Arctic study abroad: Spring semester on Greenland

People fascinated by the Arctic, ice, snow, biology and climate change can join the The Greenland Climate Research Centre for a spring semester of interesting courses. Before you can start the different courses (up to 30 ECTS) you have to complete the mandatory course on Arctic Safety. You will get hands-on practice to safety and behavior working on sea ice, dealing with polar bears and muskoxen, first aid with focus on prevention and treatments of frost injuries, emer­gency (navigation) equipment, setting up emergency camps, rescue techniques on sea ice, safety on snowmobile and avalanche scenarios, rescue techniques and ship safety.

Course list for Bachelor students in cooperation with Aarhus University:

  • Sea ice ecology
  • Arctic microbial Ecology
  • Arctic Marine Ecosystems in a changing climate
  • From Catchment to Coast – Climate change impacts on Arctic ecosystems

Check out the website of the The Greenland Climate Research Centre in Nuuk for details and how to apply


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