De Haagse Soepbus - volunteers wanted
I have been volunteering for a while at the Stichting de Haagse soepbus. The advantage is that these shifts are short, self-schedulable services. You can decide with who and when you like to be active by signing up in a schedule. Very concrete and clear tasks: from heating up the soup, making sandwiches, handing it out from the soup bus and cleaning up again. Anyone who wants something to eat, no further questions asked, can come to the Haagse Soepbus. Every day, 365 days a week from 7 PM - 8 PM at the Koekamp, near the Central Station in the Hague. You will get a cup of coffee, soup, piece of fruit, sandwich and with a chat and a smile. Do you also want to become active, as an executive volunteer or on the board for the most vulnerable among us? Suitable for english speaking volunteers!
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