Antipodes cities: dig a tunnel to the other side of the world

What is the antipodes of any place on the Earth

I have quite a fondness for everything that has to do with atlases and geographical maps. Funny site I found: An interactive map that helps you calculate the exact opposite of your current location (town, place where you are currently or want to go, etc.).

The antipodes of any place on the Earth is the point on the Earth's surface which is diametrically opposite to it. Two points that are antipodal to each other are connected by a straight line running through the centre of the Earth.

Did you know...

  • The two largest human inhabited antipodal areas are located in East Asia (China, Mongolia) and South America (Argentina and Chile)

  • The largest antipodal land masses are the Malay Archipelago (Indonesia, Philippines, New Guinea), antipodal to the Amazon Basin and adjoining Andean ranges.

  • The Australian mainland is the largest landmass with its antipodes entirely in ocean.

The majority of locations on land do not have land-based antipodes.

  • By definition, the North Pole and the South Pole are antipodes.

  • There are no non-stop scheduled flights between any two antipodal locations by commercial airline service. A hypothetically perfect antipode flight would be Tangier Ibn Battouta Airport, Morocco to Whangarei Aerodrome, New Zealand (approximately 20000 km flight).

  • Since 11 October 2018, the longest non-stop scheduled airline flight by great circle distance is between Singapore and Newark, New Jersey at 15,344 km.

Exact or almost exact antipodes cities...

  • Christchurch (New Zealand) — A Coruna (Spain)
  • Madrid (Spain) — Weber (New Zealand)
  • Wellington (New Zealand) — Alaejos (Spain)
  • Hong Kong (China) — La Quiaca (Argentina)
  • Nelson (New Zealand) — Mogadouro (Portugal)
  • Whangarei (New Zealand) — Tangier (Morocco)
  • Tauranga (New Zealand) — Jaen (Spain)
  • Hamilton (New Zealand) — Cordoba (Spain)
  • Junin (Argentina) — Lianyungang (China)
  • Ulan Ude (Russia) — Puerto Natales (Chile)
  • Masterton (New Zealand) — Segovia (Spain)
  • Palembang (Indonesia) — Neiva (Colombia)
  • Wuhai (China) — Valdivia (Chile)
  • Padang (Indonesia) — Esmeraldas (Ecuador)
  • Rafaela (Argentina) — Wuhu (China)
  • Galvez (Argentina) — Nanjing (China)
  • Antipodes Island (New Zealand) — Gatteville-le-Phare (France)
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