Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo

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Study association Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente


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Dimensie: summaries and study assistance

Dimensie: summaries and study assistance


Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

  • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
  • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly trying to improve the quality of their education. Apart from this, Dimensie organizes lectures, workshops, and sports more on this page
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Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 1 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info


Module 1: Psychology: an Orientation

  • Study material: Psychology by Ciccarelli et al., 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of two written subtests
  • Exam dates: 2 October 2023 (partial exam) + 30 October 2023 (partial exam)

Module 1: Introduction to Research Methodology

  • Study material: The Practice of Social Research by Babbie, 15th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a Written Test, an R-exam & assignments
  • Exam dates: 6 November 2023 (Written Test)

Module 1: Systematic Intervention Design

  • Study material: Reader Systematic Intervention Design in Psychology
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of written subtests, a project report, a project presentation, attendance to tutorials & project & handing in preparation exercises
  • Exam dates: 16 October 2023 (partial exam) + 23 October 2023 (exam)

Module 1: Project Management and Academic Writing

  • Study material: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association by American Psychological Association, 7th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is a weighted average of a group project plan, a group literature assignment, an individual writing assignment, an individual reflective report, attendance to tutorials Professional Skills & attendance tutorials Academic Writing Skills


Module 2: Social (Developmental) Psychology

  • Study material:
    • Social Psychology by Kassin a.o., 11th edition
    • How children develop by Siegler, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on two partial exams and assignments
  • Exam dates: 11 December 2023 (subtest 1) + 29 January 2024 (subtest 2)

Module 2: Data Analysis I

  • Study material: Analysing data using linear models by Van den Berg, 6th edition
  • About the exam: The final grade is based on assignments and a written exam
  • Exam dates: 4 December 2023 (partial exam) + 23 January 2024 (exam) more
Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Course Pointer with Psychology Bachelor 2 UT Twente - 2023-2024

Study material and exam info

Module 5: Health Psychology and Applied Technology

Health Psychology

  • Study material: Introduction to Health Psychology by Morrison & Bennett, 5th edition

Persuasive Health Technology

  • Study material:
    • eHealth Research: Theory and Development. A multidisciplinary approach by Van Gemert-Pijnen o.a. 2018 edition
    • Articles and readings of other courses in this module

Module 5: Psychology in Learning & Instruction

Theories of Learning and Instruction

  • Study material: articles

Research and Teaching Skills

  • Study material: syllabus

Instructional Design Project

  • Study material: articles & readings through Canvas

Module 5: Psychology of Safety

Theoretical Models of Societal Safety

  • Study material: articles

Research and Design in Safety Contexts

  • Study material: self-selected articles

Module 6: Psychopathology & Psychodiagnostics

  • Study material:
    • Psychopathology: Research, Assessment, and Treatment in Clinical Psychology by Davey, 3rd edition
    • Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Applied Psychodiagnostics: Case Report

  • Study material: Psychological diagnostics in health care by Luteijn & Barelds, 1st edition

Module 6: Mental Health in Practice (Project)

  • Study material: articles

Study material and exam info for modules 7 - 8

  • More information follows from your study association


Latest changes or updates tagged with: Summaries for psychology in Twente via Dimensie and JoHo

Bundle of Summaries of Chapters for the Theory component of Module 2

In this Bundle I added the summaries which are content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands, those are: 


Summary of Chapter 12 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


Summary of Chapter 13 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


Summary of Chapter 14 of the How Children Develop Book (Robert Siegler, 1st Edition)


Summary of Chapter 9 of the Social Psychology Book (Kassin, Fein, Markus

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Summary of Chapter 9 of the Social Psychology Book (Kassin, Fein, Markus, 11th Edition)

This is the Chapter 9 of the book Introduction to Kassin, S., Fein, S., Markus, H.R. (2021) Social Psychology, International Edition (11th edition). Which is content for the exam of the Theory component of Module 2 (Social Behaviour) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.9: Attraction & close relationships

Need to belong:

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: intense discomfort when social situations are observed
    • Public-speaking Anxiety: stage of fright when public speaking


  • Need for affiliation: desire to establish and maintain rewarding relationships. When do we need affiliation?
    • Stress --> increase need for affiliation, specially if others face same threat
      • Cognitive clarity about threat danger
      • Unity
    • Feeling lonely
    • Lack of power


Deprivation feeling about existing social

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Summary of Chapter 17 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 17 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.17: Health and quality of life

Coping chronic illness:

  • Therapeutic approaches:
    • Providing relevant information
      • Types of info:
        • Nature of a disease and/or its treatment
        • How to cope with disease and/or its treatment
        • Change behaviour in order to reduce risk of disease progression
      • Educational programmes: help people to manage a disease or reduce risk of further disease --> sense of control over their illness
    • Stress management training
      • Problem solving: prevent or minimise external problems
      • Cognitive restructuring: to identify
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Summary of Chapter 16 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 16 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.16: Pain

Functional, unpleasant, and it warns us of potential damage to the body. Reflex action, pull away from its cause or to try and reduce it in some way. May also signal onset of disease

  • Congenital universal insensitivity to pain (CUIP): die at a young age because they fail to respond to illnesses of which the main symptom is pain or to avoid situations that risk
  • Phantom limb pain: feel pain in non-existent limb, sometimes for many years

Types of pain:

  • Acute pain: lasting 3-6 six months, involving some form injury, generally pain
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Summary of Chapter 15 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 15 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.15: Impact and outcomes of illness: families/informal caregivers

Family Affair:

  • Informal carers: untrained family members or friends, no clearly defined limits to their role
    • Positive effects of training caregivers in providing --> reduced caregiver burden, reduced anxiety and depression, and improved QoL for both the caregivers and their patients

Expectancies of care:

Gendered expectancies:

Societal expectation of caring being a ‘natural’ role for women, who are ‘expected’ to find family-oriented roles fulfilling, even in the absence of financial reward

  • Caring becomes stressful -->  is judged as ‘going
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Summary of Chapter 14 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 14 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands.


