Baboons abroad and while traveling: are they dangerous, where do you encounter them, where can you see them?

What are baboons?

  • Baboons are fairly large, social monkeys that live mainly on the ground, in steppes and savannahs.
  • The six species of baboons mainly eat plants, but if they get the chance they also eat insects, meat and eggs.
  • Baboons live in Africa south of the Sahara, and in Yemen.

Are baboons dangerous?

  • Baboons are, in principle, not dangerous, but can be very cheeky and react unpredictably.
  • Their mood can quickly change to aggressive when they are frightened or threatened
  • They are quite strong, can scratch and bite viciously with their sharp canines
  • Because they live in groups, they can also attack together or cause a nuisance

Where to see baboons in the wild abroad?

  • Baboons can be seen in Africa, South of the Sahara and in Yemen. 

What to do if you encounter a baboon in the wild?

  • Leave baboons alone when they are looking for food and you are near food. If you let them take your food, they will leave you alone.
  • If there’s a baboon in your hotel room, don't go in, but get help from someone who has experience with that specific group of baboons.
  • See elsewhere on the page for general rules on what to do if you encounter a monkey or if a monkey attacks you.

What to do if a baboon attacks you?

  • Baboons are strong and intelligent. They can become aggressive if they feel threatened, if they protect their group, or even if they associate humans with food. 
  • If a baboon tries attacks you, don’t run, don’t make direct eye contact, back away slowly and make yourself appear large. 
  • When a baboon grabs you, do not resist with aggression. If it’s because of food, simply drop it and walk away. 
  • To scare the baboon off you can try making loud noises, clapping or waving a stick. This can help if done early. 

What to do in case of a bite or scratch by a baboon?

  • A bite by a baboon is no fun. They can be deep, painful and prone to infection. Wash the wound immediately with soap and running water for at least 5-10 minutes. Disinfect the wound, control the bleeding and find a doctor immediately for further treatment. 
  • Check for the risk of rabies (how is the baboon behaving?) and monitor for general infections. 

Which diseases can humans get from a baboon?

  • Baboons can transmit several diseases such as rabies (but rarely), tuberculosis, herpesvirus and hepatitis B. 
  • Bites and scratches can also cause bacterial infections and baboons can carry parasites. 

Can you volunteer or intern with baboons?

  • There are limited options for volunteering or internships with baboons.
  • The most well-known organization is probably Primate C.A.R.E. in South Africa.

Where is the best place to work with baboons?

  • There are several sanctuaries, conservation projects and research centres that work with baboons in ethical and responsible ways. You can, for example, check out C.A.R.E., Limpopo Baboon Project and SanWild Wildlife Sanctuary in South Africa. 
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