Reading around the world and writing abroad?

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Books around the world: The Salth Path

The Salth Path by Raynor Winn

I have read this book all at once. It is beautifully written. It is a story of a couple, who after a long time with courtcases, loose their house and their income. Their house was a bed and breakfast. They have been putting all their love and energy in their home, for years and more

The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way

Find your own inspiration 

Julia Cameron

What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again?

This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxiety, guilt and jealousy. It will be hope, integrity and power. 

How to go about this? Start with early morning: Morning Pages. Take time to fill in 3 pages and write on a blank paper, with a blank mind and let it all out. 

Feed your inner artist, feed it, go and make artist dates with yourself. Take time to get inspired, any way is good (at least that is how I remember it): go visit that exhibit, go take that walk, make that date and give attention to yourself.

Just get the book and enjoy it!


Frequently Read Books - Books to Re-Read and Re-Read Again and Again


Some books are there for life. You won't sell them ever! Some books are there to read whenever you're looking for inspiration, perspective, assurance.

A few months ago I decided to join as a member of the public library, so these days I am enjoying reading (Dutch) fiction! To me novels are to be read once. Or maybe twice.

....... read more

1001 Nacht en Sheherazade


Wanneer koning Sjahriar door zijn vrouw bedrogen wordt, verliest hij alle vertrouwen in de vrouwen van de wereld. Om wraak te nemen, neemt hij elke nacht een ander meisje in bed om haar vervolgens de volgende dag te doden. Alles verandert wanneer hij Sheherazade, de dochter van zijn Perzische vizier, in bed krijgt. Sheherazade weet wat er met de

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Poem: "Stufen" by Herman Hesse (English: Steps) - My favorite

When I was an Erasmus student in Alicante, Spain, one of the dear friends I made shared the following poem with me when saying goodbye.

The poem really touches me, I love it, wise words and so beautifully written by this German author and poet. That's why I wanted to share it with the world! It's about life and

....... read more

Must Read: I, Rigoberta Menchú


Rigoberta Menchú is een Guatemalteekse mensenrechtenactiviste. Ze is als Maya actief als voorvechtster voor de rechten van inheemse Guatemalteekse groepen.

  • In de regio waar Menchú geboren werd en in haar jeugd leefde, Quiché, leven vooral indianen, die grotendeels hun eigen cultuur en gebruiken hebben behouden.
  • De familie van Menchú bestond uit arme boeren; een aantal maanden per jaar
....... read more

Don't worry, be happy!

Don't worry, be happy
In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double
Don't worry, be happy

(attribute to Bobby McFerrin's oh so famous song)

Een blog met 42 tips over bloggen


In dit blog:

  • Waar blog je over?
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Waar blog je over?

  1. Kies specifieke (World Supporter) thema's die concreet genoeg zijn en toon vervolgens je expertise.
  2. Varieer je blogs maar blijf wel binnen deze thema's.
  3. Denk zelf na over je onderwerp, stel vragen, doe onderzoek.
  4. Haal je kennis niet
  5. ....... read more
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Rigoberta Menchú is een Guatemalteekse mensenrechtenactiviste. Ze is als Maya actief als voorvechtster voor de rechten van inheemse Guatemalteekse groepen.

  • In de regio waar Menchú geboren werd en in haar jeugd leefde, Quiché, leven vooral indianen, die grotendeels hun e...


Set a hook in tofu - Do something useless, as in carry water to the sea Strangle someone with a silk cloth - Be very sweet, to force someone wearing silk gloves To cut the head of a flee with an axe - Shoot with a canon on a mosquito Let peas fall on a lying door - To use a lot of words, someone who...


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In dit blog:

  • Waar blog je over?
  • Hoe blog je?
  • Hoe stimuleer je reacties?
  • Meer tips

Waar blog je over?

  1. Kies specifieke (World Supporter) thema's die concreet genoeg zijn en toon vervolgens je expertise.
  2. Varieer je blogs maar blijf wel bi...

Poem: "Stufen" by Herman Hesse (English: Steps) - My favorite

When I was an Erasmus student in Alicante, Spain, one of the dear friends I made shared the following poem with me when saying goodbye. The poem really touches me, I love it, wise words and so beautifully written by this German author and poet. That's why I wanted to share it with the world! It's ab...

Spotlight summaries related to Reading around the world and writing abroad

The Artist's Way Find your own inspiration  Julia Cameron What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again? This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxie...

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