To be creative?

blogs, contributions, summaries, study assistance and experiences abroad


To be creative

discover or develop competencies, qualities, traits and signals


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WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

WorldSupporter: theme pages for personal competences, emotions and values

Improve competencies and skills for study, travel, work and meaningful life - Theme
Discussions and Debates - Theme
Discovering and improving personal values, skills, qualities and emotions
Teaching materials and preparing lessons abroad - Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Sustainable shopping and recycling - WorldSupporter Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme


Latest changes and updates tagged with: To be creative

Lichtpuntjes Op zoek naar de leuke dingen


Het is lockdown en voor mij nu dubbel wennen, terug in Nederland na bijna 15 jaar Filippijnen. Weer terug aanpassen aan Nederland en ook weer wennen, ook aan de nieuwe situatie. Ik vond dit wel een leuk artikel, het gaat over: 99 dingen om nu toch van te genieten: Lichtpuntjes Op zoek naar de leuke dingen in

....... read more

Creativity and effectiveness


How to become more creative and effective? According to Tim Harfort in Messy, people with a messy desk, a chaotic diary, an inefficient office and a fighting team are more creative and effective. 

How does it work? I am asking myself, while cleaning some mess from my desk. 

To do lists, organisation, hygiene, all the organisation have a downside.

....... read more

The Artist's Way - Julia Cameron

The Artist's Way

Find your own inspiration 

Julia Cameron

What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again?

This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxiety, guilt and jealousy. It will be hope, integrity and power. 

How to go about this? Start with early morning: Morning Pages. Take time to fill in 3 pages and write on a blank paper, with a blank mind and let it all out. 

Feed your inner artist, feed it, go and make artist dates with yourself. Take time to get inspired, any way is good (at least that is how I remember it): go visit that exhibit, go take that walk, make that date and give attention to yourself.

Just get the book and enjoy it!


Happy Stones


Happy Stones maken, vinden en volgen

Echt leuk, vorige week vond ik op straat een hele mooie steen. De steen was van Happy Stones Den Haag. En de steen kan je opzoeken op Facebook. Ik heb een foto gemaakt en laten weten waar de steen is op de Facebook groep aan de maker. En ik heb de steen buiten laten liggen,

....... read more

Udon noodles with peanut sauce as in a Zen Monastery


Inspired by Staycations, see my former blog. And now inspired by a story of my friend in the Philippines. The lockdown is very strict and with christmas being there soon, people in the Philippines meet each other. They meet each other Online through Zoom meetings.

They have dinners together. The food is being sent to the family members, more

Work as a TEFL tutor

  • Wanted: Enthusiastic, inspirational TEFL tutors to deliver intensive practical TEFL courses
  • Location: South Africa, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, or Ireland


  • Deliver a TEFL course which includes, among other things, teaching TEFL methodology and language analysis, Giving teaching demonstrations, and Organising peer teaching practice.
  • Provide TEFL career advice
  • Promote i-to-i products and services to customers
  • Complete course administration more

Teach English songs to children online


Are you musical and looking for an online teaching job? Teach English songs to Chinese children between 5-8 years old.

  • You use music and songs to teach basic English.
  • You prepare English songs and other online teaching material suitable for the students' English level.
  • The classes are between 25 to 60 minutes and include up to 6 students.

Requirements: more

    Support wildlife and take care of animals in a rehabilitation center in the Amazon rainforest


    Werkzaamheden & Ervaringen

    Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

    • You help with the daily care taking of animals in the rehabilitation center.
    • You monitor the wildlife well-being in the center and observe the various animals.
    • You assist with maintenance chores around the park.

    Competenties die je kunt opdoen en andere voordelen: o.a.

    • Competences: taking initiative, meeting standards, persistence, proactive thinking, more

    Ontwikkel je marketing- en communicatievaardigheden bij een start-up aan de Spaanse kust


    Werkzaamheden & Ervaringen

    Werkzaamheden in het kort: o.a.

    • Je schrijft voor de website en online media kanalen en bedenkt nieuwe content.
    • Je helpt mee met het opzetten van online marketing acties en het voorbereiden van events.
    • Samen met een team beantwoord je uiteenlopende vragen van klanten.

    Competenties die je kunt opdoen en andere voordelen: o.a.

    • Competenties: zelfstandig zijn, servicegericht zijn, ondernemen. more

    Stage onderwijsassistent op Curaçao


    Wereldstage biedt verschillende stagemogelijkheden aan in het onderwijs, bijvoorbeeld deze stage onderwijsassistent. 

    Als stagiair kun je bij verschillende soorten scholen aan de slag, zoals bij een reguliere school, vrije school of bij een school voor bijzonder onderwijs. Op deze scholen kom je docenten en leerlingen van allerlei verschillende achtergronden tegen, super leerzaam!

    Je taken als onderwijsassistent zijn het ondersteunen en more
    Check or search within topic: To be creative
    Displaying 5 - 8 of 58

    Wereldstage biedt verschillende stagemogelijkheden aan in het onderwijs, bijvoorbeeld deze stage onderwijsassistent.  Als stagiair kun je bij verschillende soorten scholen aan de slag, zoals bij een reguliere school, vrije school of bij een school voor bijzonder onderwijs. Op deze scholen kom j...

    Work as a TEFL tutor
    • Wanted: Enthusiastic, inspirational TEFL tutors to deliver intensive practical TEFL courses
    • Location: South Africa, United States, Australia, United Kingdom, or Ireland
    • Tasks:

      • Deliver a TEFL course which includes, among other things, teaching TEFL methodolo...

    I read an article in my regional newspaper about young adults who consciously choose to take a gap year. “The coolest thing I have ever done”, “I really stepped out of my comfort zone”, “Good to do something where you get to know yourself better.” A gap year has a...

    work near bali beaches

    Edumatic is looking for Program Coordinators to help run our trips. If you know anyone (or you are someone) that would love to be paid to travel the world and impact the lives of young and adventurous online students, then this might be a job for them! Further details of the role will be distributed...


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    Spotlight stories and suggestions related to To be creative

    Slow travel is a new term that stands for sustainable and conscious travelling. Nowadays, it's becoming increasingly popular, and not without a reason. But what is slow travelling? What can you do to travel slow?  Slow travelling originates from the "Slow movement", a moveme...


    In dit blog:

    • Waar blog je over?
    • Hoe blog je?
    • Hoe stimuleer je reacties?
    • Meer tips

    Waar blog je over?

    1. Kies specifieke (World Supporter) thema's die concreet genoeg zijn en toon vervolgens je expertise.
    2. Varieer je blogs maar blijf wel bi...

    5 easy things you can do right now to help better your environment

    In countries like the Netherlands we are lucky to have efficient systems for processing and recycling trash. Many homes have efficient heating systems that limit the amount of resources we use when we're at home. All passenger trains are powered by stored wind energy and electric vehicles ...

    Spotlight summaries related to To be creative

    The Artist's Way Find your own inspiration  Julia Cameron What is creativity? How can you find your creativity again? This book helps to get rid of blockages which are in the way of our creative abilities. You can do exercises, in the exercises you learn how to overcome & improve your anxie...

    Selected Worldsupporter pages in relation with the topic