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What is psychometrics? - Chapter 1

Psychometrics play an important role in daily life. Whether you are a student, teacher, parent, psychologist, mathematician, or physicist; everyone has to deal with psychological tests. Psychological tests can have influenced your educational career, career, health, prosperity and so on. Psychometrics can even influence questions about life and death. For example in some countries, people with a severe cognitive impairment (significantly below average) can not receive the death penalty. But what is significantly below average? And how can we determine if the intelligence of an individual is below this limit? These kind of difficult questions can be answered through psychological tests. All in all, we can therefore say that psychometrics extends beyond psychological research. Psychometrics play a role in daily life, everyone has to deal with it.

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What is important when assigning numbers to psychological constructs? - Chapter 2

In psychological tests, grades are assigned to traits to show the difference between the traits of the different test subjects. Measuring is the assignment of a figure to objects or to characteristics of individual behavior according to a certain scale. Scaling is the way numbers are assigned to psychological traits.

What are the fundamental problems with numbers? 

In psychological measurements, figures are used to show the level of a psychological characteristic. The figures can apply to different properties in different ways.



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What is the Item Response Theory (IRT) and which models are there? - Chapter 14

What is IRT?

The Item Response Theory (IRT) is an alternative to the classical test theory (CTT). The IRT identifies and analyzes the measurements in behavioral sciences. The reaction of the individual to a certain test item is influenced by characteristics of the individual ( trait level ) and properties of the item (difficulty level). 

  • For a difficult item/question someone needs a high ' trait level' to be able to give a correct answer.
  • Conversely, with an easy item / question, someone with a low ' trait level' is enough to give a good answer.
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What is the generalizability theory? - Chapter 13

The Generalizability Theory (G theory) helps us to distinguish the effects of multiple facets and then to use different measurement strategies. It is an ideal framework for complex measurement strategies in which several facets influence the measurement quality. This is a fundamental difference compared to the classical test theory (CTT), where different facets are not assumed.

What is a facet and what role do facets play in the complexity of a measurement strategy?

According to the G

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What is a confirmatory factor analysis? - Chapter 12

In chapters 4 and 8 we discussed the internal structure (i.e., dimensionality) of a psychological test. As we briefly introduced there, the internal structure of a test has to do with the number and nature of the psychological constructs that we measure with the items. One way to identify those constructs is through factor analysis. In this chapter, we will discuss factor analysis, and in particular confirmatory factor analysis (CFA).

What are EFA and CFA used for?


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What types of test bias are there? - Chapter 11

In the previous chapter we discussed response bias, a common threat to the psychometric quality of tests. In this chapter we discuss the second major threat: test bias. Test bias arises when the true scores and the observed scores differ between two groups. Think of men and women as two groups. The emphasis of test bias is therefore on systematic differences between groups of respondents. Please note that the identification of differences between groups does not necessarily mean that there is also (test) bias; it may be that these differences are actually present in reality that way. 

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Studiegids met oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens voor Advanced Research Methods and Statistics aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens bij Advanced Research Methods and Statistics aan de Universiteit Utrecht


  • Oefententamen ARMS voor psychologen
  • Oefententamen ARMS shop 2019/2020
  • TentamenTests bij het boek: Discovering statistics using IMB SPSS statistics van Field - 5e druk
  • Oefententamen SPSS skills exam
  • Advice for passing your statistics courses

Studiegids voor tentamens halen van Kennismaking met Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek (KOM) aan de Universiteit Utrecht

Studiegids met oefen- en voorbeeldtentamens voor:

  • Vak: Kennismaking met Onderzoeksmethoden en Statistiek
  • Instelling: Universiteit Utrecht

Study Guide with practice exams for Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods at the University of Groningen

Practice exams with Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods at the University of Groningen

Table of content

  • Practice exam with Theoretical Introduction to Research Methods - 2018/2019
  • ExamTests with the book: Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information of Morling - 4th edition



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Samenvatting van SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant - 6e druk

Samengestelde samenvatting, gebaseerd op de SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant, 6e druk uit 2016. Deze samenvatting is zowel te gebruiken bij versie 24 van IBM SPSS als bij andere versies. Bij gebruik van andere versies kan het voorkomen dat de opties een soortgelijke naam hebben gekregen of een ...


Introduction to Statistics: in short

  • Statistics comprises the arithmetic procedures to organize, sum up and interpret information. By means of statistics you can note information in a compact manner.
  • The aim of statistics is twofold: 1) organizing and summing up of information, in ...

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Spotlight stories and suggestions related to Statistics and Data analysis Methods
Samenvatting van SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant - 6e druk

Samengestelde samenvatting, gebaseerd op de SPSS Survival Manual van Pallant, 6e druk uit 2016. Deze samenvatting is zowel te gebruiken bij versie 24 van IBM SPSS als bij andere versies. Bij gebruik van andere versies kan het voorkomen dat de opties een soortgelijke naam hebben gekregen of een ...

SPSS Bijbel

SPSS "Bijbel" Een praktisch en concreet handvat over hoe je SPSS het beste in kan zetten, opgedeeld rondom:

  • Het univariaat lineair model
  • Bilineaire modellen
  • Clusteranalyse
  • en een uitgewerkte oefening

Bron: internet, Joris Pieters 2006

Spotlight summaries related to Statistics and Data analysis Methods
SPSS samenvatting

Deze bundel bevat een samenvatting van SPSS en is gebaseerd op de 24e versie. De volgende delen zijn beschikbaar: Wat is SPSS: een introductie (1) Definities en begrippen in SPSS (2) Afhankelijke en onafhankelijke variabelen (3) Meetschalen van variabelen (4) Gemiddelden berekenen (5) Variantie bere...

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