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What is sociology?

  • Sociology is the scientific study of human societies and social behavior. It examines how people interact, form groups, and create cultures, looking at both small-scale interactions and large-scale social structures.



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Artikelsamenvatting bij What is self-injury? van Whitlock - 2010 - Exclusive

Wat is zelfbeschadiging?

Zelfbeschadiging, of non-suicidal self injury (NSSI), wordt gedefinieerd als het vrijwillig toebrengen van schade aan het eigen lichaam, waarbij het doel niet zelfmoord is. Onder zelfbeschadiging verstaan we bijvoorbeeld snijden in de huid, de huid kapot krabben, brandwonden toebrengen, slaan of stompen van het eigen lichaam met de handen of een object of objecten onder de huid aanbrengen. Het gaat vooral

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Artikelsamenvatting bij A Longitudinal Examination of the Interpersonal Theory of Suicide and Effects of School-Based Suicide Prevention Interventions in a Multinational Study of Adolescents van Barzilay e.a. - 2019 - Exclusive

Wat was de aanleiding voor het onderzoek?

Onder adolescenten zijn opvallend hoge cijfers van zelfmoordpogingen en zelfmoordgedachten waar te nemen. Deze studie richt zich op het testen van de effectiviteit van zelfmoordpreventie op scholen in Europa. In een eerder gerandomiseerd gecontroleerd onderzoek werd het effect van drie verschillende interventies vergeleken met een controlegroep, het ging om de volgende interventies:

  • Question, Persuade and Refer (QPR)
  • Youth Aware of Mental Health educational Program (YAM)
  • Professional screening of at-risk pupils (ProfScreen)


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A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety - Moffitt et. al - 2011 - Article

Summary with the article: A gradient of childhood self-control predicts health, wealth, and public safety - Moffitt et. al - 2011

To improve citizen's health and wealth, policy-makers are considering large-scale programs aimed at self-control. Self-control refers to the ability to delay gratification, control impulses, and modulate emotional expression. It is one of the earliest and most ubiquitous demands that society places on their children. However, one question remains to be answered before policy-makers can decide on actually implementing such programs. That is, whether self-control can be proven to be important for the health, wealth, and public safety of the population. This question is the main research question in the present study.

In this study, a cohort of 1,000 children was followed from birth to the age of 32. Throughout these years, the participants were examined on their level of self-control. SIn fact, success at many life tasks critically

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Relationship between Science and Democracy - Ravetz (2006)

Summary of Science and democracy (The No-Nonsense Guide to Science, Chapter 7) - Ravetz - 2006

The relationship between Science and Democracy

Science and democracy are two of the positive themes associated with our age. Our societies and institutions are judged partly by how they meet the criterion of democracy, and it is now accepted universally that science is the base of economic growth that allows our modern democracies to excel. Therefore the relationship between democracy and science

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The use of outpatient mental health care services of migrants vis-á-vis Dutch natives: Equal access? - Koopmans - 2012 - Article

Summary with the article: The use of outpatient mental health care services of migrants vis-á-vis Dutch natives: Equal access? - Koopmans, Uiters, Deville, Foets - 2012

Although migrants have a higher risk and frequency of mental health problems, not much is known about the use of mental health care among European migrants. Ethnic minorities in North America are less likely to seek mental help than other groups, regardless of their health.

This research uses the definitions from Andersen's behavioural model to investigate the differences in health care usage between migrants and natives. This behavioural model is used in health care to demonstrate which factors lead to the use of health care services. These factors include risk factors, protection factors, and needs. The model is used for

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Boeksamenvatting bij de 1e druk van Waarom werken wij? van Luijk

Waarom werken wij? - Chapter 1

‘Waarom werken wij?’ is een vraag waarvan veel mensen het antwoord weten, zoals vaker het geval is bij sociale wetenschappen. Deze algemeen bekende antwoorden zijn juist interessant om te onderzoeken: het vanzelfsprekende ter discussie stellen levert nieuwe, verrassende antwoorden op. In dit proefschrift van Frank van Luijk staat de vraag “Waarom werken wij?” centraal.

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Article summary with About but not without: Recently arrived refugees’ understanding of and expectations for integration within a local policy context in the Netherlands by Damen a.o. - 2022 - Exclusive

Introduction Damen et al. (2022) explore the understanding and expectations of recently arrived refugees regarding integration in the Netherlands. They move beyond solely studying policy perspectives and delve into the refugees' own experiences and aspirations, emphasizing their agency and participa...


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Selected spotlight content related to Sociology
Summary of Society the basics by Macionis
  • 1: The Perspective, Theory, and Method of Sociology
  • 2: The Workings of Culture
  • 3: Socialization Process, a Lifelong Process
  • 4: Social interaction in Daily Life
  • 5: The Workings of Groups & Organization in Society
  • 6: Sexuality and its Impact ...
Sociologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat

Samenvattingen en studiehulp bij Sociologie Inhoudsopgave

  • Maatschappij en rechtssociologie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Sociologie van communicatie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Sociologie van werk en organisatie: De beste studieboeken samengevat
  • Werken e...

What is sociology?

Sociology delves into the fascinating world of human societies, exploring social life, social change, and the social forces that shape our behavior. What are the main features of sociology?

  • Scientific Lens: Sociology uses systematic research methods like surveys, experiments, and data ...

Spotlight: favorites

Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Sociology
Spotlight summaries related to Sociology
Boeksamenvatting bij Sociological Theory van Ritzer
  • 1. Introductie
  • 2. Karl Marx
  • 3. Emile Durkheim 
  • 4. Max Weber
  • 5. Georg Simmel
  • 6.  De latere jaren van de sociologie
  • 7.  Structureel functionalisme, neofunctionalisme en conflicttheorie
  • 10. Symbolisch interactionism...
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