Ch.14: impact/outcome illness, patient perspective


Impact of illness:

  • Generic model of emotional and coping responses from the onset of symptoms
    • Uncertainty: tries to understand the meaning and severity of the first symptoms
    • Disruption: when it becomes evident have significant illness --> crisis characterised by intense stress and a high level of dependence on health professionals and/or other people who are emotionally close to them
    • Striving for recovery: attempting to gain some form of control over their illness by means of active coping.
    • Restoration of well-being: motional equilibrium based on an acceptance of the
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Summary of Chapter 10 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

This is the Chapter 10 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


Ch.10: the consultation and beyond

Medical consultation:

Nature of encounter:

  • Phases of consultation:
  1. relationship with the patient.
  2. reason for the patient’s attendance.
  3. verbal or physical examination
  4. considers the condition.’
  5. considers further treatment or further investigation.
  • “Good” medical consultation:
  1. Good medical knowledge
  2. Good relationship with the patient
  3. Establishing patient’s medical problem
  4. Understanding of the patient’s understanding of their problem and its ramifications
  5. Engaging the patient in any decision-making process
  6. Not rushed

Who has the power?

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    Summary of Chapter 9 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 9 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


    Ch.9: Symptoms experienced and interpreted

    Sensation illness:

    • Illness: changes in bodily sensations and functions, goes to the doctor. Includes changes in bodily functions (e.g. increased frequency of urination), emissions (such as blood in one’s ­ urine), sensations (e.g. numbness, loss of vison) and unpleasant sensations (e.g. fever, pain, nausea)
      • views about health --> prior experience of illness and their understanding of medical knowledge
    • Disease: wrong organs, cells or tissues

    Perception symptoms:

    Sick recognition process: 1. Noticing, 2. Interpreting, 3. Planning/take action

    • The attentional model of Pennebaker (1982):
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    Summary of Chapter 7 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 7 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 


    Ch. 7: Health problems prevented


    • OXCHECK Study Group (1994): invited to attend a ‘health check’, participants were advised healthy-initiatives when necessary --> one-year follow-up, participants’ blood pressure levels were lower than those of people who did not take part in the screening programme
    • Body Mass Index: measurement relative percentages of fat/muscle mass body à BMI = weight (kg) divided by height (m) squared
    • Colposcopy: low-power microscope to identify cells may develop into cancer of the cervix. Sometimes follows a cervical smear if abnormalities are found.
    • Cervical smear: smear of cells taken from cervix --> examine
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    Summary of Chapter 6 of the Introduction to Health Psychology Book (Morrison & Bennet, 4th Edition)

    This is the Chapter 6 of the book Introduction to Health Psychology (Val Morrison_ Paul Bennett) 4th Edition. Which is content for the exam of the component Health Psychology of Module 5 (Health Psychology & Applied Technology) of the University of Twente, in the Netherlands. 

    Ch. 6: Behind changing behaviour

    Development interventions:

    General Health Interventions: change behaviour entire population

    • PRECEDE-PROCEED model: identifies a range of psychosocial variables that could be the target of any intervention
      • Predisposing factors: knowledge/attitudes/personal preferences/existing skills and self-efficacy in relation desired behaviour
      • Enabling factors: environment facilitate behaviour changes (availability and accessibility of resources)
      • Reinforcing factors: factors reward desired behaviour change (ex: social support/economic rewards/social norms)
    • Phases of implementaton:
    1. Social diagnosis: planners impression health problems affect community
    2. Epidemiological/behavioural/environmental diagnosis: identification and assessment health issues, and related behavioural and environmental influences
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    What is the book 'Social Psychology' by Kassin about?

    This summary is about the 11th edition of the book 'Social Psychology' by Saul Kassin, Steven Fein and Hazel Rose Markus. Saul Kassin is a Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice (US). Steven Fein is a psychology professor at Williams College in Williamstown...

    What is the book How Children Develop about?

    This summary regards the sixth edition of How Children Develop, 2020. The summary has been updated to reflect the changes made to the fifth edition of the book from 2017. The authors of the book are Robert Siegler, Jenny R. Saffran, Elizabeth T. Gershoff, and Nancy Eisenberg. They all conduct&n...


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    How does language develop? - Chapter 6
    • How does language develop in children?
    • What components does language have?
    • What are the requirements for language?
    • How does the process of language acquisition work?
    • What are the different theories on language development in children?
    How does conceptual development take place? - Chapter 7

    Concepts are general ideas or terms that can be used to group objects, situations, qualities, or abstractions, that let them become equal in a certain way.

    • How do children learn to understand who and what?
    • How do children learn to understand why, where, when, and h...

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    Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

    • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
    • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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    Summaries and study assistance by Dimensie

    • Dimensie is the Study Association to support Psychology students at the University of Twente. 
    • As a Study Association, Dimensies tries to facilitate the connection between the study Psychology and its students as well as constantly tr...

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