Around and abroad

Conditions for personal happiness and contentment: discover or develop competences, qualities, traits and signals

from improving skills to deepening them further, exploring job opportunities to going abroad and checklists to summaries





What are the conditions and elements for happy and meaningful travel, studies, jobs and life choices?

  • Happiness elements are those elements (conditions, values) that lead to a satisfied life, a satisfied group or a satisfied society.
  • These are elements that play a role in the degree of satisfaction you could have as a person or as a group of people (organization, family).
  • These elements have been in literature since ancient times. They are regarded as crucial and determining elements in the context of happiness and contentment.

What are the twelve elements for sustainable happiness and contentment?

It all adds up in feeling:


More supporting content:
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

WorldSupporter: theme pages for happiness and meaningful life

Recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme

Recipes from around the world and checking local eating habits - Theme


 Recipes from all over the World: From sustainable recipes to local food habits

Table of contents

  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Africa or with a African twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Asia or with an Asian twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Europe or with a local twist
  • Recipes  and cooking tips from Latin America or
........Read more
Happiness quotes and statements from around the world - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable Development Goals - WorldSupporter Theme
Sustainable live, travel and work - Theme
Living a a more or less happy and meaningful life - Theme
Tolerance and understanding another person and culture - WorldSupporter Theme




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Displaying 137 - 140 of 247
Wie is Jitse Bouma (Stichting DreamCycle)

Mijn naam is Jitse Bouma, ik ben fanatiek sporter en groot liefhebber van reizen. Sinds september 2018 fiets ik van Nederland naar India om geld in te zamelen voor het Prinses Maxima Centrum. Waarom ga ik 10.000 km’s fietsen voor kinderen met kanker? Op mijn 12de kreeg ik leukemie. G...

Kernkwadrant - tool voor het verkennen van je talenten en valkuilen

Het kernkwadrant is een tool ontwikkeld door Daniel Ofman. De veelzijdigheid en positieve insteek maakt dat het een handige tool is. Het wordt veel gebruikt in coaching, in management, maar het is ook prima in te zetten als persoonlijk ontwikkelingstool. Onderstaand worden de tool en de verschillend...


Steeds vaker zie je berichten in de media over 'competentiepaspoorten'. Skills en talenten worden - bij een continu in beweging zijnde arbeidsmarkt - steeds actueler. Ook in coaching zie je dat men steeds vaker bezig is als 'loopbaanpadvinder' dan in het afnemen van allerlei lijstjes en testen. De b...


How to get things done for others or yourself: Zen Habits Sometimes it is hard to get your act together, by reading this it is everything we already know, it comes down to Just do It. What helps is the app Insight Timer, with the Morning Routines. In the Happiness Course, it is scientifically p...


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Een min of meer gelukkig en zinvol leven leiden - Thema

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Selected spotlight content related to Conditions for personal happiness and contentment

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Conditions for personal happiness and contentment
Poem: "Stufen" by Herman Hesse (English: Steps) - My favorite

When I was an Erasmus student in Alicante, Spain, one of the dear friends I made shared the following poem with me when saying goodbye. The poem really touches me, I love it, wise words and so beautifully written by this German author and poet. That's why I wanted to share it with the world! It's ab...

Spotlight summaries related to Conditions for personal happiness and contentment
The Promise of Sustainable Happiness (summary)

The Promise of Sustainable Happiness Boehm, J. K., & Lyubomirsky, S. (in press). The promise of sustainable happiness. In S. J. Lopez (Ed.), Handbook of positive psychology (2nd ed.). Oxford: Oxford University Press The article suggests that, despite several barriers withholding people to increa...

Article summary of Very happy people by Diener & Seligman. (1)
  • What is this article about?
  • What were the results?
  • What is this article about? This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and ve...

Article summary with Very happy people by Diener & Seligman (2)
  • What is this article about?
  • What were the results?
  • What is this article about? This is a research report of an experiment where 222 undergraduates were screened for high happiness. The upper 10% of consistently very happy people were compared with average people and ve...

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