Kale salad (fast, healthy and jummie)


Just like ice skating and snert (pea soup), when Kale is on the menu it's Winter. As I am not so much a 'stampot' person, this a nice alternative to eat some kale. 

200gr kale, mixed seeds (I used a mix of almonds, dried dates, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds), pomegranade seeds. 

Home made honey mustard sause (teaspone honey, teaspone mustard, some oil, some salt and pepper, some drips of lemon juice).

You can 'massage' the kale, if you like even with a bit of lemon juice, to make it a bit softer. And just add the ingredients, and enjoy!

This salad could be nice with some roasted pumpkin, some apple would fit fine too. Anyway, a great basic salade to combine with your favorite toppings, or just whatever is left in your fridge. 

Ready In: 1 min.

Foto van boerenkoolsalade
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