What are Labyrint summaries and how can you use them on JoHo WorldSupporter.org?

This year, Labyrint and JoHo are working together again to help you through your exams!

JoHo's are summaries, exam questions, articles and notes for Psychology students at University of Leiden

  • JoHo summaries and study assistance are intended to sustainably increase your chances of passing your exams in a sustainable way for minimal costs and to allow you to study in the way that suits you best
  • JoHo’s are summaries and study services that give you insight into the key and minor issues of the compulsory study material, allow you to study faster and more effectively, ensure better results, and can refresh your knowledge after your study.
  • If you use the different JoHo's, you will almost always pass your exam.
  • JoHo's can be used online on your laptop, phone or tablet or can be delivered to your home on paper
  • All English summaries are also available to students in countries with limited access to textbooks and study materials

You can join JoHo for only(!) ten euro a year and you can do so via joho.org and worldsupporter.org or at the Labyrint summaries desk!


Tip category: 
Studies & Exams
Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp

Labyrint: samenvattingen en studiehulp


Samenvattingen en studiehulp via Labyrint?

  • De Leidse Psychologievereniging Labyrint is een vereniging voor alle psychologiestudenten van de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Labyrint is de partner van JoHo WorldSupporter voor samenvattingen en studiehulp voor studenten Psychologie aan de Universiteit Leiden.
  • Ben je lid van Labyrint, en ben je aangesloten bij JoHo, dan kan je jaarlijks ook een deel van het
.......read more on this page
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Products, Services & Travel
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