The science of happiness and the secrets of a meaningful life - Theme

How to live a more or less happy and meaningful life?

Table of contents of the subject
What are the 13 conditions for balance and fulfillment in study, work and private life

What are the 13 conditions for balance and fulfillment in study, work and private life


What are the 13 preconditions for balance and fulfillment in study, work and private life

  1. Help yourself by helping others
  2. Create perspective by opening new doors
  3. Don't give up but care about something
  4. Use your empathic skills
  5. Stay with yourself and leave that herd behind you
  6. Focus on your journey and not your destination
  7. Actively deal with your negative emotions
  8. Appreciate and celebrate your small successes
  9. Let others walk their own path
  10. Establish and maintain social contacts
  11. Feel unlimited and not limited
  12. Discover your qualities, take advantage of your opportunities and avoid cliffs
  13. Seek fulfillment in study, work, travel and the world around you

Signed en researched by

  • The JoHo WorldSupporter team


Happiness: content and contributions about the science happiness and daily life
Happiness: contributions of WorldSupporters about a happy and meaningful life
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - Theme


Countries: how to see happiness from the eyes of another country and continent
The Positivity Bundle: content and contributions about optimism ..and a half full glass
The Stress Bundle: summaries, suggestions and tips on stress and stress reduction



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What is the science of happines: in 27 short summaries the most relevant articles
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