Frequently Read Books - Books to Re-Read and Re-Read Again and Again

Some books are there for life. You won't sell them ever! Some books are there to read whenever you're looking for inspiration, perspective, assurance.

A few months ago I decided to join as a member of the public library, so these days I am enjoying reading (Dutch) fiction! To me novels are to be read once. Or maybe twice. But so many other books are there to revisit again and again.

Here I would like to share some of my Frequently Re-Read Books

Some are more for a general public I guess

  • Victor E. Frankl - Man's Search for Meaning
  • Stephen R. Covey - The 7 habits of highly effective people
  • Thich Nath Hanh - Mindfulness
  • Khalil Gibran - The Prophet
  • Nelson Mandela - Long Walk to Freedom
  • Mahatma Gandhi - The Story of My experiments with Truth (Autobiography)
  • Krishnamurti - Bevrijd van het bekende

And some are more specific buddhist inspired

  • Dhammapada
  • Stephen Levine - A gradual awakening
  • Jack Kornfield - The Wise Heart
  • Shunryu Suzuki - Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind

Of some of the books above I have written a specific blog with excersices or a super short summary. You can look them up in the Magazine!

What are your Frequently Read Books? Looking forward to your inspiration via

PS. did you find my cat enjoying books as well :-) they offer not only interesting ideas, but also a great hiding place!

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