Strategic Management?

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Operations and Supply Chain Management, Chapter 1 &2

1. What is Operations and Supply Chain Management?

What is Operations and Supply Chain Management?

Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) is the design, operation, and improvement of the systems that create and deliver the firm’s primary products and services. OCSM is concerned with the management of the entire system that produces a product or delivers a service.

What are supply networks?

For every product/service a supply network can be made. Think of a supply network as a pipeline through which material and information flow.

Success in today’s global markets requires a business strategy that matches the preferences of customers with the realities imposed by complex supply networks.


Operations refers to manufacturing and service processes that are used to transform the resources employed by a firm into products desired by customers.

Supply Chain

Supply Chain encompasses all activities and information associated with the flow and transformation of goods and services from the raw materials stage through to.........Read more


Strategic Management (B&M) - RUG - Additional practice questions


Question 1

The main factor causing the transition from corporate planning to strategic management was the work of Michael Porter and fellow academics at Harvard Business School.

  1. True
  2. False

Question 2

An intended strategy is a set of initial ethical intentions; an emergent strategy comprises actions or changes that emerge from the organization or its environment; and finally, the realized strategy is the set of strategic changes and actions that actually takes place.

  1. True
  2. False

Question 3

If a firm adjusts its strategy to ensure it is consistent with its external environment, it benefits from a:

  1. Strategic fit
  2. Strategic leadership
  3. Location within an attractive industry
  4. A license to operate

Question 4.........Read more


Strategic Management (B&M) - RUG - Practice exam (3)


Question 1

Michael Porter argued that when analyzing opportunities and threats, managers should pay particular attention to five forces that are the major threats that an organization will encounter. Which of the following forces would be affected by your customers' loyalty to your products?

  1. The level of rivalry among organizations in an industry

  2. The potential for entry into an industry

  3. The power of suppliers

  4. Substitute products

Question 2

Which of the following best describes the concept of the learning curve?

  1. Time-to-market decreases as a function of the number of innovations developed.

  2. Technical performance increases in an S-shaped curve as a function of effort.

  3. The ability

  4. .........Read more

Strategic Management (B&M) - RUG - Practice exam (2)


Question 1

Which characteristics describe monopolistic or imperfect competition?

  1. Some to vary few firms, high differentiation of products

  2. Some to vary few firms, low differentiation of products

  3. Many firms, no differentiation of products

  4. Many firms, some differentiation of products

Question 2

According to the lectures, which of the following best describes the relationship between Porter’s Five Forces analysis and the PEST analysis?

  1. A PEST analysis focuses on process issues while a Five Forces analysis focuses on content issues.

  2. A Five Forces analysis describes the industry (i.e., the micro-economic environment) that the firm is in, while a PEST describes the broader (macro-economic) environment that the industry is in

  3. .........Read more

Strategic Management (B&M) - RUG - Practice exam (1)


Question 1

According to Mintzberg (2.4 Decision-making: It's not what you think), which decision-making approach is associated with organizational behavior, Karl Weick, and the following process: enactment => selection => retention ?

  1. Doing first
  2. Being first
  3. Thinking first
  4. Seeing first

Question 2

Which approach claims that powerful people with the firm prevent learning in order to maintain their own power base?

  1. Knowledge-based view
  2. Institutionalism
  3. Communities of practice
  4. Neo-institutionalism

Question 3

In the context of efficient production and plant size, indivisibility means that:

  1. economies of scope require certain combinations of products to be produced together.
  2. co-specialized assets that must be kept together.
  3. the slope of the learning curve will be much steeper initially.
  4. .........Read more

Summary with Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy by Hillier

The following chapters of the book 'Financial Markets and Corporate Strategy' by Hillier & Grinblatt are summarized and included in the attachments:

  • Chapter 9: Cash Flows
  • Chapter 10: Risk-free Projects
  • Chapter 11: Risky Projects
  • Chapter 12: Valuation Techniques
  • Chapter 13: Corporate Taxes
  • Chapter 14: Taxes and Financing Choices
  • Chapter 15: Taxes and Dividends
  • Chapter 16: Bankruptcy Costs and Debt Holder
  • Chapter 17: Capital Structure
  • Chapter 18: Managerial Inducements
  • Chapter 19: Information Conveyed by Financial Decisions
  • Chapter 20: Mergers and Acquisitions
  • Chapter 21: Risk Management
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Displaying 9 - 12 of 37
Samenvatting Strategy: Analysis and Practice van McGee

Samenvatting geschreven bij de 2e druk uit 2010 bij het boek Strategy: Analysis and Practice van McGee - Gedoneerd aan WorldSupporter

  • Hoofdstuk 1: Het concept van strategie
  • Hoofdstuk 2: Een systematische analyse van strategie en praktijk
  • Hoofdstuk 3: Industrie analyse en ...


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