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Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij de 2e druk van Psychopharmacology van Ettinger

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Psychopharmacology


  • Hoe functioneert het menselijke zenuwstelsel? - Chapter 1
  • Wat wordt er onderzocht in de psychofarmacologie? - Chapter 2
  • Hoe ziet de farmacologische benadering van depressie er uit? - Chapter 3
  • Hoe ziet de farmacologische benadering van angst er uit? - Chapter 4
  • Wat is de werking van opiaten en verdoving? - Chapter 7
  • Wat verandert er in de neurobiologie bij middelenmisbruik en verslaving? - Chapter 8
  • Wat is de farmacologie van psychoactieve drugs? - Chapter 9
  • Wat is het effect van alcohol op het lichaam? - Chapter 10
  • Psychopharmacology - Ettinger - 2e druk - Begrippenlijst

Article summary with What influences have led to increased prescribing of psychotropic drugs? by Parish - 1973

Contemporary, out of all prescriptions dispensed by chemists under the National Health Service, psychotropic drugs account for just under one of five. From 1961 to 1971, there was a 50% increase in prescriptions for these drugs. Out of these drugs, 41% were hypnotics, 38% were tranquillizers, 15% were antidepressants and 6% were stimulants and appetite suppressants. From 1965 to 1961 there was a 32% decrease in the prescription of barbiturate hypnotics and a 43% decrease in the prescription of stimulants and appetite suppressants. Prescription of non-barbiturate hypnotics increased by 166%, the prescription of tranquilizers by 70% and antidepressants by 103%.

The question now is: what influences have led to the increased use of psychotropic drugs: doctors, patients, the pharmaceutical industry, or the government?

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Artikelsamenvatting bij Effect of arginine vasopressin and oxytocin on acetylcholine-stimulation of corticosteroid and catecholamine secretion from the rat adrenal gland perfused in situ van Porter e.a. - 1988

De effecten van Oxytocin (OXT) en Argine Vassopressin (AVP)

De neuropeptiden OXT en AVP zijn altijd belangrijk en populair geweest in de sociale neurowetenschappen. Dit artikel probeert de momenteel beschikbare kennis en applicatie van OXT en AVP in de velden van sociaal gedrag, genetica, systeem-level-neurowetenschappen, neuro-endocrinologie, en klinische studies samen te vatten, om een translationeel begrip van OXT en AVP te krijgen.


Een grote hoeveelheid onderzoeken in dit veld maken helaas gebruik van correlaties. Het is voor translationeel succes echter juist belangrijk om een valide beoordeling

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Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

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Psychopharmacology: the best scientific articles summarized

Study guide with articles for Psychopharmacology Summaries and study assistance with articles for Psychopharmacology

  • For 5+ summaries with articles for Psychopharmacology, see the supporting content of this study guide

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Psychofarmacologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Psychofarmacologie Inhoudsopgave


    • Samenvatting bij het boek: Handbook of Psychiatric Drug Therapy van Labbate e.a. - 6e druk
    • Samenvatting bij het boek: Psychofarmacologie: De effecten van drugs en geneesmiddelen op het men...


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    Selected spotlight content related to Psychopharmacology
    What is psychopharmacology?

    Psychopharmacology delves into the fascinating world of how drugs affect the mind and behavior. It's a bridge between medicine, psychology, and neuroscience, aiming to understand how medications interact with the brain to treat mental health conditions. What are the main features of psychopharm...


    Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

    • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
    • Summaries with textbooks, scientific articles and concepts: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
    • Summaries with courses an...

    Spotlight: favorites

    Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Psychopharmacology
    Bundle summary psychopharmacology chapters 1-4 & 7-10

    This bundle consists of the chapters 1 to 4 and 7 to 10 of the book 'Psychopharmacology' written by R. H. Ettinger, second edition. There are missing chapters, because you don't need to know these. This book will be examinated for the elective 'Pharmacological and biological approaches to clinical a...

    Spotlight summaries related to Psychopharmacology
    What is psychopharmacology?

    Psychopharmacology delves into the fascinating world of how drugs affect the mind and behavior. It's a bridge between medicine, psychology, and neuroscience, aiming to understand how medications interact with the brain to treat mental health conditions. What are the main features of psychopharm...


    Psychology and behavioral sciences: Summaries and Study notes

    • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
    • Summaries with textbooks, scientific articles and concepts: Psychology and Behavioral sciences
    • Summaries with courses an...

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