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Latest changes and updates tagged with: Social pedagogics and Social pedagogical assistance

Article summary with The voice of the child in parental divorce: implications for clinical practice and mental health practitioners by Brand a.o. - 2017 - Exclusive


Brand, Howcroft, and Hoelson (2017) explore the often-overlooked perspective of children experiencing parental divorce, emphasizing its impact on their well-being and the need for sensitive mental health interventions.


This study uses a qualitative approach, drawing on in-depth interviews with nine children (9-10 years old) from divorced families. Interviews explored their experiences, emotions, and coping mechanisms related to the divorce.


  • Diverse experiences: Children's reactions to divorce varied, reflecting diverse coping styles and emotional responses (e.g., sadness, anger, confusion).
  • Loss and uncertainty: Common narratives centered on feelings of loss,
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Article summary with How youth get engaged: Grounded-theory research on motivational development in organized youth programs by Dawes and Larson - 2011 - Exclusive


Dawes and Larson (2011) explore the crucial yet understudied question of how young people become genuinely engaged in organized youth programs (OYPs). They challenge the assumption that intrinsic motivation is a pre-requisite and argue that motivation can be fostered within programs themselves.


  • The study employs grounded theory methodology, involving qualitative analysis of longitudinal interviews with 100 ethnically diverse youth (14-21 years old) participating in various urban and rural arts and leadership programs.
  • The analysis focuses on narratives from 44 participants who reported experiencing a "turning point" in their motivation or engagement within the program.

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Article summary with Risk, adaptation and the functional teenage brain by Sercombe - 2014 - Exclusive


Sercombe (2014) explores the intersection of risk-taking behavior, neural development, and adaptation in the teenage brain. He challenges traditional views that solely attribute teenage risk-taking to impulsivity or immaturity, arguing that it should be understood within the context of ongoing brain development and adaptive functions.


The article relies on a review and synthesis approach, drawing on existing research in cognitive neuroscience, psychology, and anthropology to examine:

  • Neural correlates of risk-taking and decision-making in adolescents.
  • Evolutionary and adaptive perspectives on risk-taking behavior.
  • Cultural and social contexts influencing adolescent risk-taking.

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Article summary with Are adolescents less mature than adults? by Steinberg a.o. - 2009 - Exclusive


Steinberg et al. (2009) examine the complex question of adolescent maturity, challenging the often-held assumption that they are inherently less mature than adults. They argue that maturity varies across domains and contexts, and simple comparisons often overlook key developmental changes unique to adolescence.


The article takes a multifaceted approach:

  • Review of existing research: Drawing on diverse literatures in psychology, neuroscience, and law to understand different aspects of maturity (e.g., decision-making, risk-taking, emotion regulation).
  • Analysis of legal contexts: Examining how legal systems treat adolescents differently based on assumptions about their maturity.
  • Presentation of developmental principles: Highlighting specific cognitive and neural changes
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Summary with The young: a generation full of problems by De Winter - Chapter 1 - Exclusive

This chapter was published in: Children as fellow citizens by De Winter


De Winter (1996) challenges the prevailing view of young people as a "generation full of problems," arguing that this perspective misconstrues their needs and hinders positive engagement. He proposes a new approach that recognizes young people as fellow citizens with valuable contributions to society.


This chapter utilizes a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on existing research and literature on youth, social psychology, and citizenship. It does not present original empirical data but analyzes existing frameworks and proposes a new perspective on youth participation.

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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Article summary with Education policy for agency and participation by Biggeri - 2015 - Exclusive


Biggeri (2015) explores the application of the capability approach to education policy, emphasizing its potential to promote agency and participation among children and youth. He argues that traditional education policies often fail to acknowledge the importance of individual capabilities and their development through meaningful participation.


This chapter draws on the theoretical framework of the capability approach, integrating concepts like functionings, capabilities, and agency with considerations of education policy and practice. It employs a conceptual and analytical approach, drawing on existing literature and policy documents to examine the potential of the capability approach in this context.

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Article summary with Participation, citizenship, and well-being: Engaging with young people, making a positive difference by Barber - 2009 - Exclusive


Barber (2009) argues that meaningful participation in society is crucial for young people's well-being and citizenship development. He critiques traditional youth participation models that often lack authenticity and power, hindering positive outcomes.


The article utilizes a conceptual and theoretical approach, drawing on existing research and literature on youth participation, citizenship, and well-being. It does not present original empirical data but analyzes existing frameworks and proposes a new model.


Critique of existing models:

  • Tokenistic participation: Young people are involved in superficial activities with little real decision-making power.
  • Instrumental
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Artikelsamenvatting bij Intergroup contact and prejudice reduction: Prospects and challenges in changing youth attitudes van Tropp e.a. - 2022 - Exclusive


Dit artikel belicht de vooruitzichten en uitdagingen van intergroepscontact als interventie om vooroordelen te verminderen en intergroepsattitudes te verbeteren bij jongeren.


