. This phenomenon plays a crucial role in establishing the body plan of vertebrates. What are the main featur...

What is oogenesis?

Oogenesis is the process by which female germ cells, known as oogonia, develop into mature egg cells, or ova. It is a complex process that involves cell division, differentiation, and growth. What are the main features of oogenesis?

  • Germ Cells: Oogenesis begins with primordial germ cel...



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Displaying 5 - 8 of 237
What is nature conservation?

Nature conservation encompasses the strategies and practices for protecting natural environments, including forests, grasslands, wetlands, oceans, and deserts. It utilizes knowledge from ecology, biology, environmental science, and social sciences to ensure the health and sustainability of these eco...

What is a Drosophila Melanogaster?

Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as the fruit fly, is a small, winged insect that has been extensively used as a model organism in biological research. Its relatively simple genome, rapid life cycle, and ease of handling have made it an invaluable tool for studying various biological processe...

What is the chorda?

The chorda dorsalis, also known as the notochord, is a rod-shaped structure that forms during early embryonic development in vertebrates. It plays a crucial role in providing a structural axis for the developing embryo and in inducing the formation of the vertebral column. What are the main features...



Organizations & Sectors

Nature an environmental sciences: check organizations
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Archelon is dedicated to protecting the sea turtle in Greece.

Donkey Sanctuary Bonaire

Een ezelopvang in Bonaire die zich inzet voor de opvang en verzorging van zieke/verweesde ezels.

Floating Doctors

Floating Doctors strives to provide medical care in the developing world and to improve health care delivery in Panama. With a team of volunteers with medical, dental and veterinary expertise they visit remote communities in Panama.

Oliver Ridley Project

The Oliver Ridley Project is a charity that focusses on protecting sea turtles. on four project locations they educate local people, rescue injured turtles, cleaning the ocean from fishing nets, and do scientific research to better understand the life and needs of healthy sea turtle populations...



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Selected spotlight content related to Nature an environmental sciences

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What is nature?

Nature encompasses a vast array of scientific disciplines that explore the natural world. What are the main features of nature?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Natural sciences like biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and ecology all contribute to understanding the natural world, its com...

What is environmental sciences?

Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field that delves into the Earth's physical, chemical, and biological systems, along with the interactions between these systems and human activities. It draws knowledge and methodologies from physics, chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, and geography ...


Spotlight: favorites

Stories and suggestions related to Nature an environmental sciences

Ga aan de slag als vrijwillige onderzoeker in het mooie Costa Rica. Mision Tiburon doet onderzoek naar met name hamerhaaien en combineert dit onder andere met educatieve activiteiten en beach clean ups om zo het leefmilieu van de haaien te beschermen. Je vrijwilligerswerk voer je veelal op of in het...

Summaries related to Nature an environmental sciences
Summary Conflict management and Industrial Relations

Deze samenvatting van Bomers & Peterson is gebaseerd op het studiejaar 2013-2014.

  • Part 1: The employment relationship
  • Part 2: Industrial Relations systems
  • Part 3: Exit, Voice and Loyalty. Interest Group formation
  • Part 4: Interest Group Organization
  • P...

Boeksamenvatting bij Seeing like a state van Scott
  • Hoofdstuk 1: De natuur en ruimte
  • Hoofdstuk 2: Steden, mensen en talen
  • Hoofdstuk 3: Autoritarisme in combinatie met hoge modernisme
  • Hoofdstuk 4: De hoog moderne stad: een experiment en wat kritiek
  • Hoofdstuk 5: De revolutionairen: een plan en een diagnose<...>
What is nature?

Nature encompasses a vast array of scientific disciplines that explore the natural world. What are the main features of nature?

  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Natural sciences like biology, geology, physics, chemistry, and ecology all contribute to understanding the natural world, its com...

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