The Salth Path by Raynor Winn I have read this book all at once. It is beautifully written. It is a story of a couple, who after a long time with courtcases, loose their house and their income. Their house was a bed and breakfast. They have been putting all their love and energy in their home, ...
Tsomo's karma is a special book. It is translated from english to dutch. It is the first book of a woman named Kunzang Choden from Bhutan, who has written a book in english. With her work she has taken a special role to give stories of Bhutan a broader audience, otherwise the stories ...
Soms moet je er klaar voor zijn om een gedicht echt te begrijpen. Bedankt voor het delen (van WorldSupporter de originele Duitse versie gelezen), dit is de (eigen vertaalde) Nederlandse versie.... Ik heb zelf iets met Hermann Hesse omdat hij een boek heeft geschreven, dat heet Demian, zo had ik gehe...