Intergroepscontact, waarbij leden van verschillende groepen met elkaar omgaan, wordt al lang beschouwd als een sleutel tot het verminderen van vooroordelen en het bevorderen van tolerantie.

Belangrijkste bevindingen

  • Positieve effecten: Intergroepscontact kan leiden tot significante afnames in vooroordelen en stereotypen, en tot toenames in empathie, intergroepsvertrouwen en vriendschap.
  • Optimale condities: De effectiviteit van intergroepscontact hangt af van verschillende factoren, zoals de mate van gelijkheid, status en
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Artikelsamenvatting bij The developmental niche: A conceptualization at the interface of child and culture van Super & Harkness - 1986 - Exclusive

Dit artikel beoogt een objectieve analyse te presenteren van het concept van de "developmentale niche". De niche belicht de interactie tussen kind en cultuur en beïnvloedt de ontwikkeling van kinderen op diverse manieren. We bespreken de definitie, componenten, onderzoeksmethoden, relevante bevindingen en implicaties van de niche voor de ontwikkeling van kinderen.

Definitie en componenten van developmentale niche

De developmentale niche omvat de fysieke en sociale omgeving waarin een kind zich ontwikkelt. Deze omgeving omvat zowel directe (ouders, verzorgers) als indirecte (culturele waarden) invloeden. De niche kent drie componenten:

  • Fysieke setting: De fysieke kenmerken van de omgeving, zoals de woning, buurt en speelruimte.
  • Sociale
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Exclusive (for members with extra services and online access)

Samenvatting van Pedagogiek in beeld: Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening van Van IJzendoorn en Van Rosmalen - 3e druk - Exclusive

Samenvattingen per hoofdstuk bij Pedagogiek in beeld: Een inleiding in de pedagogische studie van opvoeding, onderwijs en hulpverlening


  • Hoofdstuk 1 - Wat is pedagogiek en hoe doe je empirisch pedagogisch onderzoek?
  • Hoofdstuk 2 - Hoe kun je goed onderzoek doen met statistiek?
  • Hoofdstuk 3 - Uit welke bronnen kan informatie gehaald worden?
  • Hoofdstuk 4 - Welke pedagogische ideeën staan ten grondslag aan de gehechtheidstheorie?
  • Hoofdstuk 5 - Wat is de rol van neurobiologisch onderzoek binnen de pedagogische wetenschappen?
  • Hoofdstuk 6 - Wat is de invloed van genetica op de ontwikkeling van een kind?
  • Hoofdstuk 7 - Welke cultuurverschillen in opvoedingsstijlen zijn er te vinden?
  • Hoofdstuk 8 - Wat zorgt voor onzekerheid bij ouders betreffende hun manier van opvoeden?
  • Hoofdstuk 9 - Hoe zijn de ouderrollen verdeeld en wat is het verschil in opvoeding tussen jongens en meisjes?
  • Hoofdstuk 10 - Wat is de invloed van nieuwe
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Check or search within topic: Social pedagogics and Social pedagogical assistance
Displaying 9 - 12 of 87
Article summary with Gifted students by Worrell a.o. - 2019 - Exclusive

This study explains the concept of gifted students and the problems regarding their education in the United States. The definition of a gifted student is a student that excels particularly in a specific area in comparison to their peers. It has been recognized that these students need special educat...


Educational science and pedagogy: Summaries and Study notes

  • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Educational science and pedagogy
  • Summaries with courses and educational programs in NL: Educational science and pedagogy

Summaries with fields of study and...

What is critical pedagogics?

Critical pedagogy is a field of study and a social movement that challenges traditional education and its role in society. It emphasizes questioning power structures, social inequalities, and dominant ideologies. What are the main features of critical pedagogics?

  • Empowerment: Aims to e...


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Selected spotlight content related to Social pedagogics and Social pedagogical assistance
What is social pedagogics?

Social pedagogy is a field of study that focuses on the holistic well-being, learning, and social integration of individuals across their lifespans. It emphasizes the importance of relationships, social context, and informal learning environments. What are the main features of social pedagogics...

What is critical pedagogics?

Critical pedagogy is a field of study and a social movement that challenges traditional education and its role in society. It emphasizes questioning power structures, social inequalities, and dominant ideologies. What are the main features of critical pedagogics?

  • Empowerment: Aims to e...


Educational science and pedagogy: Summaries and Study notes

  • Summaries with fields of study and topics of interest: Educational science and pedagogy
  • Summaries with courses and educational programs in NL: Educational science and pedagogy

Summaries with fields of study and...

Organizations related to Social pedagogics and Social pedagogical assistance

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